29: Who Am I Really?

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Akane was dragged in the kitchen and force, literally forced, to sit in front of her parents, Inuyasha and Kagome threatened to cut her hair if she didn't sit down and listen, Akane glared at Kagome and Inuyasha as she sat quietly in the chair "Akane I know this is a lot to take in but-" "who am I really?" Akane cut her mother off "we don't know... We searched for years trying to find who you are, but there was no record of a baby born in Vancouver at the hospital on that day or any other day" Akane's father said looking at Akane who crossed her arms leaning back in the chair. Akane nodded for them to continue "so we tried looking elsewhere but there was no sign of a baby girl like you born anywhere in the country, so we took you in and raised you as our own, we were waiting for the right moment to tell you" Akane mother explained "ok so when would have been that time? If I didn't turn into a demon or go to the feudal era when would you have told me this?" Akane asked leaning forward still with her arms crossed "when you graduated so then you could properly looked for your birth parents" her father said.

Akane sat at the table as everyone in the kitchen walked out leaving her alone to think, Kagome and Inuyasha stayed after Akane told them to, "do you think maybe your mother was from the feudal era?" Kagome asked, Akane sighed "there could be the possibility of that but how would I have had the cat goddesses powers, or be her reincarnation?" Akane asked looking up at the ceiling "you said she died when?" Inuyasha asked, Akane looked over at him "I didn't say when, but by the looks of things that is like this, then she could have died a few years before my birth or she could have died a day before my birth" Akane said sighing while getting up. Kagome watched her for a moment before seeing her head towards the door, Inuyasha and Kagome ran after her "where are you going?" Kagome asked as Akane got to the door "I'm going to look for answers in the feudal era" Akane opened the door and walked out with Kagome and Inuyasha following her.

Akane walked back to the well "wait Akane" Kagome called out, Akane looked behind her "Kagome lets go" Akane grabbed Kagome's hand as they made it to the well and hopped in.

The three landed on the ground and looked up to see the clear blue sky, and Akane already climbing the well "AKANE WAIT!" Inuyasha and Kagome yelled climbing up after her "no I have to know something... Maybe Kaede can help me" Akane said hopping out of the well and running towards Kaede's village. Kagome and Inuyasha sighed as they started climbing the well "what if she finds out something that she didn't want to find out?" Kagome sighed as Inuyasha held out his hand for her to take, Kagome grabbed his hand and he pulled her up "thanks" she said as the started running towards the village and to find Akane.


Naraku felt Akane's presence back 'did she come back?' Naraku looked over at Kanna's mirror to see the red headed girl he fell for running around Kaede's village like a crazy loon 'she's so stubborn!' He glared at the mirror 'yet she's mean and sarcastic... Maybe that's why I like her' Naraku softened his eyes then smiled seeing her talk to Kaede.


Akane explained everything to Kaede as she sat in the hut nodding, 'half the time I'm pretty sure she isn't listening to me" Akane sweat dropped but soo Kaede answered "I can help ye found ye's parents" Akane widen her eyes and smiled "THANK YOU" she yelled hugging Kaede.

Who's Akane's real family?
Are they even alive?

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