Chapter 6

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Louis's POV:

I watched as she walked down the gravel her legs carrying her with false confidence. I stood there finding my will to chase after her; I knew that if I did chase after her I will regret it. She is much better off without me anyways; I would just make everything complicated. I always do. But with her everything seems different.

When I first saw her in the hall I had no idea I would feel this way. To be honest I just thought she was just another girl that I could use to feel something. I didn't know she would pull me in. When I tried to forget her with Shana I couldn't. Her green eyes full and bright seemed to be glued to my eyelids. I never had anyone make me feel this way; this vulnerability was something I am not used to. No one has ever made me feel this wanted yet at the same time like I am not wanted. I could tell just by the way she looked at me in the hall that she was questioning me, her green eyes curious. But curiosity killed the cat.

I walked back to my bike the cold wind picking up. I knew in my mind I should just turn and ride my back in the opposite direction but my actions did otherwise. I was racing down the darkening road hoping to see Ellie walking on the shoulder. I squinted in the shadows hoping to see her small delicate body. I saw a small shadow walking on the shoulder, quickening the pace with each second. I focused my eyes and I saw her small shoulder her delicate arms wrapped around her small torso and her brown hair wild in the wind.

I slowed my bike until I was next to her thankfully she stopped and turn to face me her eyes cold but her features soft. She was cold, I could tell by the deep purple in her lips and her cheeks and nose being a rosy red. She looked like a small lost child that I just wanted to wrap my body around her keeping her out of harm's way.

"Ellie get on you are freezing." I said intending the words to come out strong but the wavered to worry.

"That's fine I'll walk." She said turning on her heel.

"Ellie please just get on." I said reached for her arm but she jerked her arm back.


I was taken aback by the way she said no. No one has ever said no to me they were usually begging for it by now. But Ellie wasn't anyone she was someone.

"Just let me take you home and you will never have to seem me again." I said looking down at my bike.

"But I want to see you again." She said making me jerk my head up to look at her. My mouth went dry as my eyes grew wide.

"You do?" I asked trying to hide the relief in my voice.

"No I'm not thinking straight just take me home." She said coldly getting on my bike.

"Here put my jacket on." I said shrugging it off my shoulders.

"I don't need that."

"God damn it Ellie. Put it on." I said getting irritated at how stubborn she was being.

She rolled her eyes once more then slipped my large jacket over her frail arms. I turned back and revved the engine bringing my bike back to life as I felt Ellie's small arms warp around me her cold hands sending chills over my skin. It felt nice to feel her small body pressed tightly to me. It made me feel like I was worth something like I am actually important to someone. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at how she let out a small gasp as I pulled away from the shoulder. The dark street making me feels like I could ride for hours even forever with Ellie holding on to me. But I knew that I couldn't I couldn't get attached to Ellie. She is pure. I can't drag her into my sickening world where her purity will be replaced with darkness and hatred. I didn't want her to see my life because I knew she might end up like me. I've seen to many things that would make her stomach twist with pain and anger.

I pulled across the street of her house and watched as she dashed to her front door. Before she was about to unlock the door I pulled away not wanting her parents to see me. I raced down out of her quiet neighborhood past the town square and into the brightly lighted city. I turned down a dark alley the smell of cat pee overpowering the smell of the city. I turned off my bike and lifted the seta pulling out a new jacket and flung it on popping the collar.

I swung open the cold steel door as a room fogged with smoke and a heavy drummed based music played. I walked in nodding my head sullenly at the bar tender his tight black shirt gripping to his skin. He nodded his bald head stiffly towards the direction of another large steel door marked private in large white block letters. I stalked my way to the door weaving my way through the crowd of drunk and sweaty bodies. I placed my hand on the handle of the door the cool metal sending chills up my arm. I wasn't sure if the nervousness made me jump or just the cool connection.

The door swung open and a large table surround by older lads smoking cigars and playing cards displayed in front of me. One looked up his piercing grey eyes boring into my face as he nodded his head for me to step into the room.

"Lads this is Louis. The boy I was telling you about." The man said with a thick Irish accent. "I didn't say my name when I first meet you but I'm Broach." He said snapping his finger and a lanky blond pulled a chair. "Sit." He said firmly.

I didn't want to see this man mad so I spun the chair and sat down all of their hard cold eyes looking directly at me.

"Are you sure he is cut out for the job?" a man with a bread asked Broach.

"Yes he won't be doing the dirty work just the deliveries." Broach said his voice booming off the brick walls.

"We do he start?" another man asked his accent less thick.

"Tomorrow." Broach said as I whipped my head towards him.

"What do you mean tomorrow?" I asked standing up from the chair.

He placed a cigar between his chapped old lips and looked up at me his eyes old and cold. "I mean tomorrow." He said calmly.

"Well what is it that I'm supposed to deliver?" I asked.

"You will find out tomorrow." He said blowing out the smoke and turned his head to the lanky blond. "Niall show him out." He barked and the blond stood on his feet and practically tripped over his own feet.

"I can show myself out." I snapped turning on my heel and leaving the room.

I wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have something against me. But these filthy Irish drunks have something against me that I don't even want to think about getting hurt. Why did he have to do that? Fuck up my whole home life and leave us stranded and afraid that they will find us again. And when they did I couldn't say no because they had something hanging over me that I too afraid to say no too. Whatever the fuck it is that I'm supposed to do better help clear my family name.

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