Chapter 12

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I grabbed my coat and walked out the door. The icy concrete making me skid a little as I walked. The wind carry the excited squeals of children playing in the playground. I walked into the grass and sat underneath the tree. I don't know why I like this place so much. Maybe it's the peacefulness or the way the grass feels underneath my fingertips and the way the wind blows.

I don't know what it was but I loved it here and I wished everything felt like this. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the rough but smooth bark of the tree the cool wind sending chills done my spine.

"Ellie?" a voice asked making me open my eyes.

I looked up and there he was standing above me the wind blowing his hair around his face emotionless. "Louis? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" he asked sitting down next to like a few days ago.

"Sitting down obviously." I said rolling my eyes.

"No shit." he said with a chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I know about you and Harry." he said ignoring my question all together.

"What do you mean?"

"You went out with Harry last night I saw you guys."

"No it's not like that." I sighed.

"Like shit it isnt." he scoffed.

"No I went to get some hot chocolate and he worked there so he sat down with me it's nothing." I said waving my hand.

"Then look me right in the eye and say there is nothing going on with me and Harry." he said his voice cool.

"There is nothing going on with me and Harry."

We were both quiet me looking into his distant blue eyes. I felt so cold. My heart seemed to be slamming against my chest and I didn't like this feeling this feeling of being lost and cold.

Without a word he got up and turned on his heel and walked away leaving me to stare at him as he leaves air around me getting harder for me to breathe. My chest contracting inwardly, I wanted to cry but there were no tears to shed just the pain in my chest and the cool feeling against my skin.

I was officially alone.

The distant roar of his engine broke me out of paralysis and I stood up the wind blowing and tangling my hair as I walked away from the happiness of children playing to the dark coldness of my life ahead of me.

It's Friday a whole week has passed and I haven't seen or heard from Louis. I've stopped feeling so sorry for myself because I probably sound like a depressed teenage girl who believes she can't go on with her life without a boy to love her. I however did feel that way for the first day but then I got over it what did I expect me and Louis weren't even exclusive let alone actually dating we would just occasionally kiss and stuff. Now I making myself sound like a whore but believe me I am not a whore.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Come down the stairs! Your brother just arrived!" my mother called from the stairs.

She only ever calls me by my full name when she is irritated or calling for me in front of some one she only just met. I know she isn't irritated I would have already figured that out so there must me some one down the stairs that I have yet to meet.

I got up from my bay view window and set my book down dog tagging the page. My sister gets annoyed when I do this to books because she always feels the urge to read what I read but I do it anyways the way the creased paper feels under my fingers is a feeling I have yet to miss.

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