Chapter 20

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Ellie's POV:

We walked into a crowded bar, most of the people in here were close to our age and there was a band performing on the stage and a few people gathered in front of them dancing and such. I went to grab Louis's hand but I just grabbed air. I looked over to see Louis laughing and talking to the black haired girl again. I forgot he name but it was probably slutty.

"Hey over here!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I looked over to see Jade he hair no longer lavender but a bleached blonde and her makeup was light and simple. She looked extremely pretty. I smiled and turned on my heel taking one last look at Louis having a splendid time and just rolled my eyes and walked over to the table.

"Hey!" Jade smiled scooting over a bit to leave some space for me.

"Hi." I smiled shyly.

I looked up to see Harry smiling over at me. "What?" I asked looking at him confused.

"Nothing." he said with a smirk.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

"No your fine. Do you want a drink or something?" he asked getting up.

I looked back at Louis he was laughing and banging on the bar with what's her face almost sitting on his lap. I was going to have to be drunk to get through tonight that's for sure.

"Here I will go get the drinks." I said getting up. "Do you guys want anything to drink?" I asked the booth.

"We can all have a beer." Liam said looking at everyone nodding his head.

I nodded and swiftly walked over to the bar. I made my way right infront of Louis and his friend making sure he could see me. The bar tender hair fair hair and was tall with grey eyes and I smiled leaning over te counter some more.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hey." he smiled back. "What can I get you beautiful?"

"Can I get six beers?" I asked.

"I.D.?" He said leaning in a bit.

"Do you really need to see my I.D.?" I whispered in his ear. Careful to run my fingers through his hair.

"No I don't." he said his face gaining color. I winked and he turned and went to grab six bottles of beer.

I stood there leaning against the bar twirling pieces of my hair. I glanced over to Louis who was looking at me with confusion and seemed to ask me what the hell I was up to. He came back and handed me the drinks.

"Thanks babe." I smiled and leaned over the counter and kissed him on the cheek.

"Louis." I said with a nod and turned back to the table.

I could feel his eyes on me and I was telling myself not to look back because if I looked back I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my emotions intact. I placed the beers infront of everyone and Niall looked at me curious.

"What?" I asked him.

"I don't remember asking for a drink." he said.

"Niall are you Irish?" I asked even though I knew he was from his accent.

"Yea...but..." he began to say but I cut him off by opening the bottle and gesturing it towards him to drink. He looked at me and then to the drink and then at be again. "What the hell." he said then too a drink.

I sat back down and I felt some one nudge my leg. I look across to see Harry sitting there smirking.

"Really?" I asked him laughing at his little childish game.

"Really." He said nudging my leg again.

I kicked him back and he winced jokingly and kicked me back I looked back at him and mouthed "ass" and he just smiled like he knew he was. He stopped kicking me and looked up in wondered what he was looking at when I saw Louis and the dark hair chick walking over here. I got up an moved to the side of the booth that Harry was sitting on to leave them some room.

She held his hand and pulled him to sit first and she sat on his lap twirling her fingers through his hair. I just stared at them my jaw clenched. Louis was laughing talking to Zayn while the chick was talking to Jade.

"Ellie?" I heard Harry say shaking my shoulder slightly.

"Yea?" I said turning to look at him.

"Ally asked you a question." Harry said softly.


"She's obviously too drunk to even function properly. I meant only after one beer she has no spine." the girl with the dark hair scoffed looking at me shooting daggers from her eyes.

"No it's just that I don't remember you." I said with a smile. "But then when you started talking I knew I've heard that annoying bitch voice anywhere."

I could see Louis chew on his lip ring trying to stifle a laugh and I felt Harry chuckle next to me. Jade looked over at me and raised a brow and smiled lifting her cup to cheers to me. So now that I put a name to her the memories flooded back to tht night watching her and Louis walk in right after they did some dirty deed and I remeber my heart drop to the pit of my stomache. I finished off my beer and then reached for Harry's who only had a few sips of his and chugged his down.

"I'll go get you another." Harry whispered in my ear as I let out a sigh.

Tonight was going to be a game of who can put up with eachother the longest and I was determined to win.

Authors Note:

Okay sorry another short one but like I didn't want to do Louis's POV and have this chapter feel really long so another update will be coming soon ahhh sorry if it wasn't all that good too.

Thanks for reading and love youuuu xxx.

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