Damn if you, damn if you dont

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It doesnt really matter but somehow i know what i want and i know what risk im taking.

They say im not ready but i say different.

You never know unless you try.

Try everyrhing once i was always told and then when you get older they tell you dont try anything.

Its too big,
Too small,
Too many,
Not enough,
Go left,
Take a right,
Turn around,
Stay where you are.

It doesnt stop there.

They know your older and they try to keep you from making the same mistakes but part of you wants to make that same mistake so you learn to not do it again.

Its unexplainable.

Kinda risiculous this thing called age to me.

If you were to drink to it,

Im never gonna age.

Im not gonna live this caged life anymore but im not gonna be as stupid as people thought I've played off as.

Im smart they dont know that.

In fact im multi talented i dont think that age applies to me much.

If im an indigo like claimed i really will never die.

Ill just never evolve and dwindle with what i knew and remember from my past.

Until then though when I'm still young and beautiful and everyone i loved has either died or continued with their lives ill still be waiting.

Waiting to go home but never really going just praying and begging for a life that was given to me.

Sure i may be pretty and im learning confidence and self esteem eventually is gonna be of import but until that day I'll maintain my own perfection.

I still find it incredibly ironic that i have so many imperfections and that was purposeful because if we were perfect then i guess all the problems perfectly here are just meaningless.

But we are made by perfect hands.

Also purposeful but in my many opinions its pointless.

If we are here to learn from mistakes made thousands of years ago then why put us back at essentially square one?

Damned if we did

Damned if we dont.

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