1: at the beginning

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Kagome looked at the ground thinking about what her mother said to her before she left to come back to the feudal era Japan.


Kagome put on her shoes just after she put on her yellow back pack "Kagome sweetie don't forget in a month or so your cousin and her family are visiting please be back before then" Kagome's mother said smiling like always "oh Akane is visiting again... It's been so long... I wonder how she is now" Kagome smiled back at her mother after talking to herself out loud "sure thing mom I'll be back before she arrives" Kagome said waving to her mother as she walked out the door to go to the well.

End of flashback

Kagome signed and looked at everyone who was now looking at her "what's wrong Kagome?" Sango asked looking concerned "it's been a month since I came back here I got to go again because my cousin and her family is coming back and if I'm not there they'll start to wonder and if I just randomly pop up one day Akane will get suspicious plus mom wants me to be there when they arrive so I just can't let her down" Kagome explained to everyone "why don't you go back then... It never stopped you before" inuyasha said, "really" Kagome said, everyone nodded "ok thanks I'll be back as soon as they go... And Inuyasha please DO NOT pop up in my world and stay here until I come back ok" Kagome said, "fine I won't pop up in your world" inuyasha sighed looking away as Kagome ran to the well.


Akane was in school, only for half of a day then her parents are coming to get her to go to Japan. Akane sat by the window like always as her best friend Lisa walked up to her "hey Akane your still going to Japan right?" Lisa asked, Akane nodded "good bring me back a little something ok" Lisa laughed as she sat in front of Akane in her usual seat "ok what do you want brought back?" Akane asked smiling "if possible maybe a cute guy" Lisa giggled as Akane rolled her eyes "ah yes because I'm so going to go up to a cute guy and be like "hey wanna come to North America with me my friend would love to meet you" Lisa" Akane laughed "well when you put it that way... Just bring me back some food or maybe... just... something" Lisa trailed off her sentence as Akane looked up to see the teacher walk in just as the bell rang "hold moly he's in here earlier then normal" Lisa sighed as she sat normally in her desk as Akane giggled.


Akane was half asleep as the science teacher talked about the heart "AKANE" Akane jumped 5 inches from her seat as the teacher called her name "yeah?" Akane asked with foggy eyes "pay attention" he said Akane nodded and payed extra attention to him speak.
The bell rang indicating that class was over and it was recess, Akane sat in her desk like always when it was recess as a group of people walked up to her "hey red head?" One of the boys in the group called out "yeah?" Akane asked as she smiled up at them. They looked at her in shock like always when she smiles at them "what's with the eyes and hair it's so unusual... Are you an alien?" One of the girls said "yup and I'm here to take over your world so bye bye~" Akane smiled got up and walked past the 'now shocked and don't know what to say now' group of people. Lisa walked in after hearing everything Akane said Lisa laughed at the group of people faces as she high fived Akane "haha you should see your faces" Lisa laughed at them while pointing out their faces, Akane giggled at her friends attitude. After the kids left Akane went back to her seat and sighed "this happens all the time... Do I really look like an alien?" Akane asked as she looked at Lisa who was distracted by a pencil on the desk rolling "Lisa?" Akane titled her head "oh huh?" Lisa said "do I look like an alien?" Akane sighed, Lisa laughed "yup and I'm the tooth fairy" Lisa died of laughter as Akane banged her head in the desk "hahahaha I kid I kid your not an alien and you do not look like one either your... Unique just like me~" Lisa giggled as Akane moved her head to the side as it was lied on the desk "really?" Akane asked "of course everyone is different... I mean if we were all the same how boring would that be... EMBRACE YOUR UNIQUENESS" Lisa done a dramatic pose as she said this. Akane sighed and hit her head in the desk again "where did I find you to Lisa?" Akane asked "in Walmart when I was trying to find the milk man" Lisa laughed at her own joke "haha did you ever find him?" Akane played along "no he keeps running away from me... Do I look scary to you?" Lisa asked posing again "yup just like Freddy" Akane laughed as Lisa went all gloomy "great now I'm not gonna sleep for a month" Lisa said sitting in her desk "haha sorry" Akane laughed just as the bell rang for recess to end "great we have MATH NOW" Lisa fell on the floor "are you dead?" Akane giggled poking Lisa with her pencil "maybe... I swear if mrs yells at me today I'm gonna start crying" Lisa said sitting up in front, because they all sit in the back and mrs doesn't like it. "Isn't we getting our test back today?" Akane wondered "great I'm gonna fail and cry today" Lisa said as gloom filled the air around her "on the bright side we have a month of vacation" Akane laughed "YES" Lisa cheered as everyone looked at her "what's y'all looking at me? Oh why loves I knows I'm fabulous" Lisa said striking a pose just as the teacher walked in "Lisa sit down" Lisa gulped and sat in her seat. The teacher looked at everyone "I'm disappointed in the marks I know you can do better" she said, Lisa sighed 'is she gonna cry' Akane thought looking over at Lisa who was shaking a bit 'if she cries I'm gonna cry' Akane looked at the teacher as she handed the others their test "Lisa" the teacher said "oh god mrs can you keep it I don't want to know" Lisa started crying "why are you crying Lisa?" Mrs asked "I failed I know I did" Lisa wiped her tears, the teacher smiled and handed her the test "you past Lisa" she said, Lisa looked at the test "I GOT A 68 YES" she screamed hugging the test as she smiled "and Akane" the teacher said in a disappointed tone of voice "you can keep mine" Akane sighed but the teacher still have her back her test "psst what you get" Lisa asked leaning over "look at it for me" Akane said as Lisa looked at the test "Akane I'm afraid to tell you this but..." Akane's heart dropped at Lisa's sad tone "YOU GOT A 89 WAY TO GO AKANE" Lisa yelled getting a be quiet from the teacher. Akane smiled with happiness and her and Lisa high fived each other.

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