Chapter 3

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I woke up the light shining through my window making my head hurt and my eyes adjust to the light. I turned over looking at my clock it read five forty, why the hell am I awake at this time. I groaned and pushed myself up yawning and stretching my arms out. I leaned over and turned on my laptop and then immediately clicked the printer icon so my essay will print out. While the printer was working on my essay I picked up my books that had fallen to the ground while I slept and slipped all my homework pages into their specific notebooks and then shoved my physics and English text book with all my notebooks in my bag and grabbed my warm pages of my history essay and slipped them in my history book and shut off my computer.

I walked to my bathroom rubbing my eyes and turning on the light my eyes adjusting to the new brightly lighted area. I looked like a complete mess in the mirror my hair was sticking up everywhere and I had bags under my eye and to my great luck a pimple was starting to form on my chin. I washed my face and put some benzoyl peroxide on my pimple and applied some cover up and foundation under my eyes and some mascara. I combed down my hair and brushed my teeth as I sluggishly walked out of the bathroom and to my room. I slipped off my pajama top and put on a bra and reached into my closet and pulled on a grey hoodie and dark washed jeans and slipped into my black converse and pulled on my army green jacket over my hoodie. I grabbed my bag and my history book then slipped my phone in my jacket pocket.

I felt like I was in a dream just floating by this morning my eyes struggling to stay open by the time I reached the kitchen the oven clock read six twenty-five. I grabbed a banana and walked out of the door I decided to walk to school to try and clear my mind and wake me up a bit. The air was moist from the previous days of rain and the sky was dark grey overcast. I walked down the street, I felt like a zombie because of how tired I was not even the cool water from the sink seemed to wake me. The cool moist air hit my face sending chills down my spine and causing my cheeks to turn pink in color. I arrived at the school some students entering the school some sleeping in their cars. I walked in the school building escaping the cool morning and sat down on some stairs near my art class.

I pulled my hood over my head and rested my head in my lap closing my eyes for a bit and feeling so happy that I could. I should've started my essay sooner and it's my fault that I waited until the last minute but my mind has been so out of it lately. All I could think about is Louis I know I shouldn't be but somehow he keeps appearing in my mind. I could clearly see his face his blue eyes that I could get lost in for hours, that smirk that always played on his lip, the way he would bite on his lip ring pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, and all of his tattoos that seemed to cover his arms perfectly. I opened my eyes realizing that I felt this warm sensation in my stomach I shook my head trying to clear the thoughts of him and try and focus back on my school work.

"Hey." A familiar voice said and I looked up to see Clarissa her blonde hair pulled back and her icy blue eyes underneath a pair of glasses. She seemed to pull off the look but if I tried that I would look like a complete nerd, she on the other hand looked perfectly normal.

"Hi." I said forcing a smile as she sat down next to me.

I realized that the hallway was now full of students leaning against the lockers and chattering amongst their peers. I sat down watching as everyone talked the seemed to grow louder and louder by the second as more and more people arrived. Then as I scanned the lockers only one person seemed to catch my eye. Louis. His hair was combed in the perfect fringe, he was wearing a shirt that said have a nice day with a smiley face that had three eyes above the lettering and a maroon hoodie scrunched up by the elbows as he leaned against a locker his arm above the small girl who was talking to him. He seemed like he wasn't interested in what the girl was talking about he was just interested in what she had to offer.

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