17: light meets dark

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Akane was smuggled to death by a little fox demon named Shippō "I missed you Akane" he cried out "ok I missed you too but if you don't let me go soon I'm gonna die" with that Shippō let Akane go. Akane sighed and looked at the others with a smile "hey guys" she waved to them "we missed you" Sango hugged Akane "really?" Akane giggled "of course we did idiot" Inuyasha hit Akane on her head "Owww Inuyasha that was mean" Akane whined as she rubbed her now bumped head "don't ask something so stupid then" Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms. Akane smiled and walked up to him "oh come on I know you missed me give me a hug" Akane tried to hug Inuyasha but he moved out of the way "what a meanie" Akane huffed crossing her arms "fine if that's what you want" Akane turned her back for a second then tackled Inuyasha off guard "AKANE" he yelled in shock "I missed you guys" Akane moved from him and smiled at everyone "same" Miroku said with a smile "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME" Akane then body check Miroku.

Inuyasha laughed his head off and Akane "next time I'm gonna- Naraku" Akane whispered "your gonna Naraku?" Everyone asked but soon realized what she said just as he arrived "I see little Akane is back" Naraku laughed as Akane growled at being called little "listen here big shot I'm not little I could kick you ass to a point of no return" Akane glared at him "I'm shaking" Naraku teased, everyone stood still as Akane and Naraku had a glaring contest making the air go cold. Just then a arrow flew past everyone and towards Naraku but he dodged it "WHAT THE ACTUALLY HELL" Akane yelled looking back to see a girl that looked like Kagome but different, Akane looked at the woman the to Kagome "who's the lady?" Akane asked confused "that's Kikyo" Kagome sounded depressed "oh you mean- yeah I don't know her" Akane giggled but stopped when she felt the presence of Naraku behind her "AKANE" everyone yelled as Akane was now used as a shield "used as a shield again... You know this is not how I wanted to spend my life on" Akane tried to look back at Naraku but it failed.

Akane's jaw dropped as Sesshōmaru appeared in front of them "what a party going on here? Why don't we just go invite the whole forest and the people across this land" Akane sighed "I see you have returned" Sesshōmaru sighed looking at Akane "really how'd you guess that one Sherlock?" Akane said sarcastically "the queen of sarcasm is back" Kagome giggled. Akane huffed "LET ME GO" just then a light formed around Akane and Naraku making Naraku hiss in pain and move from Akane "her power is out" Kikyo told everyone "so now I can purify this man?" Akane asked looking back at Kikyo, she nodded "ok" Akane smiled evilly and walked up to Naraku "I hate you" Akane said making Naraku widen his eyes 'she hates me?' He dodged Akane's attack 'why do I feel bad when she said that' Naraku kept his straight face when inside he was confused and feeling unloved 'it isn't the human in me that likes her but my demon' he growled "I HATE YOU SO MUCH" Akane screamed and took an arrow from Kagome's arrow bag (sorry don't know the name of it) swinging around stopping just before she got to Naraku's head "what are you waiting for kill him Akane" Inuyasha was readying his sword "I hate you" Akane moved away from him "but I can't kill you... If I do I will become even worst then you... And that's something I can't live with" Akane turned on her heel and walked away from him. Naraku looked at her walk away 'WHY DO I LIKE YOU SO MUCH' he yelled in his head "fine goodbye" "NO" before Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru got to him Naraku was gone.

Both Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha turned to Akane "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?!" Inuyasha yelled at Akane as he put his sword away "you could have killed him weak human" Sesshōmaru said "ENOUGH" Akane yelled getting mad, Kikyo sighed "I've had enough of you stupidity I'm not weak you stupid demon I just don't believe violence is the answer to solve violence... You can't fight fire with fire because someone is going to get burned" Akane stormed away from them "I'M GOING IN THE WOODS TO SCREAM FOR A WHILE ANYONE WANNA COME WITH" Akane yelled walking towards the woods "good job guys" Sango sighed as Kagome and her walked with Akane to the woods "our fault?!" Inuyasha was mad "yes you Inuyasha Akane has a point now that it's been pointed out" Kikyo followed Akane and the others "fine then" Inuyasha huffed crossing his arms.


After a few minutes Akane stopped in her tracks before "AHHHHHHH" she screamed as loud as she could before falling to her knees "let it out cous" Kagome sighed "I HATE THIS I HATE ALL OF THIS I EVEN HATE MYSELF" Akane screamed even more louder "MORE IMPORTANTLY I HATE NARAKU AND INUYASHA AND SESSHŌMARU I HATE ALL OF THEM EVEN THE PERVERT MIROKU" Akane didn't hold anything back she just kept screaming as tears also came with her screams.

Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru and Miroku stayed back with Shippō, Rin and Jaken "I can hear her screaming" Inuyasha sighed "we hurt her didn't we?" Miroku said "technically it was Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha" Shippō said getting a glare from Sesshōmaru and a hit on the head by Inuyasha "you hurt Akane lord Sesshōmaru" Rin was looking sad, both guys sighed as they got lectures from either Rin or Shippō.

Akane was done yelling and just lying on the ground "Akane please get up" Kagome said looking down at her "fine" Akane got up "you three can go back I want to go for a walk alone" Akane looked at the distance "ok" they said walking back, however Kikyo had a strange feeling of what Akane might be planning. Akane walked deeper into the forest looking at the trees and the flowers, it was now dark out with a full moon shining down on her making her hair glow more red in the moon light.

Akane stopped when she came to a clearing with a river and water fall "this is beautiful" she said looking at it all when something caught her attention "hmm?" Akane looked at a little pond/River and plying there was little white cat like demons w...

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Akane stopped when she came to a clearing with a river and water fall "this is beautiful" she said looking at it all when something caught her attention "hmm?" Akane looked at a little pond/River and plying there was little white cat like demons with long ears 'their adorable' Akane smiled. One of the demons noticed her there and walked up to her "Akane" it whispered making Akane look at it in shock "y-ye-yeah?" Akane stuttered, the demon ran back with excitement to the other demons "Akane" "Akane" "Akane" "Akane" the others whispered her name running up to her "how do you know me?" Akane asked "they know you because you are the recreation of their cat goddess" Akane looked behind her to see Naraku "don't come near me" Akane backed away when she did the demons noticed and growled at Naraku standing in front of Akane protectingly "I won't darkness can't come in this land mark... It was the cat goddess herself that cursed the land for only light to come here on this land" Akane glared at him "then I might NEVER leave" Akane said "I don't care" Naraku turned around but turned back around. The little demon cats were now back in there places as Akane looked around thinking that Naraku had left, but he hadn't Naraku walked in the land and hugged Akane from behind "how did you?" Akane spun around "light meets dark" was his answer before leaving "LIGHT MEETS DARK WHAT THE HELL" Akane yelled "love" a demon whispered "no" Akane sighed and walked away from the place and back to Kagome and the others.

Ah damn Akane just admit that you like Naraku already jeez

Anyway so sorry for the late update school got me drove, I got no more nerves left :/

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