The Voices

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For a long time i had assumed they had left because six months and no phone call is whats best right?

Let sleeping dogs lie?

Your love is better left unsaid?

But no i dont have that luxuary especially when there is way too many people in my vicinity.

I think that's why i prefer to be alone more than they think.

I like the essence it brings.

Sure loneliness is the key to a sad life but not always unless your me and you keep seeing shit,

Hearing things that aren't supposed to be there but theyre there anyway.

You would think after a few years say seven or eight I'd be used to the fact that their prescence isnt always in fsct visie but then again they necer in fact leave.

Sure not seeing them since October is becoming a pleasant experince because theres no one to disturb me in the midst of the night with their constant shadow play.

I wouldnt be obssessing over photos of things i know i see but others cant unless pointed out.

I wouldn't actually be talking to things or for the matter that aren't visible.

Maybe thats why im trying to conceal myself with things that arent important.

My beauty now that im older and i know what im wanting.

My source of income such as where ill be living..,

Oh boy.

Living alone is going to be fun taking a shower with a thousand voices speaking together at once trying to tell you to sing.

Going to bed and seeing a mutlitude of shadows.

Talking to these people and knowing they talk back but you look crazy as hell.

Now that im older i am learning to accept it as it is... a gift.

A crazy ass,


Perhaps evil gift that has the lack of ability to stop.

Possibility of never stopping but only learning to control them.

Learning to move past it.

Thanks, guys.

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