28: The Secret Is Revealed

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Akane and Kagome dropped their jaws as the saw who was standing in the door way 'oh shit I was hoping to get in the house before I got caught but this would have to do' Akane thought as she smiled up at Kagome's mother "Akane is that you?" She asked in a low whisper so no one can hear her "yeah auntie its me" Akane sighed looking like she would have a heart attack if her mother were to walk in now "Akane it's a good thing your mother and father isn't here and out looking for a house, they have been worried about you" Kagome's mother said as Kagome and Akane walked up the steps with Inuyasha close behind them "ok good, and I'm here now which isn't very good I mean I'm a demon and their gonna freak!" Akane whispered yelled but Kagome covered her mouth as she pointed to Akane's mother and father walking up the stairs to the house "crap" Akane said as Kagome moved her hand from Akane's mouth. Kagome grabbed Akane's hand and dragged her in the house and in her room in record time "geez Kagome you should be in the cross country running team" Akane said out of breath, Kagome laughed and flapped on my floor breathing heavily as she did run like lightning just then, Inuyasha soon showed up looking at the two girl with a confused look on his face "why are you hiding from your parents?" He asked, Akane sighed "hello demon" Akane gestured to herself. Inuyasha rolled his eyes as they heard footsteps heading towards the room, Kagome and Akane stared at the door with horror on their faces as the door knob was slowly turning and the door was slowly opened to reveal
Akane's mother and father, Akane jumped out the window faster then light "Kagome I thought Akane was here with you?" Akane mother asked, Kagome smiled and sweat dropped "yeah she was but she went to the store" Kagome smiled "strange I didn't met her on the way up here" Akane's father said thinking "that's because she is a really fast runner when it comes to her food" Kagome laughed nervously "oh ok well I'll go wait for her" with that Akane's mother and father left the room.

Kagome walked over to the window and looked out expecting to see Akane on the ground but nope she was hanging onto the windowsill "AKANE" Kagome yelled well helping Akane in the room "geez Kagome yell my name louder I don't think people over in Mexico heard you" Akane sighed sitting on the floor "sorry" Kagome giggled as Inuyasha just sat on the floor crossed legged with his arms crossed and eyes closed. Soon after Akane's parents came running in the room "AKANE IS THAT REALLY YOU" Akane's mother yelled in shock as she approached Akane like you would a wild animal "yes mother it's really me... Stop approaching me like I'm a wild animal I'm your daughter for gods sake" Akane rolled her eyes 'really Akane nice way to treat you parents' Kagome sweat dropped "so it has came to that day" everyone in the room widen their eyes at Akane's fathers words "what does that mean?" Akane asked looking at him as she got up off the floor. Her mother and father looked at each other and nodded "Akane you were adopted" everyone fell on the floor "IM ADOPTED" Akane yelled more like questioned "we were walking for the right moment, but technically we found you one day in a forest crying so we took you in" Akane widen her eyes "IM ADOPTED" Akane repeated, Inuyasha and Kagome sighed "yes now say something different" Inuyasha said to Akane who was still in shock "I WAS FOUND IN THE WOODS!" Akane yelled, everyone sighed "yes I guess we'll leave you to calm down" with that Akane parents left the room.

Akane didn't move from her place "Akane move or at least breath" Kagome said hitting Akane in the back *deep breath* "IM ADOPTED" Akane fell to the floor as Inuyasha and Kagome sighed looking at her "I can't believe this" Akane mumbled "I can the only thing you have that would actually make people think you were their child is that you only have your father's red hair... Other then that your nothing like them" Inuyasha said sitting besides Akane who shot him a glare "thank bud" she said pushing him over. Kagome sighed "come on let's go down and sort this out" Kagome grabbed Akane and dragged her out the room and down the stairs with Inuyasha grumbling behind them.

Another chapter!

Wait Akane is adopted?!

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