16: Back Down The Bone Eater Well

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Major time skip

Its been a month since Akane told her mother about leaving to move to Japan. Now she's in school for that last day of school for the summer "AKANE DEARIE~" Akane looked over to see her hype up friend Lisa smiling as she walked towards her "Lisa" Akane asked "I'M GONNA MISS THE LIVING DAY LIGHTS OUT OF YOU LEAVING" Akane giggled "Lisa that made no sense" Lisa sighed "it sounded better in my head" Akane and Lisa laughed "seems like everything sounds better inside your head" Akane giggled as Lisa nodded "yup I'll miss you a lot and tell Kagome to hike up her skit and ask that Inuyasha guy out" Lisa said as Akane spit out her drink of water she had in her hands laughing at Lisa "oh dear Lisa I'll miss you most of all" Akane sighed "haha I knows ya will" Lisa smiled and they walked to the gym for the last day of school ceremony.

After school Akane went home to pack up the last bit of her things before leaving to go to the airport. She's been talking to Kagome every now and then when she isn't in the feudal era fighting bad guys. They talked about when Akane moved back she HAS to go to the feudal era to see everyone because they all miss her... Even Inuyasha misses here which according to Kagome is rear... But Akane agreed to go back and see everyone even help them take down Naraku, even though her heart keeps telling her not to do that. Anyway Akane put her last box in the moving truck just as her mom came out "your aunt is gonna bring us to the airport" Akane always wondered how the movers got their stuff there to a place over across the ocean "ok" she nodded and waited for her aunt (her dads sister) to come pick them up.

About 10 minutes after the movers left Akane's aunt came into the driveway and hunk the hon "come on Akane" Akane's mother said as Akane stood in the middle of the room looking at her used to be home before leaving 'man I'm gonna miss this place' Akane thought as she looked at everything one last time (man moving is so hard on the heart and mind) Akane was the last to walk out the door. Hopping in her aunts car they made their way to the airport.


Meanwhile with Kagome

Kagome was in her room, after arguing with Inuyasha about leaving again, looking at an old photo album of her and Akane "hey Kagome?" Kagome looked over to see Inuyasha there in the window "what?" She asked irritated "what's that?" He asked pointing to the old photo album "it's an old photo album of me and Akane when we were younger" Kagome smiled and showed him a picture of Akane sitting on the fridge with one hand in the cookie and the other with a cookie in her hand ready to be eaten by her "this is my favourite picture of her when she was younger" Kagome giggled. "Who took this picture?" Inuyasha asked "I did mom and my aunt was out shopping and Akane's dad and my grandfather was out cleaning the shrine and Akane decided to get on top of the fridge and eat the cookies in the cookie jar" Kagome explained to Inuyasha "oh Akane always had her fiery red hair didn't she?" Inuyasha asked, Kagome nodded and smiled "she was like my big sister that I never had... She cared for me like a mother and we talked like sisters... And when she got like that in the feudal era where she seemed so depressed I got worried for her" Kagome sighed and took the photo album from Inuyasha.

Kagome talked about her and Akane's past together to Inuyasha as he sat on the floor listening to her and every now and then he'd bring up how Akane doesn't care about much and how she's such a carefree girl. But Kagome knew that he was only starching the surface of Akane but deep down inside Akane worried about so much and cared about a lot of things she just doesn't want others to worry about her so Akane puts on a brave front, but of course Kagome didn't tell Inuyasha this.


Akane and her mother sat on the plane watching movies together as there was no little kid for Akane to talk to this time which was fine by Akane that gave her time to think and talk to her mother about things "mom?" Akane looked at her mother who was watching the movie "yes?" She looked at Akane "I'm pretty sure I asked you this before but I have to get that answer again but what if you loved someone but they were mean and cruel to your friends or even your cousin as they might have tried to kill them... Is it so wrong to even love them in the first place?" Akane looked away from her mother and to the movie "hmm? I believe you did but it's my decision on whether I should or not... If I really did love this man and he was mean and cruel to my friends and family is try to find out why he is so mean and cruel... Maybe I could stop him before it was too late" Akane looked at her mother who smiled at her. Akane had to admit she was right maybe there is a way to stop Naraku before it was too late but how? Didn't Kagome tell Akane that he has a heart of a human that once lived a woman named Kikyo and that's the reason why he can't kill this woman even though she's already dead? Akane had so many thoughts in her head that she ended up falling asleep on her mother's shoulder in the middle of the movie.


Akane and her mother got to the shrine at 4 in the afternoon. Kagome had dragged Akane to her room "Akane I missed you so much" Kagome hugged her "I missed you too" Akane hugged back "so let's go back to the feudal era" Kagome smiled at Akane "haha ok" as the girls were about to leave Akane's mother walked up the stairs "Akane where are you two going?" She asked "out to show her to the school" Kagome smiled "and I promised one of my friends we'll stay over there all night" Kagome lied through her perfectly white teeth "ok have fun" Akane's mother walked past them and to her room.

Akane and Kagome giggled as they walked in the wells shrine "ready?" Kagome asked "yup" Akane smiled and held onto Kagome's hand "LETS GO" with that the two jumped into the well with Akane yelling "WHOOO HOOO I MISSED THIS MOST" Kagome laughed "we are doing that again for sure" Akane laughed as they landed on the ground of the well.

I feel my chapters are getting short... Oh well anyways sorry for the late update.

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