24: A Kiss

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It's been weeks and Akane is still sick, she hasn't moved nor has she opened her eyes. Kagome and Sango talks to her getting a few groans and hums from her but that's it.

Inuyasha has even tried to help but every time he does help he has to leave the hut because Akane starts breathing fast and twisting in her sleep making him panic a bit so he runs to get Kagome or Sango.

Everyone had took turns on taking care of Akane even Sesshōmaru and Rin who would tear up every time she seen Akane like this, Kaede tried making medicine for Akane, it works but only for a few moments then Akane is back to being sick as a dog (haha get it she's a cat... Yeah I don't know what I'm doing) Inuyasha even forgot that he had to kill Naraku, which to Miroku and Kagome's surprise scared the living daylights out of them both.

Right now Akane is being treated by Sesshōmaru who is now changing her cloth on her forehead "do... You... Hate... Me?" Akane asked, Sesshōmaru was shocked but composed himself 'she talked' he looked at her as he put the cold cloth on her forehead "why?" He asked he knew why he just needed her to talk more so that she would pass out... Again "because... I love... Naraku" Akane soon opened her eyes shocking Sesshōmaru more "Akane-" "I'm... Sorry" she soon passed out "HALF BREED AND KAGOME" Sesshōmaru yelled. Soon Kagome and Inuyasha ran in the room "WHAT?!" Kagome yelled "she talked and opened her eyes" Sesshōmaru said making Kagome smile "REALLY?" Kagome yelled, Sesshōmaru got up and walked up to them "what did she say?" Inuyasha asked ignoring the whole Sesshōmaru calling him half beed again "she asked if I hated her for loving Naraku" Sesshōmaru said walking passed them "she also said sorry the passed out" Sesshōmaru walked out the door leaving Kagome and Inuyasha in there staring at Akane.

In Akane's mind she was in a different world everything was black and one little light shine down "where the hell am I? HOLY SHIT AM I DEAD AGAIN!?" Akane yelled/whispered siting on the ground "your back" Akane jumped about two feet in the air "ITS ME!" Akane yelled smiling "yes I can see that now why are you in the in between again?" Akane shrugged her shoulders "duno" Akane said "HEY HEY YOUR HERE SO DO I GET TO KNOW YOUR NAME!?" Akane yelled jumping to her feet "I guess so" she sighed sitting down on the ground, well that's what Akane thought, "my name is Alice" Akane nodded "as in Alice in wonderland?" Alice glared at Akane "no Baka!" Akane laughed "I kid I kid" Akane waved her hands in the air. Akane sat down besides Alice "so you said this is the in between... Why are you here?" Akane asked "I am neither dead nor alive, I have what humans call unfinished business" Akane gulped "w-with how?" Akane asked "Naraku" Akane nodded "well that's- WAIT WHAT?!" Akane yelled jumping up and pointing a finger at Alice "yes Naraku he was the one who killed me" Alice then turned her attention to a black wall, as Akane called it, soon it glowed a bright yellow "NO WAY AM I GOING TOWARDS THE LIGHT" Akane yelled stepping back "no! Baka I have to show you what had happened a few years ago" Alice said as the light cleared showing Alice and a land full of kittens "AHH THERE ADORABLE!" Akane freaked out "shut up and listen" Alice sighed, Akane calmed down and sat on the ground.

Showing on the wall was as I said before before Akane freaked out was Alice and a land full of demons, there by the river was Alice and to Akane's shock and disbelief Naraku standing besides each other "I have a question?" Akane said looking at Alice "yes we were lovers" Alice answered before Akane could asked "oh" Akane sighed looking back at the wall screen. Akane was shocked to see Alice and Naraku kiss but even more shocked to see Naraku had stabbed her "ack" Akane widen her eyes "A-Alice" Akane looked at her "I hate that man" Alice looked at Akane with hate filled eyes "don't go near him again for I'm afraid you will have the same outcome as me" Alice got up "so is this why you didn't pass on?" Akane asked "yes I seen you arriving then I felt you were having feelings for this monster so when you died I tried to explain things but your life came to fast and you were gone... Now I had the chance to do so I will pass on and finally rest in peace... You will return shortly" Alice smiled and walked away "thanks!" Akane waved but felt like her heart has been shattered into millions of pieces as she heard Alice talk like that. Soon after Alice disappeared Akane was surrounded by light "I'm waking again" she sighed feeling the warm light on her face then a warm feeling on her lips 'what the hell!'

Akane slowly opened her eyes to see Naraku kissing her "ACK" Akane pulled back and jumped to her feet feeling better then she had before "N-Naraku" Akane stuttered looking around to notice she was still in the hut "Akane what's wrong?" Kagome walked in "oh hey Kagome do you see that man too or am I-" "AKANE YOUR ALIVE!" Kagome ran past Naraku and hugged her tight "yes but keep this up again and I'll die... CAN'T BREATHE" Kagome sighed "sorry" she smiled at Akane then back to Naraku "you helped? Do you actually like her?" Kagome asked "if he do then I do not... My feelings are not the same" Akane walked past Naraku and out the hut. Kagome and Naraku stood in the hut shocked "wait didn't Akane say she loved you?" Kagome asked standing next to Naraku "yes I believe she did... Kagome why am I not being tackled or someone trying to kill me at the moment?" Naraku looked at Kagome "oh Sesshōmaru and the others left to get food so I called you... Somehow... Anyway maybe you should go before they come back" Kagome said looking a Naraku "ok" Naraku walked out and disappeared.

Akane walked up to a tree and climbed it 'what made me sick? Also why am I hating on Naraku I thought I loved him? I'm losing it' Akane sighed swinging her feet as she sat on the tree branch "Akane where are you?!" Akane heard Kagome yell as she seen Kagome walk up to the tree "look up" Akane said, Kagome did as told and saw Akane in the tree "what's wrong? Why did you say that to Naraku? Don't you love him?" Kagome asked climbing the tree and sitting next to Akane "I saw something when I was sick" Akane looked down. Kagome was surprised but tapped Akane's shoulder "you can tell me anything" Kagome smiled at her as Akane looked at Kagome "the late cat goddess visited me when I was out, she showed me that her and Naraku were once lovers and he killed her... She warned me" Akane sighed looking up at the blue sky "maybe it's different with you" Kagome tried cheering Akane up "how?" Akane looked at Kagome "well maybe he didn't actually like this cat goddess or maybe she did something to him... Or maybe she's playing tricks on you because maybe she still likes Naraku and wants to make sure no one can have him" Kagome laughed as Akane giggled "that's a lot of maybes Kagome" Akane giggled, Kagome nodded with a smile.

Akane jumped from the tree looking up at Kagome "maybe your right but for now can we get on with me hating him" Akane asked, Kagome sighed but nodded and got down from the tree "ok let's go back I'm hungry" Akane said grabbing Kagome's hand and dragging her back to the village. When they got there Akane and Shippō ate their food as the rest of them were still cooking their own, "I'm still hungry" Akane sighed "weren't you angry just a few minutes ago?" Inuyasha asked "and then happy?" Miroku asked "now she's hungry again!" Sango laughed, Akane nodded to all of them "yup, this is how it goes I'm frustrated one minute, happy the next, sad a few minutes later, hungry right after that, yup story of my life!" Akane giggled as everyone laughed at her. Sesshōmaru watched from a distance at Akane watching her every move, 'she's faking' he thought knowing that she was still in love with Naraku and is probably trying to get everyone to leave him alone. Akane sighed and got up walking over to Sesshōmaru "I know what your thinking it's very loud... Anyway I'm not faking" Akane said looking at everyone as her back was turned to Sesshōmaru "then why did you admit that you loved him" Akane looked back and shrugged her shoulders "duno" she sighed walking away "but please don't be mad... I'm still trying to figure my own feelings out" Akane smiled back at him "why do you keep saying I'm mad? Why do you care?" Akane stopped at looked back at him "because I consider you one of my friends! So I can't have my friend hating me!" Akane smiled and ran back to the group 'friends?' Sesshōmaru asked himself 'why do she think of us as friends?' He pondered on that thought.

Akane smiled as she watched everyone be goofy "AHH KAGOME INUYASHA TOOK MY FOOD AGAIN" Shippō yelled as Inuyasha ate his food "INUYASHA SIT BOY" Kagome yelled making him face plant in the ground and Akane to laugh her head off "oh Inuyasha you'll never learn" Akane giggled as she felt someone touch her butt "STUPID PERVERT!!" Akane yelled turning around and slapping Miroku across the face as Sango glared at him "stupid monk" she said slapping him "he'll never learn" Shippō sighed, Akane nodded and huffed crossing her arms.

So sorry for the late update!
What's gonna happen?
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