7: fighting against the evil demon

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Akane woke up later now she's screaming to be let got "LET GO OR ELSE" Akane screamed in Naraku's ear hoping it could deaf him "stop screaming" Naraku said annoyed 'over my dead body' "AHHHHH" Akane screamed her high pitched scream that could deaf anyone in Naraku's ear "I'll drop you" he said "go ahead maybe I'll run away then" Akane smirked, "ok" Naraku let Akane go as she fell to the ground 'please be a pillow... Please be a pillow down there' Akane payed to god there would be a pillow for her to land on but with her good luck (sarcasm) there wasn't a pillow waiting for her "HOLY FLYING FISH STICKS THAT HURT" Akane yelled as she landed on the ground with a loud thud "I told you I'll drop you" Naraku said "hah jokes on you now I can run away" Akane took of running like the wind 'where in gods name do I go to' Akane cursed as she done some twisty turns "someone give me a sign" Akane cried out "Akane?" Akane ran up to the little girl she now loved "RIN AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU" Akane yelled hugging Rin "why are you here" Akane turned to look at Sesshōmaru "long story short in running from Naraku" Akane smiled at him 'will I piss him off if I smile at him... Probably' Akane kept her smile "why" Rin asked "I got kidnapped by him he dropped me I ran away" Akane told them "oh" Rin said "yeah help" Akane looked back at Rin "ok I'll help" she said 'I'm asking a little girl to help me... Yup the feudal era has turned me crazy' Akane face panned as Rin stood in front of her 'yup doomed' Akane sighed.

They stood in their same place for what Akane thought an hour "are you sure it was Naraku? You could have been dreaming" Rin asked looking back at Akane "is my hair red?" Akane asked "yes" Rin said a little confused "well then yes it was Naraku" Akane huffed "stupid human" Akane got hit with Jaken's staff of two heads "I wasn't joking when I said I'll rip you into pieces little green monster" Akane said glaring back at Jaken "you lie" he said turning away and crossing his arms "ok fi- who's that boy?" Akane asked when she noticed a boy on the back of A-un "when did he get there" Akane asked "he was here the whole time stupid" Jaken scold Akane 'oh I really got to start noticing people' Akane sighed "STOP CALLING- AHH PUT ME DOWN" Akane was now hanging by her foot "let's go" Sesshōmaru threw Akane on the back of A-un with Rin and the boy "you could have asked nicely... Like "can you please get on the flying two headed monster dragon thing thank you"" Akane huffed crossing her arms, Sesshōmaru shot her a glare "on second thought your way was fun" Akane smiled and laughed nervously, they continued to walk to someplace with rocks. Akane was talking to Rin and Kohaku who she only just learned his name when everyone stopped "does anyone else feel that dark and evil feeling in the air or is it just me?" Akane asked as the clouds darkened "you can feel that darkness human" Jaken asked, Akane ignored the human thing and nodded "LOOK" Akane pointed to in front of Sesshōmaru "it's a-" "evil demon" Akane nodded as she cut Jaken off "must you-" "cut me off? Yes I must" Akane hopped off of A-un "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Akane took off running in the other direction "PEACE I'M OUT" Akane yelled as she ran away, everyone rolled their eyes.

Sesshōmaru attacked the demon "KICK SOME DEMON BUTT" Akane yelled from afar but she could still hear and see everything 'so who's this dude?' Akane asked in her head as if a magical being will tell her in her head who this man was 'why am I asking things in my head when I know no one can hear me' Akane face panned 'maybe I can go look for Kagome now' Akane sighed then remembered something 'if I do leave then Naraku can easily get to me' Akane huffed crossing her arms and looking at the demon dude as she calls him "so~ CAN I COME BACK NOW" Akane yelled "NO" Rin yelled back at Akane who nodded "you are a weak demon" he said 'shits about to go down' Akane sighed 'ok I'm going on an adventure' Akane huffed walking away until she was grabbed "ON HAND ME YOU DEMON" Akane face palmed at her attempt to free herself "yup doomed" Akane sighed as she just stopped "what happened to your struggling it was amusing" the demon said "I learned that it's better to not fight a scary demon such as yourself" Akane sighed, he laughed 'not to mention good looking too' Akane dropped her jaw "WHAT AM I THINKING" she yelled out loud "AKANE" Akane looked over to see Kagome there "oh my mother of Christmas I love seeing you these days Kagome" Akane smiled "now would you be a doll and... GET ME OUT OF HERE" Akane struggled once more then stopped "who are you anyway" Akane looked back at him "my name is Magatsuhi" Akane sighed 'suits him it means devious spirit' Akane shrugged. Magatsuhi looked at Kagome making her go unconscious "KAGOME... Great now I have Inuyasha and the others to save me" Akane smiled "also HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY COUSIN WHY I ODD TO BEAT YOU WITH A TREE... But I'm trapped and your scary so that plan is out of the question" Akane yelled/sighed, everyone sighed "AKANE" they yelled at her "dudes I know this is supposed to be all serious and shit... But we all know I'm not serious" Inuyasha sighed "she has a point" he looked at the others "wait wasn't you the girl that Naraku guy was trying to kidnap?" Magatsuhi asked "nope" Akane smiled "yes it was" Magatsuhi said "nope I don't remember a Naraku" Akane whistled and looked away "your lying" he tighten his grip on Akane 'god damnit and the death grips' "fine it was me" Akane huffed, Magatsuhi's grip loosen a bit just enough for Akane to breathe.

Akane sighed as she leaned her arm on the demon thingy that she is captured by 'I really gotta know this name' Akane sighed watching everyone fail miserably at killing this dude "GUYS ON THE COUNT OF THREE KILL THE MOTHER EFFER" Akane screamed "ACK" she was squeezed to death 'can't...breathe' Akane gasped for air "AKANE" everyone yelled, Inuyasha swung his sword down on Magatsuhi's disabled arm making Akane fall to the ground 'time to do a 360' Akane flipped landing on her feet "WOO HOO" Akane yelled with joy doing her happy dance "WAIT... KAGOME" Akane turned and ran to where Kagome was "my sweet cousin please be ok" Akane hugged her and felt her pulse "OK SHES ALIVE" Akane jumped up doing her happy dance again "AKME STOP" Inuyasha yelled still fighting the evil demon "THATS IT... I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THESE MOTHER EFFING DEMONS ON THIS MOTHER EFFING PLANET EARTH" Akane screamed getting in a defensive stance 'I'm watching way too many movies these days' Akane sighed "what the hell are you doing" Inuyasha asked "what does it look like?" Akane asked "distraction?" Sesshōmaru asked, Akane nodded "ok" Inuyasha and Akane did her distraction dance which was the chicken dance "I don't wanna be a chicken. I don't wanna be a duck. I don't wanna be a chicken. I don't wanna be a duck. So I shake my butt. na na na na na na na na na na na na I don't wanna be a chicken i don't wanna be a duck so I shake my butt. I don't wanna be a chicken. I don't wanna be a duck. na na na na na na na na na na na na I don't wanna be a chicken. I don't wanna be a duck. So I shake my butt. I don't wanna be a chicken. I don't wanna be a duck. na na na na na na na na na na na na" Akane singed distracting everyone "NOW" Akane screamed "oh sorry it was that good it even distracted me" Inuyasha and both he and Sesshōmaru "killed" Magatsuhi. Miroku and Sango looked at Akane "where did that come from?" They asked "my distraction dance good isn't it?" Akane smiled "yeah" Inuyasha said "let's bring Kagome back before something bad happens again" Akane sight and Inuyasha picked Kagome up 'aww cute~' Akane smiled then walked back with them.


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