3: meeting Inuyasha

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Akane woke to a loud yell from in the hallway "WAKE UP GIRLS" groaning Akane covered her ears with her pillow "WAKE UP" Akane shot out of bed "Kagome make your grandfather shut up" Akane whined but Kagome was nowhere to be seen 'hmm? That's strange maybe she's in the bathroom' Akane thought getting up and walking down the stairs "finally your up" Kagome's grandfather sighed "yeah... Hey where's Kagome?" Akane asked once she noticed Kagome wasn't at the table "she's out for a while" her mother said "where's my parents?" Akane looked confused as to where everyone was disappearing to "your father is gone to work again... And your mother she found a job here" Kagome's mother smiled 'WHAT?! I'm not staying here so why did she get a job' Akane looked disappointed "I'm not hungry" Akane sighed walking up to the room to change.

When Akane got to the room she found Kagome there "KAGOME" Akane screamed making Kagome jump 5ft in the air "geez Akane give me a heart attack" Kagome sighed covering her heart "where the hell have you been? Your mother said you were out but I didn't see you walk in through the door what did you do come in through the window?" Akane asked crossing her arms "haha Akane your losing it I did come in through the door you just never noticed me because you were to busy talking to my mom" Kagome laughed "I guess not getting enough sleep is affecting me" Akane sighed sitting on her bed "you slept good last night" Kagome said "speaking of last night... That woman she seemed like she knew my dad really good... Could she be trying something?" Akane sighed looking frustrated "eh? Akane your dad loves your mother and he loves you as well so if she did try something he'll just get up and leave so stop thinking like that" Kagome scolded Akane and slapped her in the head "aww Kagome why did you hit me?" Akane whined rubbing her now sore head. Kagome laughed "fun" she said, Akane sighed "haha that was so much fun too" Akane roiled her eyes "for me it was" Kagome smiled "not for me" Akane whined getting her clothes from the dresser "hey I have something for you its traditional clothes mom wanted me and you to wear one each for the festival today" Kagome smiled as she handed Akane a red and black kimono "oh it pretty" Akane wondered in amazement over the kimono "ok I'll change now" Akane said grabbing the kimono and walking to the bathroom. When Akane walked out of the bathroom Kagome was surprised to see that Akane actually knew how to put on the kimono "why so shocked cous?" Akane asked smiling "I didn't think you could put it on the right way" Kagome said truthfully "that was mean... Anyway you look stunning in yours" Akane clapped her hands together and tilted her head to the side admiring how Kagome looked "shut out Akane you look amazing bet all the boys be after you in your place" Kagome laughed, Akane huffed "Kagome~ that's mean" Akane whined with a pout "haha come on I want to do your hair" Kagome grabbed Akane and dragged her to her room so she can do Akane's hair.


Kagome marbled in wonder at her masterpiece "and to top it off here" Kagome had put a flower clip in Akane's hair that had beads on it pinned gracefully to hold the hair along with a little ponytail "you look beautiful Akane" Kagome smiled, Akane looked in the mirror and gasped "I love it" Akane squealed a spin around, Kagome giggled "ok my turn for you" Akane said sitting Kagome down on the chair so she can do Kagome's hair.

Kagome marbled in wonder at her masterpiece "and to top it off here" Kagome had put a flower clip in Akane's hair that had beads on it pinned gracefully to hold the hair along with a little ponytail "you look beautiful Akane" Kagome smiled, Akane ...

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