Non- Prophet

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I cant deny the fact that somethng dod happen... oh god it did too. I cant even livw yo hide the fsct that it happened but its so stupid and embaressing to talk about.
I wasnt sure if it was completely normal to still be sore after four days, funny how i think about it its been that four days.
I did the stupidest shit a petson could have shamefully done at an early age ever: an affair.
I always knew i wasnt into single men or hell evn people i knew that because sometimes when you hear people complain so much about something and it being someone they love... its a point being proved.
I dont believe in love i am willing to fully accept that even now especially now.
So i did it to prove a point and i know its evil so fucking evil to have done what i did... i cant change time... cant change embaressment and overthinking every single little fucking thing.
I have literally prayed to beg for forgiveness God, if you can find any mercy or forgiveness above please... I'm begging. Still i dont feel anythng go away,
I dont feel any pain release or any regret and sadness leave my body just the torture of what had happened.
Its sad.
Its really sad actually to think that i was so desperate,
I was stupid enought o belive that my visions were a godsend,
They were deviks work.
I wish I'd have undersood earlier... but i belived i had a gift and i think i abused that power.
What i really cant understand is why i was so convinced that i actually had this gift...
Im so stupid.

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