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The act of trying to keep everything in perfection when its anything but.

I think about it now and then i look back and realize,
Theres a reason im so afraid of time taking me in amd never letting go.

Of death what i love most and always wanted to happen,
I fear.

I keep on walking and walking everyday hoping that i dont you know fall into anything i cant get out of but im lying to myself.

I only hide away from everyone because in reality im hiding from myself.
Or so i try.

Time only makes you older and makes me wish that death had taken me sooner but then again what would the world be without me in it?

Yes i know sometimes one person gone doesnt make a difference not much at least but to those who really knew me,

Those who in amy form shape or fashion give a fuck,

Lets be honest theyd miss me.

Theyd probably try not to destroy themselves in my disapperence sort of like i tried not to,

But the world keeps turning even though for me its not even spinning at this point the worlds stopped.

Im not being dramatic its called being real.

I wouldnt mind if peiple missed me perhaps id even stick around awhile to truly understand why.

Then again they would only say how stupid i was for giving in,try to throw in pity for how sad and pathetic,
How desperatly alone i really am.

Not sad just scared,

Not even scared,

Just tired.

Tired of living,

Tited of breathing,

Tired of going on,

Tired of speaking,

Tired of walking,

Tired of being.

So yeah at this point i wouldnt care if they missed me.

To be honest i think they'd be better off without me.

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