14: Akane's Going Back Home

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Today's the day that Akane and her family leave to go back to Vancouver, Kagome is a crying mess "why did you have to go so early?" Kagome asked sniffing up at her aunt "sorry dearie but snowball is missing us and she's starting to get mad" Akane's mother said. Snowball is their husky/golden retriever puppy that hates being left alone for a long period of time.

Akane hugged Kagome then Sōta "I'll see you guys some other time" Akane smiled as she waved and sadly walked down the stairs 'maybe going home for a bit can make me forget about what had happened in the feudal era' Akane thought while walking. Her mother had gotten a cab and they were on their way to the airport "will dad see us off?" Akane asked, her mother looked at her "no he has work today" she answered, for some reason this didn't suit Akane at all she hated the fact that her dad was hanging around that coworker who Akane thought was hitting on her dad, the thought just sicken her.

Akane and her mother waited for the airplane to come, Akane laid her head in her mother's shoulder tired from waking up early and from all that time jumping that well only happened a few times, going to the past and coming back, plus the whole she might be liking the half demon evil man named Naraku. Akane gave off a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes "what's wrong honey?" Her mother asked "mom if you liked a guy but you know he's mean to everyone else... And he sort of hates your cousin would it be so wrong to actually like him in the first place?" Akane asked her mom not moving from her place lying her head on her mother's shoulder.

There was a long pause with awkward silence "well I guess if I really liked this guy then I would maybe see if he could change... But if he hates your family then keeping him around isn't really a good thing" her mother said 'she has a point... Mom you're not helping' Akane sighed and tried to get some sleep "why did you ask me that question? Did someone catch your eye?" Akane's mother asked smiling "no... Yeah maybe I don't even know my own feelings mom" Akane huffed "that's the power of love" she laughed as Akane pouted.


The plane had finally arrived and Akane had a 30 minute nap on her mother's shoulder "Akane time to leave" Akane got up and walked with her mother to the plane as they got on Akane was lazily walking up the steps and on the plane that got her strange looks from people which Akane didn't care she wasn't going to see these people again. Akane sat by her mother on the plane up in front of her was a little girl who kept looking back at her a giggled 'deja vu' Akane sighed and looked at the little girl.

The girl smiled "hello my name is Lisa" the girl giggled out her name and Akane smiled remembering her best friend Lisa "hello my name is Akane... I have a friend name Lisa" Akane said to the girl with a smile on her face "and she's just as pretty as you are" Akane smiled at the girl more "oh when you see her tell her that her name mean pledged to God" Lisa said making Akane look at her in shock "how did you know that?" Akane asked "I did my research on my name for a school project" Lisa giggled "what you get on that project?" Akane asked smiling at the little girl no more older the 7 or 8 "I won first place!" The girl was happy and smiling widely that it took Akane's mind away from what had happened. But as soon as the girl smiled her smile was gone "something's bothering you isn't it?" Lisa asked with a serious face "how did you know?" Akane asked "it's a gift I have, and your troubled about some guy aren't you?" The girl asked making Akane looked at her with more shock than before "yes" Akane nodded "ok well follow your heart... Even if the whole world is against you, the world doesn't control who you love... Half the time even yourself can't control who you love" Akane was shocked beyond words, how can a little girl be so understandable and have that much to say about the world "thank you" Akane smiled at the girl "you're welcome" Lisa then turned around "have some sleep Akane" Lisa said lying on her mother's lap so she can get some sleep "goodnight Lisa" Akane whispered and laid her head on her mother's shoulder again falling into a deep sleep.


The plane ride wasn't like before Akane was asleep the whole time with no movement whatsoever which made her mom worried a bit but when she seen Akane breathe she was relieved to see that Akane wasn't dead.

The plane landed and Akane was woken by her mother tapping her "time to wake up" she smiled down at Akane "hmm ok" Akane moved her head from her mom's shoulder. They all waited to be boarded off the plane, that time came faster than expected and Akane soon found herself walking off the plane and down the steps. Akane and her mother waited for their bags, once they got their bags they headed to get the truck and then they headed back to their house.


The next day Akane went to school and was tackled by Lisa "AKANE" Lisa yelled in Akane's ear "geez Lisa I'm now deaf" Akane sighed as Lisa giggled "bring me back anything or someone?" Lisa laughed and Akane sighed "I brought you back this" Akane held up the katana style hair pin with a Maneki Neko and fan on it, Lisa's eyes widened "HOLY SHIT THAT'S BEAUTIFUL" Lisa yelled taking the hairpin and hugging Akane "thank you so much" Lisa said as she moved away from Akane and admired the hairpin "haha you're so very welcome" Akane laughed as Lisa and her walked to class.

They got to class and took to their normal seats just as the bell for homeroom rang "good morning class how is everyone?" The teacher came in as happy as she's always been, Lisa lean over to Akane "I swear mrs in on them happy pills" Akane couldn't control herself anymore she let out a loud laugh as Lisa laughed as well "what's so funny girls" the teacher smiled at them "nothing just telling Lisa what I did in Japan and there was a funny thing I did" Akane covered it up good "I see" the teacher smiled as the girls giggled.


School soon ended and Lisa was coming up to Akane's house for a little while so Akane can tell Lisa what she and Kagome done the whole time she visit, but of course leaving out the going in a well and ending up in the feudal era.

Akane was telling Lisa everything she did when the phone rang "I GOT IT MOM" Akane yelled picking up the phone "ok" he mother said as she was in the kitchen and Akane was in the living room "hello" Akane said as she answered the phone "AKANE" Akane moved the phone from her ear as Kagome yelled her name in the phone "Kagome you don't need to yell" Akane sighed and Lisa shot up "OMG ITS KAGOME PUT HER ON SPEAKER" Lisa yelled, Akane sighed and did as Lisa told "so why'd ya call?" Akane asked "it's about Inuyasha" Kagome said, and Akane sighed "who's that?" Lisa asked with a confused look on her face "oh it's Kagome's crush" Akane giggled as Kagome yelled in the phone "HE IS NOT" Lisa and Akane burst into laughter "anyway what'd he do now?" Akane asked trying to calm down her laughter "he's being mean again so I'm home and wanted to talk to you so it could calm me down so I won't go and kill him" Akane and Lisa burst into laughter again "your relationship sounds complicated" Lisa giggled "doesn't it" Akane laughed. Kagome sighed "how'd he make you mad?" Lisa asked "he broke my bike" Akane could see the look on Kagome's face when that happened and she laughed some more and Lisa face palmed and laughed as well "oh Kagome" Lisa and Akane said, "what?" Kagome asked the two girls sighed "it's ok" Akane said to Kagome who huffed "oh gotta go talk to you two later" and with that Kagome hung up "she never even let us say bye" Lisa pouted as Akane giggled.

It was 6 in the afternoon, Lisa and Akane talked about Akane's trip and what had happened the whole time Akane was gone in school "I have a plan" Lisa announced making Akane looked at her "what?" Akane asked wanting to know why all the sudden Lisa announced that "let's make a trip to go to Japan this summer" Akane smiled "sure but summer break isn't until another 4 months" Akane said making Lisa pout "so we'll have to wait until then" Lisa smiled "ok oh dad has a job in Japan" Akane said suddenly "oh and?" Lisa asked knowing that there had to be more "we might be moving... But that's only if I want to... I really liked it there and I miss Kagome and half my family is there plus so is my dad and it hasn't been a well and I miss him already" Akane sighed she had to get this off her chest "well then do what you feel is the right thing... If you do choose to go I'll miss you but I'll be happy because you're with your family and your dad" Lisa smiled at Akane reassuring her "thanks Lisa" Akane hugged Lisa "no problem but know this if I don't get a letter or phone call every month or less I'm coming there and strangling you" Lisa and Akane laughed "yes ma'am" Akane giggled.

Lisa then left around 9 and Akane got ready for bed. Akane hopped into bed and fell asleep.

Will Akane move to Japan? Or leave it all behind and forget about the man and her dad?

Next chapter Sunday 17th or Monday 18th

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