25: The Band Of Seven... Akane Losses And Serves

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Akane sat up as she heard someone outside of the hut 'ugh dudes do you know what time I went to bed last night?' Akane sighed getting up but paused for dramatic effect 'never mind I don't even know what time I went to bed last night' she walked out the hut only to be tackled by Kagome "AKANE" she yelled making Akane wince in pain "Kagome how many times have I told you not to yell at me?" Akane asked pushing Kagome off of her "I don't know five times?" Kagome said thinking "make it six times" Akane huffed walking away "TROLL" Akane yelled as she walked in the forest. Her new nickname for Naraku "WHAT?!" She spun around to see him standing behind her with an annoyed look on his face "really you'll answer to troll now?" Akane laughed "shut up what do you want?" Naraku glared, Akane calmed down and walked up to him with a smile "so sup?" She asked stooping in front of him "what?" Naraku asked confused.

Akane sighed and shook her head "what's ya at? I'm bored and I have no one to talk to... Well except for Kagome but she tackled me back then so I'm kinda afraid of her" Akane sighed, Naraku smirked and grabbed Akane's wrist pulling her in close to him "hold your breath" he demanded "huh why- AHHHH oof" Akane screamed as Naraku flew in the air but Naraku covered her mouth with his hand.

They came to a graveyard of some sorts in a cave, Akane mumbled some colourful words under her breath as she watched Naraku walk up to a bunch of bones "what are you planning on doing with those? Are you getting a dog? OMG FETCH DOGGIE" Akane grabbed a bone turning around and throwing it, she turned with a big smile on her face looking at Naraku "go fetch doggie" Akane giggled. Naraku glared at her "ok ok I'm trying to have fun God boy" Akane put her hands up in defeat, Naraku rolled his eyes and walked closer to the bones.


After sometime Naraku had put a piece of the jewel shard into the bone making it turn into a full blow human being with flesh and everything! Akane with wide eyes stared at the man until she soon realized he was naked "GODDAMN IT SON PUT ON SOME CLOTHES" Akane covered her eyes and turned around swiftly her hair flowing as she did so. Naraku couldn't help but find her cute when she did that, this caused him to look back at the man who's name is Bankotsu "who's that girl?" He asked pointing to her "that girl is Akane, the cat goddess" Naraku said slightly annoyed by the fact that she is the incarnation of the former cat goddess "I thought she was killed" Bankotsu asked confused. Akane heard this, and being the short tempered girl she is she spun around on her heels and marched up to the guy with fire flaming from her "she is dead in her incarnation, thanks to that guy over there she's dead" Akane glared at Bankotsu who nodded and got up Akane spun around again and walked past Naraku "accidentally" bumping shoulders with him, Naraku knew she tried it but left it alone he had better plans now and that was to talk with Bankotsu. Naraku walked up to Bankotsu handing him some clothes and talking with him, Akane didn't care what they had to say, the only reason she is here is one Naraku brought her here and two she doesn't know how to get back without Naraku's help, 'great having to rely upon a man... How pathetic is this... IM A WOMAN I CAN HANDLE THIS MYSELF' Akane scolded herself as she soon felt a hand on her shoulder turning around she saw it was Naraku "but first you have to fight this girl" Akane widen her eyes 'I wish I payed attention to their conversation now' Akane face panned "if I lose?" Akane asked looking up at a smirking Naraku "you'll have to serve me" Naraku said with a hint of happiness, Akane dropped her jaw "ok" Bankotsu said readying his weapon. Akane once again looked at the man with a shocked expression 'oh hell nah' Akane ran away from them.

Bankotsu sighed and chased after Akane as she ran and screamed like a man woman being chased by a killer "HELP ME IM BEING CHASED BY A MAD MAN" Akane screamed but soon found herself in a dead in "shit" she mumbled before turning around and seeing Bankotsu there "oh well what the hey I guess I'll fight" Akane readied her sword that was attached to her hip "fire flame; dragon" Akane released her sword as she said this, soon surrounding Bankotsu was a fire shaped dragon ready when command to attack him "swallow him oh great dragon of the flames" Akane closed her eyes commanding the dragon, soon its mouth opened coming down to swallow Bankotsu but he dodged it. Taking his chance he attacked Akane, who sensed his attack and jumped back from him "ice crystals of death" Akane swung her sword upward and ice like crystals shot from the ground heading towards Bankotsu but once again he dodged it "damn it how do I even know what to say here! Plus stop moving!" Akane yelled getting annoyed 'there's no way in hell in serving Naraku, even though my heart what's to but my brain is like NO BITCH DON'T YOU DARE! So yeah my dilemma' Akane sweat dropped, but soon gasped as she was stabbed in the side by Bankotsu and his sword. Spitting out blood Akane glared up at him "da- amn... You" Akane gasped out before jumping away from the sword, it being pulled out of her side in doing so, Akane gasped more holding onto her side sur pressing the blood flow and pain "heal-ing flo-wer" Akane soon passed out due to the lost of too much blood. Naraku clapped as he came up behind Bankotsu "good job" Naraku smiled evilly before walking up to Akane and kneeling down to her, he looked at her hand and moved it from her side heal-Ing it himself, Naraku soon picked Akane up and looked back at Bankotsu "take these and bring back your comrades" Naraku threw a few jewel shards at Bankotsu who caught it and nodded. Naraku left the cave with Akane in his arms 'this is going as plan' he smirked looking down at Akane.


In the cat goddesses land the three remaining cats felt that their mistress was in trouble, they soon took off to find Kagome and the others for help.

So sorry for the late update!
This is my last chapter until June 24th... So sorry!


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