Chapter 24

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Ellie's POV:

It hurt at first a sharp pain that traveled throughout my leg but now I was just numb I couldn't feel anything. My body was cold and my hair dripping water and I looked at Louis and he looked like he hasn't sleeped in weeks. Not that I look any better.

I have no idea how long we've been here but I'm pretty sure it's been a day my stomache is growling and I'm cringing in pain not because of the torture but because I feel as though my stomache is eating itself. I tried talking to Louis but all he did was shut me out he would look at me pain and sorrow all over his face then he would look away.

I don't know why we are here and frankly all I care about is getting out of here. I know Louis is trying to help him but by him just sitting there watching as this all happens I feel like he isn't really putting effort in trying to get us out of here and I just wish that he would.

"Louis." I say for the hundredth time.

"Ellie...please." he chokes out.

"No Louis, just give them what they want." I said trying to turn.

"I can't...I wish I could but I can't." he said finally making eye contact with me.

Then he would look down at my legs and see the various knives that they had stabbed into my body. Yes I hurts like hell but that's not important I just to get out of here and Louis not doing anything to help is only making things worse. He looked back up at me his blue eyes which were once bright now dim.

"I'm so sorry. Ellie I'm so fucking sorry."

"Louis it's okay. It's not your fault."

"Yes this is all my fucking fault."

"Louis, it's not your fault at all."

"Ellie goddamnit you think you know everything but you don't." he said looking up at me his fist balled in anger.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked my words getting stuck in my throat.

"I fucked up. I fucked up big time." he said simply.

"Louis no you didn't." I reassured him.

Whatever's he has done he couldn't have know that something like this would happen he couldn't have predicted that this would happen. No one could've.

"I'm a fuck up Ellie." he said.

"Lou-" my words were cut off when someone came in. The large metal door slammed against the concrete wall. that's when they walked in dressed in all black matching thier eyes.

"You're running out of time Tomlinson." Marco spat pulling a knife quickly out of my leg as I cringed.

"What are you talking about?" Louis asked so confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Marco said.

"If I did I wouldn't have asked you what you were talking about you dip shit." Louis said back.

"Don't test me." Marco said taking a step towards Louis.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Louis said sarcastically back to him.

"Where is it?" Marco asked I could tell he was getting anxious because he was pacing around the room twirling the knife in his hand.

"Where is what? Your balls? You're gonna need a microscope to find those." Louis said watching Marco warily.

"Don't Tomlinson." Marco said once again.

Then there were shots and I felt Marco grab my hair and pull me back so that the knife was firmly pressed against my neck and someone kicked open the metal door.

"Police drop your weapons!" they yelled storming in.

Then an agent walked in and his eyes locked on me and Marco. He ordered the officers to back up and drop their guns while two more agents walked in behind him thier guns aiming at Marco who was behind me.

"Are you sure you want to do that Marco?" the agent asked.

"Don't come any closer." Marco threatened pushing the knife closer to my neck where I could feel the warm blood trickle down.

"Marco put the knife away. Do you really want to hurt this girl. She has nothing to do with this." The agent said taking a wary step closer.

"I said don't come closer!" Marco shouted.

"Do you really want to be charged with a murder you didn't even have to commit?"

I felt Marco's grip loosen on the knife. "It's over Marco. Just drop it."

And he did he dropped it and I felt the life clatter to the ground and then guns were fired and I felt warm blood splatter on my face.

Everything else was a blur of questions. Like are you alright, how are you feeling, or do you need anything. I didn't answer the questions because I didn't know the answers to any of them I just knew that I needed to see Louis. To talk to Louis to see if he is alright just to feel him.

That's all I knew.


Authors Note:

Oh my god sorry this sucked major ball sack.

Well if you are on summer break hope your having a good one if you aren't finish off strong and remember to vote, comment, and shareeee please.

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