Chapter 25

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Ellie's POV:

I woke up to beeping and bright lights. I looked around the room and the walls were a beige color and tv in the corner playing some soap opera and my mom asleep in the corner on a chair that doesn't look comfortable at all.

My head was throbbing and I lifted the thin blanket off my legs which had a bandages wrapped around my thighs.

"Elizabeth thank god you're up." my mother said drawing my attention away from my legs.

I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me and straightened her scrub shirt. "You have no idea how disappointed and disillusioned I am right now Elizabeth. First you lied about where you were so when we had to talk to the officers we looked like horrible parents having no idea where our daughter was and the people she was with last. And you know how image is everything and when it's one in the morning and sirens are around your home the neighbors start to wonder. God forbid anything happen to you thank god your injuries are minor and not major." she said and I just sighed deeply.

I knew she was going to lecture me I was expecting it. This was not new to me. I knew she cared more about how my actions can ruin her image as a world renounced doctor and that my reckless actions not only effect myself but others around me and how I have to be more careful and responsible. I let her continue talking because I learned how to just ignore what she is saying because it would start about me and how I need to be responsible in life then turns to being all about her.

"Another thing Elizabeth, you know I do not approve of Louis but I was getting used to him and then this happened how do you think this whole incident made me feel? Once you leave which should be tomorrow afternoon if I'm correct. I do not want you to see Louis. I actually forbid you from seeing Louis. Do you understand?" she said standing now at the end of my bed and looked up from the clipboard her brow arched with inquiry.

"Yes." I croaked out.

With the nod of her head she set down the clipboard and grabbed a water bottle from her bag and placed it on the end table near my bed.

"I'll be back to change your bandages later tonight."

I nodded my head and uncapped the water bottle and placed it against my lips. The cool liquid felt refreshing against my dry throat and it cooled my whole body. And I picked up the remote an flipped trough the cable channels.

"Hello babe." an also familiar voice called from the entry way of the room.

"Louis." was all I could say when my eyes met him.

"Ellie." he smirked.

He had a few cuts on his face and his eye was now yellowing and green and he had a bandage on his right arm but other than that he looked perfect as always.

He walked over taking off his jacket and placing it in the end of the bed and sat down on the bed by my feet. His smirk gone and now replaced with a serious look.

"Louis what's wrong?" I asked moving the bed so I could sit up.

"You know that one week were I wasn't in town. And when I came back that night I was with you." he began to say.

"Yea so?"

"Well I was in London and while I was in London I got into it with some bad people and I owe those bad people a lot of money and then thing got out of hand and I dug myself in a deeper hole." he said then let out a sigh like he's been holding his breath the entire time.

"So those people were the ones you owed money too?" I asked trying to put two and two together.

"Yes but I didn't owe them money initially my dad did because he is a wanker and jerked them off. Then they found me in London and traced me back here." he said.

"Well then that explains things." I smiled trying to make this light hearted.

He got up and walked over to me and grabbed my hand and placed it in his bandaged hand. I looked up at him curiously and his eyes watered a bit and he swallowed hard.

"Ellie you must know that I didn't plan on you getting hurt or involved in this at all. To be honest at first I thought I would just have some fun with you and be done with you but then I began to fall and Ellie god damnit I fell hard for you an I left to London thinking that you'd forget about me because god only knows that I would never be able to forget about you. But I couldn't stand knowing that that prick Tanner was trying to get with you so I came back planning to beg you to love me or something and then this happened and I couldn't see you get hurt and now your in a hospital bed with cuts and bruises all because of me." he said quickly as the tears built up.

I looked up at him and smiled and he looked at me confused. "Louis come here." I said motioning to come closer and I draped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer so that our lips were touching. The kiss wasn't urgent and needy it was slow and sweet like if he left right now this was the kiss he would want me to remember. His lips tasted salty from the tears that escaped his eyes. Which made the kiss even more remember able because it wasn't just a kiss but something more.

He pulled away and I wiped the tears from his cheeks and he grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

"Damn, you're something else."

Authors note:

Sorry if this sucky as well like oh my god I feel like this sucks so much sorry.

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