Chapter 9

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I woke up my body hot and the sun shining down on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and Louis was laying down his strong arms wrapped around my waist and our legs intertwined. I slowly moved my legs from his and then slipped away from his grasp earning a groan as he rolled over on his back.

"Sorry." I said pulling my hair back in a band.

"For what?" his voice groggy from sleep.

"Waking you." I said slipping off his clothes and pulling my dress over my head.

"No that's fine. I don't really just sleep with girls." He said smirking.

"I know." I said folding his clothes. "Can you take me home? My head is killing me."

"Sure." He said pulling on some pants and wiping his eyes.

I smiled and followed him out of his bedroom and down the stairs I'm already late to school so might as well just stay home and study and rest. We walked down the stairs as voices rang out from the kitchen. I suddenly got really nervous I know he doesn't live alone it's just really uncomfortable. I mean I don't know what people are thinking but I can at least get a clue.

"Louis? Is that you?" a female voice asked.

"Yes mum." Louis groaned rubbing his temples.

"Are you and your friend hungry?" she asked as we turned and the light made my head throb even more.

"No." Louis said rolling his eyes.

I looked over and the woman looked down at her hands and then gave a small smile and nodded her head and turned back to the TV. She was very pretty and she seemed really sweet but her son is being a real pain right now. I wanted to tell her that I would love to eat but Louis was already pulling me out of the house by my wrist.

We walked out the cool wind sending chills throughout my body I really wish I wore something warmer and it didn't help that I was barefoot and my dress seemed like a napkin hanging on my body. I got into Louis's car we were both quiet I don't remember much from last night but I do remember what I said to Louis in the car drive and how he didn't say anything and then me saying sorry and him saying me too. Maybe I should just forget about him or just not try and push anything between us and what happens just happens.

He pulled up to my house in a few minutes and I got out of the car and gave him a small smile and walked up the pathway to my house half hoping that I would hear Louis's footsteps running after me but I knew that wouldn't happen. I opened the door and the house was quiet as I walked in the kitchen and set my eels on the counter. I grabbed a water bottle and some Advil and then leaned against the counter replaying the memories from last night.

I laughed at the thought that I and Louis could actually work out but that is a complete lie. I walked up the stairs and slipped my dress off and wrapped a towel around me and started the shower the steam making beads of sweat start to form on my forehead. I stepped in the shower and let the warm water fall down my body I got out and dried off and slipped on a sports bra and a t shirt with some old jeans imp not going anywhere so I just let my damp hair drip down my back and shoulders.

I walked out and nearly died of a heart attack as my dress slipped from my hands to the carpeted floor.

"Hey." Louis said with a small smirk as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"How did you get in here?" I asked bending down to pick up my dress.

"The window. You should really clothes your blinds and keep it locked." He said his eyes racking my body as I blushed.

"Do you always just show up in a girls bedroom uninvited?" I asked tossing my dress in the hamper.

"No usually they beg me to their bedrooms." He said sitting at the edge of my bed.

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