Chapter 23

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Louis's POV:

I woke up my vision blurred a bit as I blinked bak the fog. There was a sharp pain in my face and I winced as I lightly placed my hand on my jaw. What the hell happened? I remember walking down the street with Ellie and the next thing I knew she was taken from my grasp and I was hit and then I blacked out. I stood up and looked around gripping to a cement wall for support. But all I did was fall against the cold hard wall and slid back down to the ground. I winced again. I tried getting up again my legs feel numb and I looked around at the room I was in.

There was a light bulb hanging from the ceiling a mattress with a dirty blanket on it behind me and heavy metal door that looked like it only had a handle on the outside. I was trapped.

I fell back against the wall leaning my head against the hard cement. This is all my fucking fault. Everything is my fucking fault. If it wasn't for me I would be te only one here and not Ellie. I opened my eyes wide looking for Ellie but she was no where to be seen. If I wasn't with her then she wouldn't be here in a cold dark room looking around confused and lost.

I always have to come in and screw things up.

Then some one barged through the metal door and their shadow being outlined but I couldn't see their face it was too dark. I stood up weakly the fell back down and the unknown person let out a chuckle and me being so weak.

Then I felt something pinch my neck and I turned to look up at another person this time thier face was twisted in an evil smile and my version blurred into darkness again.


My eyes opened as my eyes adjusted to the light and I looked around this new room. I was propped up in a chair plastic digging into my skin as my hands where tied down to the arms and my legs to the legs of the chair.

My hair was sticking to my forehead because of the sweat and dirt. I needed to find Ellie. I need to make sure she is okay. I need her. I looked around the room once more and then someone stepped through the door with two people following behind them and one was carrying something with him.

"Ellie..." I breathed out as they stepped into the light.

The leader looked familiar, he seemed to have that face of when you think you know someone but you don't really know them but they seem familiar. The man who was holding Ellie tied her up to the chair next to me and I looked over to get a better view. Her right eye was swollen and purple and she had a few cuts on her face. I looked away in anger my hands clutching the wood on the wooden chairs.

"Are you angry?" the man who looks familiar room a step towards me his eyes looking black.

I didn't answer I just stared at him. The anger inside me building up. If I said anything he would know that I cared for Ellie and would hurt her even more to get what he wants from me. I wouldn't let him do that. I wouldn't let anyone hurt Ellie knowing that it was because of me. I couldn't live with that. She's been through enough because of me.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Marco friends of your father. And he has something I want." he said pacing infront of me twirling a switchblade in his hands.

He glanced over at Ellie then to me again and smirked,"Wake her up." he said never breaking eye contact with me.

The one of the men that walked in with Marco grabbed a bucket and dumped water on Ellie and her eyes opened quickly as she gasped for hair. Her usually curly hair plastered straight to he face. She looked around and then turned her head and saw me and I looked and told her not to say anything. She opened her mouth ready to disagree what I was trying to say but she turned away.

Marco walked over to her placing the blade under her chin forcing her to look up at her. "It would be a shame for anything to happen to this pretty girl because of you Louis."

Then he slapped her and Ellie snapped her face to the ground as I clinched my jaw knowing if I said something, he could have done even worse to her. I looked done at her, her grey eyes rimming with tears as the whole left side of her face was red. "Louis..." she whispered to me and I slightly nodded my head.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Many things, Tomlinson...many things."

And with that he stuck his blade into Ellie's thigh and twisted as she yelled out in pain and he laughed as they mixed together in my ears and I felt myself becoming useless and trapped in my own thoughts.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the long ass wait and the horrible filler chapter but I just wanted to introduce Marco the fucking PHSYCO and yea just give you an inside in Louis and tell me what you think and maybe vote idk

And sorry for the errors oh and


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