4: in the feudal era

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Akane woke to Kagome hitting her-more like beating her- with the pillow "five more minutes mom" Akane rolled away from Kagome "ok I guess we won't go to feudal Japan then" Kagome walked away "5...4..3..2..." "WAIT IM UP" Akane shot out of bed, grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom to change and get ready Kagome laughed at her.

A few minutes later Akane and Kagome were ready to go "this is gonna be so exciting" Akane squealed in Kagome's ear as they walked down the stairs "owe Akane~" Kagome whined covering her ears "haha oops sorry" Akane laughed. They got to the door and put on their shoes just as Kagome's mother walked in "oh are you going?" She asked, Kagome nodded "we're going to feudal Japan can you cover for Akane she's going as well" Kagome asked, she nodded with a smile and Kagome and Akane ran out the door and to the well shrine. When they got inside Kagome nearly fell on the floor "INUYASHA SIT" Kagome yelled at Inuyasha who gave both Akane and her a heart attack, he face planted in the ground making Akane sweat drop and suddenly get scared of Kagome "don't scare me like that again" Kagome said as she walked down the stairs "umm? Kagome I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that was mean" Akane sweat dropped as Inuyasha ran up to Akane and hid behind her "that's right Kagome it was mean" Inuyasha said, Akane sighed "and Inuyasha scaring us was mean too" Akane looked back at him "really pick a side Akane mine or Kagome's" Inuyasha pouted, Akane laughed and patted his hand "your so cute like a little puppy" Akane said in a way you would talk to a little baby "back off" Inuyasha said annoyed and walked to the edge of the stairs and jumped down landing in front of Kagome "I guess that's what I can expect from a demon" Akane sighed walking the steep stairs trying not to fall. Just as Akane got to the second last stair she slip and fell down on her butt "owe" Akane said getting up and running her butt "if you can't break your butt... I'm pretty sure I just proved everyone wrong" Akane huffed out as Kagome and Inuyasha laughed at her "come on" Kagome grabbed Akane's arm and hopped in the well "WAIT WERE HOPPING IN- AHHH KAGOME HOLD ME" Akane hugged into Kagome as they fell in the well, Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he fell with them.


Akane had her eyes closed the whole time and when they landed Akane rolled away from Kagome and curled in a ball "that was... FUN" Akane jumped up and smiled at Kagome and Inuyasha "what?" Inuyasha asked dumbfounded "yup" Akane smiled a closed eye smile "come lets go" Kagome hopped on Inuyasha's back "wait you didn't even ask" Akane tap her foot on the ground "she never do only sometime other times she assumes" Inuyasha sighed "oh hey Inuyasha can I get a ride up after you can put me down" Akane asked with a smile 'she's so polite' Inuyasha looked at her stunned "sure" he said "ok" Akane hopped on with a smile and Inuyasha hopped out of the well. Once Inuyasha was out of the well and on the ground Akane hopped off "thank you" Akane smiled at him "are you sure your going to walk... Inuyasha wouldn't mind taking another one on his back" Kagome said, Akane shook her head "no I believe he will Kagome it's not nice to just assume he doesn't mind" Akane sticked out her hip with her hand on her hip "I'll walk with you" Kagome hopped off of Inuyasha ignoring Akane's lecture, Akane sighed "ok" they began to walk towards a village.

Akane was being stared at by Kagome's friends "h-hi" Akane waved "hello I'm Shippō" a fox demon came up to Akane, she forgot about everyone else and kneeled down hugging the little fox demon "aww your so cute I'm Akane Kagome's cousin" Akane hugged the life out of Shippō "hello I'm Sango" a girl with brown hair said walking up to Akane "nice to meet you" Akane got up and smiled at Sango "I'm Miroku... But you can call me-" "the pervert" Akane said with a dead panned face "ahahaha how did you know" Inuyasha asked laughing "he's touching my butt" Akane slapped him across the face leaving a hand print on his face "touch me again and you lose that hand of yours... Ok" Akane said with a deadly aura around her then she smiled when she said ok making Miroku gulp. Kagome laughed at Akane "wasn't that the hand with the wind tunnel in?" Kagome asked looking at Miroku "no it was my good hand" Miroku sighed "GOOD HAND HE HAS A WIND TUNNEL HOW THE FREAKING COWS DID HE GET THAT" Akane yelled making everyone sweat drop 'what happened to the nice Akane and polite one' Inuyasha asked himself "Naraku" Kagome sighed "he seems mean... Why would he do such a thing... I feel sorry for you Miroku" Akane looked sad "it's ok it has its ups and downs" Miroku smiled at Akane "ok" Akane smiled at him "seems you got along with my friends Akane" Kagome smiled and Akane laughed "yup" akane smiled as they walked to a hut "now you have to face Kaede" Inuyasha sighed "what is she mean" Akane asked "no she's nice" Kagome slapped Inuyasha in the head for making Akane scared "ok" Akane smiled and skipped with the others to the hut.

Akane stared at Kaede trying to understand her 'I feel like I'm in a Shakespeare play' Akane sighed "where is ye from?" Kaede asked, Akane snapped out of her thoughts "hmm? I'm originally from Vancouver but my mother is from Japan" Akane smiled 'there's that sweet and nice Akane' Inuyasha sighed 'she has mood swings' Miroku sweat dropped "I see ye is also Kagome's cousin" Kaede said, Akane nodded with a smile "yup" Akane said "hey now that Kagome's back can we look for the jewel shards now" Inuyasha said "LETS GO" Akane said grabbing Kagome and running out the door "HEY WAIT FOR US" the others yelled as they said goodbye to Kaede and ran out the door catching up to Akane and Kagome.

As they walked they came upon a demon "HOLY FLYING COWS ITS A DEMON" Akane who wasn't paying attention to where she was going almost ran into it. The demon growled "wooo hi there" Akane smiled and waved at it, the demon stopped and looked down at her smiling face "why is a human talking to me" it said "oh I'm sorry was I not supposed to talk to you... I just wanted to say sorry for almost running into you heh I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" Akane smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head making everyone's jaw dropped "oh what's your your name" she asked "my name why would a human want to know that? I thought you humans kill us" he said, Akane widen her eyes "oh really that's sad" Akane looked sadden "oh really... Your friends kill us" the demon looked back at her friends "oh I'm sorry for that but I'm not like them... In fact I don't like humans I'll probably get along with an animal or demon then I will humans" Akane laughed. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome "really?" He asked "yup she's doesn't like humans she finds they are mean and selfish" Kagome sighed, everyone nodded "oh is that so" the demon said, Akane nodded and smiled "very well I accept your apology... And my name is Osamu" he said "nice to meet you I'm Akane" she smiled up at him "that name suits you brilliant red" he said before walking away "see you don't have to kill demons all ya gonna do is kill em with kindness" Akane smiled back at everyone who had their jaws almost hitting the ground expect for Kagome who smiled at Akane "he didn't have a jewel shard that's how come he was nice to you" Inuyasha huffed "but doesn't Kagome have the jewel shards wouldn't he try to attack her" Sango asked, Inuyasha huffed and walked past Akane.

They walked for a while, Inuyasha was still not talking to Akane "Inuyasha I'm sorry for not letting you fight him" Akane looked at him with sad eyes, Kagome and the others were looking at the two in shock "not that Akane he could have killed you" Inuyasha sighed "so you care for your friends that's a lovely treed to have" Akane smiled at him "but just because some other demons were evil and mean does not mean that all are evil and mean... I believe that all things has a good heart their just to blinded by power to see it" Akane kept her smile looking ahead "after all wasn't you mean?" Akane asked glancing over at Inuyasha "HE WAS" Kagome yelled making Akane giggled "see there you have it I'm right... You were mean... Now you are nice and will protect your friends" Akane turned to look at him "don't get blinded by power Inuyasha I believe that's the only reason why this Naraku person is mean and evil" Akane walked ahead a bit. Inuyasha was stunned by her words never has anyone ever thought that demons were of equal rights to a human, while Akane didn't say that but she was implying it. Kagome and the others were stunned as well but Sango, Miroku, and Shippō more then Kagome "wait Akane" Inuyasha said "yeah" Akane turned to look at him with a smile "I accept your apology" Inuyasha said, everyone nearly fell on the ground because of this "I'm also sorry for getting mad over something that you believe in... I should have let it go" Inuyasha looked away, this was the first time he has ever sated sorry to someone other then Kikyo or Kagome and met it, Akane smiled "it's ok... I can see this was hard for you so I won't do something like that again" Akane smiled more at him. Everyone looked at them booth in shock and horror that the world would end soon "that's it the world is ending" Kagome laughed at Miroku "shut up" Inuyasha glared back at him "never mind he's back" Miroku sighed, Akane and the others laughed at them as they continued their journey.

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