Chapter 4

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Thursday went by smoothly Louis surprisingly wasn't in history class and I thought that was weird but I promised myself that I wouldn't think about him as much as I did before. The red marks that Louis left bruised and now is a deep purple and they don't hurt that much only when I touch it gives me a little sting. So far no one has noticed mainly because I've been wearing long sleeves but today looked like it was going to be warmer. I slipped out of bed and went to my bathroom washing my face and putting on some mascara and then walking in my room and decided it since it was Friday I will listen to music while I get ready. I plugged my phone into the speaker and turned on my music and Hit the Lights by Selena Gomez blasted. If everyone was asleep right now they will surely be awake now I thought to myself as I danced along to music.

I went in my closet and grabbed some jeans that were ripped by the pocket and in my knee, they came like that. I slipped them on and rolled up the ends because they were too long and then I went in my dresser and pulled out a knitted quarter sleeve that had a heart knitted on the front. I slipped into my white converse and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I grabbed my books and shoved them in my bag as I carried my physics book and grabbed my phone of the speaker and head down stairs to grab something to eat as I walked to school.

"Good Morning Ellie." My mom said sternly as I stepped down on the hardwood floor.

"Morning." I smiled slightly confused why she was mad.

"Ellie, Tatiana told me and your mother something that happened Wednesday." my dad said talking to me as if I was a child.

"And what is that?" I asked grabbing a granola bar from the pantry.

"Tatiana saw you talking to a boy with tattoos all over his body and a piercing in his lip and ears and on top of that he rides a motorcycle." My mother said shocked.

"Oh that guy has nothing." I said waving it off.

Damn Tatiana just had to be the little snitch she was born to be. She is so lucky she isn't here right now or else I would strangling her and screaming at her to mind her own business and besides that was on Wednesday why are my parents bringing it up right now on Friday. I knew Louis was no good I didn't need any one telling me to stay away from him because I knew that already but in some way somehow I always found myself with or near him and when I'm not near him or even thinking about him. I mean honestly I am trying to forget but it's hard to forget someone when they are constantly in your mind.

"Ellie are you even listening?" my mom asked breaking me out of my own little world.

"Yes I totally understand." I said hoping that was the right answer and obviously it was because they didn't stop me when I walked out of the front door.

I walked down the sidewalk eating my granola bar and just laughing at the stupid little argument that my mom thought we would have before school but she needs to understand that I am possibly the best teenage daughter she could ask for she needs to watch out for Tatiana because everyone knows she has the good looks and the charm. While I'm stuck with the smarts and the commons sense even though my parents still ride my ass, not literally but figuratively. Then I heard the similar noise that I heard on Wednesday when Louis pulled away from the curb and I turned and saw him speeding down the street and then turning sharply and stopping right next to me. Honestly I didn't know what to say to him, he pulled off his helmet, thank god he was wearing one, and shook his hair and combed it over then looked up at me his blue eyes bright.

Then I saw it he had a bruise on his cheekbone with a small scratch that scabbed up and his knuckles where scratched and bruised. I looked at him his face seemed to soften then go hard again as soon I looked back up at his face.

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