Chapter 27

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6 months later

Ellie's POV:

The rain came pounding down on the roof it was dark and the house was silent. I was just finishing up my packing while my family slept. I will be moving out tomorrow to a small apartment about a block away from my school. It was weird to leave this place. It has been one eventful year but I didn't really want to leave. But in ways I wanted to, leaving is a fresh start and I really need that. It has been exactly six months since I lasted talked to Louis. Since the last time he said he loved me and then a month later said he didn't know what he is doing with his life and he needed a break to think things over. And for about three months after I cried and didn't eat.

I always play back the day I first saw him and his blue eyes looking at me. And from that moment on I knew that once his arms wrapped around me I would be trapped in his spell and for the most part I wasn't complaining. People told us that we were rushing things but at the time it didn't feel like we were rushing things. We were both too 'in love' to care what they thought as they watched us. But there whispers quickly turned into screams and soon enough we had to get out of the rabbit hole and it took me a while to realize that life was never better or worse.

So here I was sitting on the cold tile floor as the rain came pouring down. I felt like I could take a deep breath without having someone judge me. I finished taping up the last box and labeling it with a black sharpie. I looked up at the wall where there used to be a hole when Louis told me he needed time, I remembered I felt like my whole life was falling apart and I grabbed the lamp from the small table and threw it at the wall and then fell to the ground crying. I laughed at how dramatic I was being at the time and the fact that my mom made me pay for a new lamp and fix up the hole.

I pulled myself off the floor and picked up the box and walked over to the rest that laid by the garage door. I smiled sadly at the boxes that held my life in them I wasn't sure if I was entirely ready to leave but I felt the need to hurry up and leave.

There was a knocking at the door and I was about to yell at Tatiana to go and answer it but I remembered it was close to one in the morning and everyone in the house but me was asleep. I wondered who the hell would be up and about at one and I thought that it was probably Scotty who said he was either coming over late at night or early in the morning. I jogged to the door and swung it open and the rain was pouring down as my heart fell to my stomach. "Are you insane?" I croaked out.

"It's been a long six months." Was all he said his teeth chattering and his body shaking?

I stepped aside for him to come in out of the rain and he thanked me quietly and took a step into the house and immediately his eyes fell onto the boxes and then back at me. "It's been a long six months." I repeated back to him leading him towards the fire place and tossing him a hand towel from the kitchen on the way. I didn't know how I was supposed to be feeing at this very moment. I didn't know if I should be happy or angry or just here. I had a mixture of emotions flowing through me and I couldn't pick out an individual emotion because I was feeling all of them. For a while, what seemed like hours but only was about five minutes we sat there looking at each other. Louis's teeth slightly chattering his hair dripping and his lips purple. While I had my hair falling out of a loose ponytail while I sat cross legged in my pajamas that had snowmen on them.

"So..." he trailed off and I just looked down at my hands.

I didn't know where to start and neither did he. Should I start from the beginning where I was sad, then angry and then towards the end finally getting back to realizing that I can be happy without him. So I decided to let him start and he just grabbed my warm hands in his frigid cold ones.

Louis's POV:

I couldn't find the words. I dint know what to tell her I was too afraid to tell her what I wanted and still wanted. She looked at me her eyes full of confusion as her brows furrowed together watching me. Finally I decided to speak. "I want you for worse or for better. I will was forever and ever. I broke your heart but I am willing to put it back together. Remember when you first saw me and you wanted nothing to do with me and the first time we took a photo together you wouldn't take it because you had a pimple on your cheek so we had to take the picture of you kissing my cheek in order for the picture to just show your good side when in reality your whole face is good actually its better than good it's beautiful. And I might've lost my mind in these past six months being without you. I want you. Forever and ever." I said taking to breathes in between and finally looking away from her hands to her face which had a few tears streaming down. "Shit. I'm sorry I should've stayed away but baby look what you've done to me. I'm never going to leave you have me tied down. Please don't cry just look at me and tell me you want me. Ellie god I know I screwed up like big time." I was rambling again but I couldn't stop myself I needed to hear her say it I needed to hear her say those words that I said to her.

"Wow you've had six months to think that speech up eh?" she questioned a chuckle escaping her lips.

"Actually I had something written down but I was standing out in the rain for a solid ten minutes and the ink sort of smudged so I just went off the top of my head." I laughed as I wiped away a tear from her cheek.

"Louis, you know I shouldn't forgive you." I felt my heart drop to my stomach when those words left her mouth. "Hold on let me finish." She said once she saw my face. "I will forgive you because I would be lying if I said these past six months haven't been torture without you. I'm all yours." Once those three words left her mouth I knew couldn't hold back the feeling of kissing her any longer.

My chapped lips crashed to her soft once that tasted slightly of salt from her tears and she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her as I laid her back on the carpeted floor the fire cracking in the background. Oh how I missed the feeling I got when she kissed me it was better than any other thing that I experienced and I didn't want to lose this feeling anymore because I know that if I screwed up again this would be the last time that she spoke those words and I wasn't ready for her to leave me.

She pulled away her chest rising and falling quickly, she looked so perfect lying on the floor in her snowmen pajamas and her brown hair messing tied back with her lips slightly swollen from kissing. I could take her here and right now but I knew she would say no considering that her parents are right up stairs.

"I want you so much." I breathed as I kissed her neck.

"Then take me." She spoke her words barely above a whisper for only me to hear her.

I pressed my lips to hers harshly just hearing her say those words out loud made my heart skip a few beats I needed her so badly. Being away from her for six months was like I was living in hell and so I did as she said and she was not objecting. We laid there on the floor our bodies wrapped in soft blankets as she slipped her pajamas on and I slipped on my boxers and my shirt so that if anyone ever found us they wouldn't stumble upon us just in our birthday suits. She nuzzled her head into my neck and I pulled her closer afraid that I will wake up and she wouldn't be near me anymore and that this was just a dream, al just an illusion.

"I love you." I said being the first to say it out loud as she kissed my neck softly.

"I love you." She spoke before falling to sleep in my arms.

I wasn't falling for her because I already fell for her and I fell so hard that it took me a while to realize what had happened and when I did it was too late and I couldn't tell her without hurting her even more but yet here I was with the girl that I officially love in my arms and I knew that I was in deep but I don't plan on backing out anytime soon.


ohmygod sorry for being a sucky person at updating its just life sucks even more than i do at updating

anyways sorry this is sucky just like my life lmao

hope you like it and i will promise to up date soon i think it may be the last chapter or the second to last idk tell me what you want bc i wrote this for youuu

oh and i love reading all the comments they literally make my day hugs and kisses xoxo

dedicated to 1Deverland bc i love how you comment on every chapter and i love reading your comments they literally make my life love you lotssss

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