23: Never Going Back

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Akane stared at Kagome and Naraku while leaning back in her heels then on her toes while humming "weeeeeell~ this is awkward~" Akane said while stopping and putting her hands behind her back "you said it" Kagome said looking back at Akane "can you not kill him and can you not kill her for as long as you are on this territory?" Akane asked as if she were at a wedding "fine" both sighed in agreement "ok so can we talk instead of stare at each other?" Akane asked sitting on a rock as one of the cats jumped in her lap curling in a ball "fine" both sighed again sitting in front of Akane "good what shall we talk about?" Akane asked with a smile while stroking the cat "can you get Inuyasha to stop trying to kill me?" Naraku asked looking at Kagome. Akane sighed and looked to the side as if talking to the attendance "welp there goes the happy talking about anything-but-Inuyasha-and-the-others-trying-to-kill-him mood" Akane looked back at them "well if you would just stop trying to kill us and use the jewels against us maybe we'll stop!" Kagome yelled, Akane once again sighed "you two are hopeless" Akane shook her head "WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" they yelled at Akane.

Akane got up and walked to the river/pond "show me the future" Akane waved her hand over the water making it show like a mirror "come over here a look at this" Akane ordered them, Kagome and Naraku sighed and walked over to Akane, Kagome was on her left where as Naraku was on her right, they both looked into the water. Kagome seen herself leaving Inuyasha and the others also leaving Akane which confused her but still she kept watching, later Kagome seen she was back home, she was fine with that but when she tried to go back to them she couldn't all the power she had was gone Kagome was shocked to see this. Next was Naraku he seen himself being killed by Inuyasha and the others with Akane tied up by the demon Sesshōmaru making sure she couldn't help him, Naraku couldn't believe what he had seen. Although the mirror water was the same mirror both were looking at, both seen different things.

Kagome looked at Akane "you won't be coming back?" She asked "I can't not if I'm looking like this... How would I explain this to my mother and father, and even if they understood how would I go on with my schooling with cat ears and a tail?" Akane asked looking in the water to see her reflection "we can make it work" Kagome smiled "we can't Kagome... If I go back I have to explain this to my parents then I would have to come back here I can't go on in that world like a cat demon" Akane sighed, Kagome shook her head "BUT WHAT IF THAT WAS TRUE I WONT SEE YOU AGAIN!" Kagome yelled at Akane "you will you didn't watch the full version, which is good because then the future won't be missed up" Akane smiled, Kagome sighed "and what about you Naraku? Have any questions? Or will you stop?" Akane turned to him. Naraku was looking at her "nothing" he said making Akane widen her eyes 'EVEN AFTER SEEING THIS HE STILL WANTS TO DO THIS!' Akane yelled in her head, growling she took him by the collar "I can't believe you" she glared at him "Akane" Kagome was worried "why after seeing this you still are willing to give up your life for this?!" Akane yelled at Naraku. Kagome watched with caution "yes" Naraku nodded 'oh boy' Kagome thought stepping back a bit from them both "YOU! HOW COULD YOU?! AFTER TELLING ME YOU LOVE ME YOU JUST DOES THIS" Akane loosen her grip on his collar while crying, Naraku stared at her in shock "a-" "NO LEAVE NOW" Akane pushed him back and used her powers to sent him flying "Akane whoa" Kagome watched as he was shot through the sky and looked like a tinkle star "look at him go" Akane whistled as she laughed like a man woman "Akane relax" Kagome sighed "ok I can never go back to the future you know that right?" Akane looked at Kagome "yes so let's go tell your family about this" Akane gulped "wait someone's here" Akane said grabbing Kagome by the arm and pulling her back to her side. Walking out of the trees and into the clearing was
Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha "where's everyone else?" Akane and Kagome asked calming down a bit knowing it wasn't Naraku nor Hakudōshi "back to the village we've been looking for this place for an hour now" Inuyasha sighed "an hour?" Akane asked confused "yes cat" Akane's eyes glowed a golden colour when Sesshōmaru said that "call me cat again and I'll rip your head off" Akane threatened him "fine kitty" Akane growled and tackled him "DIE BITCH DIE" Akane clawed at him as Sesshōmaru dodged her every attack. Akane stopped and walked back to Kagome "what happened afraid of him kitten?" Inuyasha asked "shut it mutt" Akane growled Kagome was concerned for them both "so why'd you stop?" Kagome asked a bit confused too "sometimes you just have to turn around, give a little smile and sit that bridge on fire" Akane smiled evilly "what's that supposed- HOLY SHIT SESSHŌMARU YOUR ON FIRE" Inuyasha yelled as they noticed that Akane used her fire powers to catch the sleeve of Sesshōmaru's shirt on fire "hehe" Akane laughed again like a mad woman "I think I was in the sun for too long" Akane said feeling dizzy "what's that suppose-" "AKANE" Kagome yelled catching Akane as she fell "Kagome I don't feel so good" Akane said "Akane don't die again" Kagome said "I'm not dying I... Just... Feel... So... Weak" Akane passed out in Kagome's arms after saying this.

Inuyasha grumbled as he carried Akane bridal style in his arms "stop grumbling!" Kagome yelled getting mad "fine" Inuyasha said looking down at Akane's sleeping red face. Inuyasha looked back at Kagome "is she sick?" He asked, Kagome titled her head and walked up to him, putting her hand on Akane's forehead she soon pulled back "she's burning up! Quick we have to get her back" Kagome said, Inuyasha nodded and they both ran back to Kaede's village. Sesshōmaru had stayed back in the place as the demon cats fixed his sleeve after they helped put out the fire "sorry for our goddesses action lord Sesshōmaru" lily said patching up the last bit of the sleeve "what gets me is how would demon cats like you three know how to do all of this without being in human form?" Sesshōmaru asked glaring at them "we have a human form but rarely ever use it... As for how we can do this? Well our last goddess taught us, that and we're demons" lily explained, Sesshōmaru nodded and got up "goodbye" the cats said as he left.

Kagome put a cold cloth on Akane's forehead as they were in Kaede's hut "this is the forth one I had put on her head since we came here" Kagome sighed as Sango was besides her helping "and her fever hasn't even went down just a little bit if anything it went up more" Sango looked at Akane who was having trouble breathing because she was too hot "I'll fan her" Shippō suggested coming in with a fan "thank Shippō" Kagome and Sango smiled at the little fox demon as he fan Akane to help with her fever.

Sorry for the late update!
Akane's sick!
How did she even get this sick?

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