Chapter 2

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My alarm blared and I rolled over the bright red numbers flashing. I lazily slapped my hand on the clock turning it off. I pushed back the sheets in my bed the cool air sending goose bumps up my arm. I walked over to my closet it was still pouring rain making me feel tired and upset. Sometimes the weather seemed to affect my mood, when it was nice out it seemed like I felt happier but with the rain I just felt tired. I walked to my closet and threw on a light blue sweater and some jeans and some black leather combat boots so my feet wouldn't get soaked in the rain. I left my hair alone and added some mascara I just felt tired and I didn't want to do anything let alone go to school. I grabbed leather jacket with a hood attached and then my books and my book bag.

"Hurry Ellie you're going to be late!" Tatiana yelled as she was standing at the door. My parents probably had an early shift so they will be home late I semi jogged to the door and closing it behind me. I watched as she ran across the lawn to the neighbor's car as they offered to drive her to school I waved and started to walk to the bus just as I arrived the bus pulled away from the curb and sped down the street.

I ran after it but the bus left me in a cloud of exhaust I groaned it was pouring rain and I would have to walk to school. I walked down the sidewalk careful not to step in any puddles. I put my headphones in after a while and started to dance my way down the sidewalk, right now I just trying to make the day seem the least bit tolerable. I finally reached the school and walked down the hall my boots squeaky as I walked down the quiet hall.

"Great I'm late." I muttered under my breath as I walked towards the attendance office to get a slip.

I turned the corner and entered the office, a few kids slumping down in the seats waiting as I walked up to the desk area. I waited patiently until one of the office ladies came to my aid. I tapped the desk after a few minutes getting impatient. Finally one of the ladies noticed me and walked over giving me a sympathetic smile.

"No hoods inside. How can I help you?" she asked gesturing to my hood which was still on.

"Oh sorry. Can I get a late slip?" I said removing my hood and ran my fingers through my hair a bit.

"Sure thing. Why are you late?" she asked taking out a yellow slip of paper.

"I missed the bus sadly." I said with a heavy sigh. She nodded her head and wrote it down and then handed it to me with a small smile and I turned on my heels to leave.

I walked with my head down to my class; I was twenty minutes late to study hall. I didn't miss anything in study hall I mean all you're supposed to do is work on unfinished homework and study which no one does. Everyone just basically talks and messes around. I walked in and everyone turned their heads towards me, today was not my lucky day everyone seemed to actually be working in study hall. I awkwardly walked to the teacher and handed him the note and he just looked at my grimly as I walked all the way to the back of the class.

"Where were you?" Amy whispered.

"I missed the bus." I sighed slumping in my seat.

Amy nodded her head as I closed my eyes my head resting on my arms. I felt tired and hungry since I skipped breakfast; I knew I was going to be in a grumpy mood today. I could just tell. I drifted to sleep for like three minutes then the screeching bell rung making me jump and gather my things in a rush.

The day seemed to float by slowly until it was time for lunch, I was anxious to get my food my stomach has been growing since I stepped foot in the building. Amy and I walked into the lunch room walking to the line nothing looked the least bit good, so I grabbed a slice of cheese pizza with some grapes and a water bottle. I placed my tray on the scale and paid for my food following Amy to our lunch table. When someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in the other direction as everyone stared.

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