35: Dark Turns To Light... The Jewel Becomes Mad

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Akane sighed as she walked around Kaede's village, after they hugged, Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru along with their father and Inuyasha's mother left to bond, as Akane called it, the rest of them headed back to Kaede's village now they are waiting for Akane to make a decision on things. Kagome and Sango had asked her if they killed Naraku would she get mad and might kill them, Akane was taken aback but Shippō had asked if Naraku continued to be in the dark side would she still love him and leave them to join him, of course Akane was frustrated she loved that man, even though he was evil and cruel but Akane saw the nice and sweet side he had all he wanted was to be a demon without that human heart getting in his way, then it hit Akane like a ton of bricks! 'I can't take that heart away without killing him!' Akane smiled and ran back to the hut where everyone was waiting for her answer.

Everyone perked up when Akane came running in the door "I HAVE AN ANSWER TO OUR PRAYS!" Akane yelled as she ran in the door "what's that?" Kagome asked looking at her "can't we find a way for Naraku to be demon without all this jewel being the only thing to make me full demon shitry? And take his human heart without him dying?" Akane asked, everyone thought for a moment "no there isn't a way" everyone said, Akane went over to a corner and sat down with a gloomy aura over her.

Everyone perked up when Akane came running in the door "I HAVE AN ANSWER TO OUR PRAYS!" Akane yelled as she ran in the door "what's that?" Kagome asked looking at her "can't we find a way for Naraku to be demon without all this jewel being the onl...

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Everyone looked at her, "eek sorry Akane maybe there is a way but we don't know about it?" Kagome said as she patted Akane's back "ok! Let's go find a way!" Akane jumped up and ran out the door with Kagome being dragged by her and everyone else following her. Akane stopped then took in a deep breath "INUYASHA WE NEED YOUR HELP" Akane yelled at the top of her lungs, soon Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru showed up with a glare "geez I was the one who was nice enough to bring your family back and when I call upon you, you get mad well that's the last time I'm helping you" Akane huffed and crossed her arms sticking her head in the air "what is it Akane?" Inuyasha sighed at how dramatic Akane can get. Akane smiled "we are helping Naraku-" "NO WAY!!" Inuyasha yelled "LET ME FINISH DOGGIE" Akane yelled in Inuyasha's face "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU AKANE FINISH" Kagome yelled as the two looked at Kagome with horror and hugged each other "ok" the two gulps "Kagome no offence but your scary" Shippō sighed hopping on Kagome's shoulder "thanks" Kagome smiled at him. Akane sighed, moved from Inuyasha and looked at him "as I was saying let's help him go to the light side and ditch the jewel... All we have to do is take that human heart from him and maybe help him be a full demon isn't that all he wants?" Akane said, everyone nodded "pretty much yeah" Inuyasha said "well let's help him without the help of that jewel" Akane smiled at him then turned to Sesshōmaru "will you help as well?" Akane asked a little unsure after all Naraku did hurt Rin and she knew of that. Sesshōmaru stared at her for a moment then a tiny smile came on his face "yes" he said, Akane jumped up and down then hugged Sesshōmaru, once she realized what she had done she jumped back "sorry sorry sorry" Akane said over and over again while looking away.

Everyone just sighed "so what's the plan" Inuyasha asked "not a clue" Akane said, everyone face palmed "Akane~" they whined "what? Honestly I didn't think I would get this far" Akane sighed crossing her arms while thinking "she's in thinking mood everyone be careful" Kagome said as everyone took a step back. Akane kept thinking until something literally hit her in the head, looking over she saw the three cats in their human form "OMG YOUR EVEN MORE ADORABLE IN HUMAN FORM" Akane yelled hugging the three "lady Akane we know how to help" coco said trying to breathe "ah ok thank you!" Akane let them go and smiled at them "so what is it?" Akane asked looking at the three "switch the human heart with a demon heart it's simple yes... But you have to do it quick if not the person could die... It's not going to be easy, you have to use some magic to switch the hearts plus finding a good demon heart is heard, first it must not be starched with even the tiniest of starches, secondly it must be powerful enough to keep the person alive for many years, lastly it must still be beating when you take it from the demon" lily finished "HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!" Inuyasha and Akane yelled at the three. Lily sighed "I said with wasn't going to be easy that's why Akane you must keep using the magic called "the beating hearts" it's simple to use but you can't use all your magic just to keep it beating, you have to be very close to that person if not you could drain all the energy you have and you wouldn't be able to make the switch properly" lily explained "well this has gotten a whole lot harder" Akane sighed, turning to everyone. She too in a deep breath and "OK LISTEN UP THIS IS OPERATION GET NARAKU ON THE LIGHT SIDE! If I hear any complaints form either one of you, your going in the hole... Ok if anyone objects to this place speak now or forever hold your peace" Akane waited for a moment no one spoke a little afraid of what she'll do. Akane nodded "ok good, first we have to find Naraku and tell him of our plan if he is objective over it we shall tie him up and feed him fish!" Everyone started laughing "anyway then I will be needing someone to kill a demon and take it heart, without a starch, does anyone object?" Akane asked, no one moved "OK OPERATION GET NARAKU ON THE LIGHT SIDE IS IN FULL SWING WE SHALL NOT FAIL, FAILING IS NOT AN ANSWER PEOPLE OK LETS GO" Akane said putting her hand in the air "YEAH" everyone yelled and did the same except Sesshōmaru who just nodded.

Akane smiled and turned around to walk away, Akane gasped and jumped back holding her heart "holy Mac and cheese woman next time warn me" Akane said looking at Kikyo "I heard what you were saying... Do you really think Naraku will be so easily convinced to go to the light side?" Kikyo asked with doubt, Akane walked up to her "he will if you have the right mind... Don't ever tell me what isn't possible because nothing's impossible... He will I believe it" Akane said face to face with Kikyo 'did I mention I hated this woman? Will I do' Akane sighed and walked away from Kikyo while hitting shoulders with her "wait" Kikyo said, Akane turned around "what now?" Akane asked with a glare. Everyone could feel the air go tense "I'll help" Kikyo said, Akane lost her glare and smiled "OK LETS GO" Akan saaid and everyone was on their way to get Naraku.


Akane stopped as so did everyone else "I'll go you guys stay here... If I come out with him tied up the plan for him coming willingly didn't go as planned but if I come out and he isn't tied up then we did our job" Akane said in a whisper "ok" everyone said, Akane nodded and walked in the cave. Walking around she soon stopped "NARAKU" she yelled and just like lightning he was in front of Akane "what?" He asked "I have a plan... It involves you coming to the light side" Akane said looking at him with determination "ok?" Naraku asked looking at her "if I can make you full demon without the jewels help would you come to the light side?" Akane asked, Naraku stepped back a bit as if thinking about it, he nodded "well I have a way first you have to ditch the jewel" Akane said holding out her hand "ok" Naraku said as he hesitantly gave me the jewel "so your coming willingly?" Akane asked as she held the jewel "yes" Naraku nodded with a smile "YAY" Akane jumped up and hugged him "your short" Naraku said as he hugged her back "shut up I'm fun size" Akane huffed moving from him.

They walked out the cave but the jewel had other plans "ow" Akane said as the jewel hurt her "what the hell?!" Akane yelled dropping the jewel "it's mad" Naraku said as everyone looked at him "oh hell naw" Akane picked the jewel up and glared at it ignoring the pain it was giving her "listen here you little bits and pieces of some ROCK" Akane growled sharpening her glare "if he wants to be nice he'll be nice, so you can do us all a favour and disappear from this world" Akane threw the jewel in the air "FLAME EXPLOSION" Akane shot flames at the jewel, it soon exploded and was gone "remind me to be on your nice side at all times" everyone looked at Naraku and nodded in agreement "for once I agree with him" Inuyasha said "wait didn't you already agree with him once" Akane asked with a smile as if nothing had happened just then. Inuyasha sighed "yeah but still anyway let's continue our mission" Inuyasha said, Akane nodded "LETS GO" Akane grabbed Naraku's hand and pulled him along. Little did they know the jewel wasn't entirely gone.

Uhh Ohhh what's gonna happen now?

I think the next chapter is the last one to this book.

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