13: Going Back To The Future

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Akane watched as Kagome and Inuyasha was arguing on Kagome going back to her time. Sango looked over to see a blank face on Akane it kind of shocked her a bit considering Akane always wore a smile "AKANE are you ok?" Sango asked walking up to her "yeah do they do this all the time?" Akane asked looking at Sango "yes" she sighed "ok!" Akane smiled and ran up to Kagome and Inuyasha.

Akane stood in front of Kagome "Inuyasha she'll come back as soon as she drops me off" Akane smiled at him "what! Akane what about your family if I'm not-" "hush child I'll think of a plan ok" Akane smiled back at Kagome, Kagome looked at Akane and knew that the smile that Akane had on her face wasn't a real one in fact it was forced "no" Kagome said making Akane look at her in shock "what?" Akane asked "there's something going on with you and I want to help you so until you leave to go home I'm not coming back... Your my cousin Akane and I care about you" Kagome said, Akane looked sadden "Kagome I-" "no Akane you just forced that smile and it's not like you to do so, I want to know what happened for you to get like this" Kagome lectured Akane who was looking down "Kagome.." Akane whispered and hugged her. Kagome hugged Akane back but froze when she heard Akane crying, Kagome patted her back and glared back at Inuyasha who was shocked none the least at Akane's out burst. In fact everyone was shocked to see Akane break down so easily, Kagome wasn't letting her cousin stay here any longer so she took Akane to the well and they jumped in.

Akane looked up to see that they were under a roof noting that they have made it home, letting go of Kagome Akane started to climb the well until Kagome grabbed her hand "Akane what happened back there?" Kagome asked with sadness in her eyes "can this wait until I get in the house and after I had a nice long bubble bath?" Akane whined "ok" Kagome sighed and let Akane go. After Kagome let go of Akane she climbed up the well faster then lightning.


Akane was sighing deeply as she got in the bubble bath she made for herself after getting back from a world with no bubbles... FOR A BUBBLE BATH... That's what made Akane freak out more when she was there, plus the fact that she might have fallen for a evil demon named Naraku and was trying to kill her very own cousin and her friends so why wouldn't Akane feel so bad and not want to go home? Obviously she did the right choice coming back in the time because apparently her mother and father have planned to leave earlier then aspected so the day after tomorrow her and her mother are leaving to go back to Vancouver and her father stays here for his job.

Akane stayed silent for a bit then sunk down into the bath with only her nose sticking out so she can breathe 'maybe we should move back here? I'll get to see Kagome more often' Akane thought 'but Kagome will be going back to the feudal era more often and I'm sure as hell am not going back there' Akane rolled her eyes and started washing herself 'maybe I will go back there if I ever think of visiting here again or move here... Ya know just to see if I actually do still like that man' Akane washed the soap out of her hair 'but what if I do still like him? How will I tell Kagome? She wants to know why I wanted to leave early... Maybe I can lie to her and say I felt like mom was planning to leave early' Akane sighed deeply 'like she'll believe me she always knows when I'm lying' Akane then got out of the bath and rapped a towel around her and one for her hair.

Akane walked to her clothes on the floor and started to get changed. Leaving her hair still in the towel she walked out of the bathroom just to be greeted by Kagome's mother "oh Akane I'll take your clothes and wash it out for you" she said taking Akane's clothes "ok" Akane smiled and walked to Kagome's room. When Akane got in Kagome's room she nearly screamed and wanted to grab the baseball bat again but didn't, right there sitting on the floor was Inuyasha with Kagome on the bed, it seemed like they were talking about something before Akane walked in "oh Akane your here" Kagome smiled at her "why is he here?" Akane asked looking at Kagome with a sour look "Inuyasha and the others were worried about your break down earlier today so the others sent Inuyasha here to see if you were ok... But since I didn't know myself I told him you didn't seem fine since we came back from saving you from Naraku" Kagome explained to Akane who nodded and took her hair out of the towel and towel tried it for a little bit. Akane then took her brush and brushed her hair out "I'm fine honestly" Akane sighed "then why did you give off such deep sighs when you were in the bathroom?" Inuyasha asked with an annoyed look "WHA- HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" Akane yelled with wide eyes and ready to strangle Inuyasha "I'm also a dog demon" Inuyasha dead panned as Kagome laughed at Akane's face which was like the face you would see when someone meets Excalibur on soul eater "eek sorry I forgot" Akane sighed and went back to brushing her hair.

After brushing her hair Inuyasha was the first to speak "so why did you break down back there?" He asked, Akane huffed and crossed her arms "Ilikethisguybutidontthibkhelikesmeback" Akane said really fast which made Kagome and Inuyasha look at her with a wtf-did-you-just-say look on their faces "I like this guy but I don't think he likes me back" after Akane said that Kagome jumped up squealing like a little school girl "OH WHO IS THIS GUY?" Kagome hugged Akane "he's from our time and he's in my class... I only just thought about him when we were back in that place" Akane lied through her teeth 'oh dear god I hope you'll still take me in heaven after lying to my very own cousin' Akane prayed to God that he'll still take her to heaven "oh" Kagome wiggled her eyebrows "I told him I liked him and he turned me down so that's why I broke down... Something just happened that made me remember him that's all" Akane mentality cursed herself for lying "OH HES SUCH A JERK" Kagome yelled huffing and crossing her arms after moving away from Akane. Inuyasha just sighed and got up "ok if that's all I'll go back and tell the others your fine" Inuyasha then jumped out of the window "BYE INUYASHA" both Akane and Kagome yelled after he jumped out. Akane mentality face palmed 'has Kagome lost her touch on telling when I'm lying?' Akane asked "don't worry Akane you'll fine someone better" Kagome smiled at Akane "I hope" Akane sighed "hey Kagome" Akane started "yeah?" Kagome looked at Akane "say if one of your friends like Sango or someone were to like a evil demon what would you think of her?" Akane asked not looking at her cousin as she said this "well I'll probably let her be after all it is her life and her heart... But if he hurts her I'll hunt him down and kill him" Kagome got that scary aura around her that said I'll kill you which made Akane shiver a bit "oh" Akane sighed and got on her mattress "why the sudden question" Kagome asked with curiosity in her voice.

There was a long pause until Akane spook up "just wondering" Akane covered up in her bed and tried to get to sleep "oh ok goodnight" Kagome turned off the lights and got into bed, it wasn't long after that both girls fell asleep.


Meanwhile in the feudal era Inuyasha told everyone why Akane broke down "so some guy broke her heart" Sango said "yeah" Inuyasha sighed "guys can be such jerks why would he hurt such a wonder-" BAM Sango hit Miroku on the head with her fist "he'll never learn" Shippō sighed and they all walked back to Kaede's village, unaware that a white haired girl was showing Naraku everything that had happened and what they were saying.

Naraku looked at her "you can go now Kanna" he ordered her to leave the room and to which she did, leaving Naraku to his own thoughts that somehow kept leading to Akane and her fears plus the little break down she had just before she and Kagome left to go home, then to the part of Inuyasha saying her confessed her feelings to a human boy who was in her time era. But for some reason he didn't like the fact that the boy was a jerk not to like such a sweat and smart mouth girl with a dark and sinner side, he cursed himself for feeling such sympathy towards this girl who could easily purify him if she figures out how to use her powers 'that could never happen she isn't that bright' Naraku laughed to himself after he remembered Akane threatening to purify him and when he asked did she even know how she said no with a look of disappointment then she added but when I do you'll be the first to know with a determined face and smiling. Akane's smiling face popped into Naraku's head making him smile, once he noticed what he was doing he shock her away and moved on to more better plans like a plan to get rid of Inuyasha and his group.

Whoop whoop got a chapter done!

Omg Naraku has feelings!?

Naraku: help me I'm feeling
Me: that's alright *smiles*
Anyways next chapter will be April the 15th Friday! Yay!
Naraku: calm down
Me: I can't! :)

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