Remove the "t"

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What does cant spell without a t?


What does anything in the entire world mean when theres no t?

Answers thats what.

I understand it all hurts,

Every move,

Every tear,

Every voice,


Some days you would rather lock the doors and other days you would rsther have them all open,

Its the battle of well... yourself.

You can choose to be sad or happy.

The state of mind not a state of being.

Because you may be emptipnl and may not get why your so hurt to begin with but for once in your misearble moody life,
Think about it.

Do you really want to go through thay whole episode you had for oh a year or so and then finally flip out and not remember even why you were sad to begin with?

Why you think you were crazy when all you needed was someone to take your hand and guide you.

You need someone to tell you,
To show you,
To make you happy again,

You need someone who will be there and not ever let go,

You need somone to hug you every single day and tell you how special an beautiful you are.

You need someone who isnt gonna remind you that you have problems and that you are in reality just confused.

You dont need drama.

You need to be reminded that people care,
That you mean more then you give yourself credit for inside.

I need my brother.

I need to know hes alive and he's ok and...
My pther half.

The incubus to the succubus,

My yin to the yang,

The bright side.

I cant do this alone amd that's the entire problem I've done this alone too damm long.

All im seeing out here anymore is lines,
Lines and wait for it...
More lines!

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