15: Akane's Decision

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It's been 2 weeks since Akane came home and almost everyday Lisa has mentioned is she moving and today was like any other day.

Akane walked down the halls to her next class with Lisa by her side "Lisa if I said I'm moving what will you say?" Akane asked looking at Lisa "well I would say what I said before write and talk to me... Also visit A LOT... But I would miss you A LOT" Lisa answered heartily, Akane smiled "you're thinking about moving back to Japan aren't ya?" Lisa asked. Lisa isn't originally from Vancouver she was born in Newfoundland and lived there until 6th grade and her speech is faster than the others making some people look at her with weird expressions. Akane smiled at Lisa "I might actually go after all dads back there and so is my family" Akane sighed, Lisa nodded "ok then it's settled you're moving back to Japan with your family remember to write me and also if I ever want to visit I is coming there no matter what" Lisa giggled making Akane laugh at her "yes ma'am" Akane and Lisa walked happily into their next class smiling and sitting down in their normal seats.


Akane looked out the window to her bus sighing as Lisa looked over at her "stop signing jeez if you keep sighing so much- wait sighing so much, looking distant... OMG YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON A BOY" Lisa freaked out "yes keep it down" Akane smiled at Lisa "omg what's his name? What's he like?" Lisa got up in Akane's face "his name is Naraku and he's mean cruel and mulative... But he has a nice side to him I just know it" Akane sighed again "he sounds like a dream boat" Lisa grinned as she hit Akane's shoulder playfully "ok I'll text you later bye bye honey" Lisa got up and walked off the bus.

Akane's was the next stop, she got off and walked in her house "MOM I'M HOME" AKANE called out as she took her shoes off "oh good-" "wait I have a discussion that I've been working on the whole two weeks we have came home" Akane cut her mother off "hmm? What is it sweetheart" she asked smiling at Akane "could we move to Japan... I know it's weird but my family is back there and I miss them plus dad is there too and Lisa understands she's over the moon" Akane took a deep breath "really?!" Her mother almost jumped for joy "yes" Akane smiled and nodded "I'll phone your father now and tell him then I have to phone my sister... Are you sure?" Akane's mother asked looking at her from the phone "yes" Akane smiled "ok" her mother then started to call her dad as Akane walked to her room.

Akane was sitting at the dinner table eating as her mother asked her when she wanted to go back "I don't know like 4 weeks from now" Akane said still eating "how about next month then you would have summer break and finals would be over?" Akane nodded "sure" Akane got up and took her dishes to the sink.

After washing the dishes Akane went to work on homework as Lisa called her cellphone "WHAT'S UP GIRLFRIEND" Akane moved the phone from her ear as Lisa yelled at her "nothing about to do homework you" Akane got her book and started doing her homework while talking to Lisa "cool did you tell your mother about moving" Lisa asked "yeah" Akane was busy doing her homework "cool when you going?" "Summer break" Akane answered "ok so you'll have to start next year with a good start instead of appearing in the last part of the semester" Lisa said "yup got to go" Akane said "okie dokie bah bye" Lisa then hung up and Akane finished off the last bit of her homework.

After finishing her homework Akane went to to get ready for bed as she heard her mom talking on the phone "I'll wait until we move to tell her that honey" it was by no doubt her father but Akane was getting suspicious "yes yes I know but with you working over there in Japan it will be hard so I'll wait for the summer break to move" Akane sighed and walked in her room. Akane turned off the the lights and got into bed dreaming of someone who she would never thought she'd dream about and that person was Naraku....


Back in feudal era:

Naraku was causing trouble as always for Kagome and the other's "Kagome is Akane coming back to visit soon" Shippō asked Kagome as they walked around Kaede's village "well she's supposed to be moving to Japan back in my time so she might be here when that happens" Kagome said as her and Shippō walked into the hut "I miss her... Did you find out why Akane left so soon?" Sango asked joining them " I can't tell you that" Kagome sighed "you don't know do you" Inuyasha said, "SIT BOY" Kagome yelled making Inuyasha face plant in the ground "he'll never learn" Shippō sighed as he hopped in Kagome's shoulder "nope" Miroku said as they walked out of the hut leaving Inuyasha on the ground.


Naraku was planning how to make Inuyasha and the other suffer even more and how to get the last shard... But he soon found his thoughts leading to what her over heard Kagome talk about to the others 'so Akane is coming back' he smiled 'why am I smiling?!' He asked himself a little shocked. Every since Akane left Naraku hasn't stopped thinking about her and the way she didn't care about anything that was happening she was so carefree and she didn't fear him instead she would laugh and make up funny things to say that would always make him laugh at her or smile 'I sound like a little girl falling in love for the first time... Wait did I just admit that I love Akane?' Naraku was shocked beyond words 'I guess I do like her' Naraku finally admitted it.

Sorry for the late update!
Holy grail Naraku admitted he likes Akane!
The world is ending! Nice knowing all of you!

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