12: memories

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Akane jumped from her spot on the ground when she felt someone shaking her "I'M UP" she yelled at the person but soon regretted it as soon as she realized it was only Kagura "sorry to wake you Akane but Kagome and the others are here looking for you" Kagura said in a hush voice "I'll help you escape ok" Kagura whispered in a low voice that Akane could barely hear her "ok thank you" Akane hugged Kagura "no time for this we have to go now" Kagura grabbed Akane's hand and ran towards where Kagome and the others were.


Akane gasped as she hugged Kagome with all her might "A-Akane I-I c-can't b-br-breathe" Kagome gasped out trying to get some air into her lungs "sorry" Akane moved back from Kagome with a smile "thank you again Kagura" Akane smiled back at Kagura "you're welcome now leave before Naraku comes back... I'll make it look like I was fighting you and lost ok" Kagura said, everyone nodded and pretend to fight Kagura.

After an hour of "fighting" Akane and the others ran out of the cave and away from the mountain. Akane huffed as they stopped just a few miles away from the mountain "Akane are you ok? Did Naraku hurt you?" Kagome asked checking her for anything that could lead to Naraku hurting Akane "no... Not necessarily" Akane mumbled that last part "yeah I'm ok Kagome calm down" Akane moved away from Kagome while wapping at Kagome "Kagome leave me alone I said I'm fine" Akane back away "I highly doubt that" Kagome check Akane again "Kagome~" Akane whined and back away more only to back up into someone "oh I'm- SESSHŌMARU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Akane yelled at him "shut up human" Sesshōmaru glared at her 'he's still mean... But cute looking' Akane widen her eyes 'WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST THOUGHT' she freaked out a bit "I came here because Naraku was here" Sesshōmaru said making Akane sigh "do you still smell his scent?" She asked, Sesshōmaru looked at her with his usual look "yes" he said "it's me his scent is all over me because I was in that mountain with him after he kidnapped me" AKANE huffed crossing her arms "what?" Sesshōmaru looked at her irritated "it me Naraku kind of-" "WHAT DID HE DO" Inuyasha freaked out hold Akane by her shoulder.

Akane sighed "he kind of pinned me to a wall and threatened me" Akane explained "HE DID WHAT NOW?!" Kagome yelled looking scary "calm down he didn't do anything that your thinking he did Kagome... Also get your mind out of the gutter" Akane scolded Kagome who was blushing at her own thoughts "wait Akane I was told by Kaede that you have the power to purify demons" Sango said looking at Akane "yeah Magatsuhi told me, but I don't know how to use them" Akane sighed "that's not all you have you are also something that I would have never guessed you'd be" Inuyasha said walking up to Akane. Akane looked at him in confusion "you sense it too don't you Sesshōmaru?" Inuyasha said looking back at Sesshōmaru "yes" he said looking at Akane with a glare "oh I see I don't like the way your glaring at me" Akane said looking away from Sesshōmaru "anyway enough let's go back before Naraku takes Akane again" Kagome grabbed Akane's hand with a tight hold on it so no one could take Akane again, everyone nodded and followed Kagome back to Kaede, well not everyone Sesshōmaru went his own way.


Akane was lying down on the floor of Kaede's hut thinking about what had happened in the mountain, all of that made her blush and sigh more "ye sighed for the 5th time since ye has gotten back, is there anything wrong?" Kaede asked looking at Akane. It was only Akane and Kaede is the hut as Inuyasha and the others were out someplace "yeah it is can you keep this between us Kaede?" Akane asked sitting up to look at Kaede "yes" Kaede nodded and looked at Akane "is it bad to fall for the bad guy?" Akane asked looking away "have ye fallen for this Naraku guy?" Kaede asked, Akane sighed "I don't know but what if did? Would Inuyasha and the others hate me?" Akane asked still looking away "child it isn't right to fall for the bad guy... But if ye truly feels feelings for this man then ye have to follow your heart... Akane Kagome could never hate you neither could the others, after all this is ye own heart not there's" Akane looked at Kaede who somehow made her feel happy to have someone to talk to about this "but he have to make sure the man you love loves ye as well if not ye could have your heart broken" Kaede said, Akane sighed 'she has a point' Akane laid back on the floor looking up at the roof thinking everything over.

Akane waited on the floor for everyone to come back but somehow she felt like she's been here before all of this had happened like she has met this Kikyo woman the one who Kagome talks about all the time. She even felt like she has met Magatsuhi before, and somehow whenever someone brings up Midoriko Akane feels like she has a connection to her. Maybe it was because she had the same powers has her or was it more? All of this made Akane huff and sigh even more than usual it hurt her head just thinking about all of this.


Akane sighed and kept staring at the roof when a picture popped up in her head of fighting a demon. Akane shook her head 'was that a memory? But who was that? And how come it looked like I was fighting it and not someone else?' Akane huffed rolling over in her side, she could hear the faint voices of Kagome talking to Kaede about Akane. "Has Akane come out of the hut anytime today Kaede?" Kagome asked "no ye has been in there the whole day since ye has came back" Kaede said "is she feeling ok?" Kagome asked there was a faint hint of worry in her voice "yes ye is feeling alright" Kaede said with a sigh "ok I'll go check on her" Kagome then walked into the hut only to find Akane on her side looking like a blank page not moving hardly breathing.

Kagome freaked out a little "Kagome I'm ok" Akane turned her head looking at Kagome with dead eyes "Akane what's wrong?" Kagome asked with concern "Kagome before I came here I knew who I was I had everything planned out... Now every since I came here I don't know who I am, everyone's telling me that I have this power to purify demons, and that I'm something more then what I lead on to be" Akane cried out hugging Kagome "it's ok I feel how you feel before I came here I knew who I was too... Then when I fell down the well I was told to have some dead girls powers" Kagome and Akane sat on the floor hugging each other as Akane cried "Kagome I think I'll go home now" Akane moved from Kagome and looked at her "ok let's go" Kagome nodded and got up from the floor.

Akane got up and followed Kagome out the hut and to the well.

What will happen now?

Ok next chapter will be April 12th Tuesday

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