20: Kagome's Tears, Akane's Life

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Today's the day Akane would be buried, Kagome and everyone else was wearing black, Sesshōmaru was nowhere to be seen he left yesterday after finding out Akane was dead.

Kagome looked solemnly at Akane perfectly prepared body "Kagome staring at her isn't going to bring her back to life" Inuyasha said as he walked in "I know I just don't know how to explain this to her mother and father when I go back... Why did she have to go? INUYASHA WHY?!" Kagome screamed at Inuyasha who sighed and hugged her "I don't know" Inuyasha whispered staring at Akane "are we ready to bring her out?" Miroku choked out trying to hold in his tears.

Sure they only just met Akane a month ago and she only just came back but between those times she was here she lightened up the place her carefree attitude made everyone worry about her but it also made them laugh at her whenever she said something unexpectedly, heck no one knew what she was gonna say next they were scared of the things she was going to say. But everyone loved her and they would forever miss the red headed bundle of craziness.

Sango then walked in, when she seen Akane's lifeless body she snapped and cried, it was a sad day for all even Kaede was crying, she's only met Akane a few times but Kaede still loved Akane and her happy go lucky attitude. Everyone walked out of the hut as the two guys lifted Akane's body and carried her out the hut. Everyone's eyes landed on Akane "if she was alive now she would be saying "what y'all looking at take a picture it'll last longer"" Kagome smiled at that thought. The guys slowly laid her on the ground besides the hole she was going to be carefully put in, the little demon cats came out of the forest crying and landing on Akane "Akane wake up we're sorry" coco cried as the tears fell on he checks "we can't lose your other goddess please Akane" lily cried "Akane it's our fault" Ginger the cat Akane named cried as she rubbed her head in Akane's hair.

Kagome couldn't take it anymore she ran up to Akane and hugged her "please don't leave me Akane" Kagome cried, slowly Kagome's tears fell one by one on Akane's checks "Akane I love you, you crazy girl your my best friend and amazing cousin please what am I going to tell aunt and uncle?" Kagome cried. One no two tears fell on Akane's eyes, Kagome hugged Akane tight in her grip afraid that if she let go she would never hug Akane again.

Darkness then a light Akane looked around "what's going on?" Akane asked "life I guess he doesn't quite want you yet" Akane smiled "I'll protect the cats and I'll protect my family and friends thank you" Akane said "I'll lend you my last bit of power" Akane nodded and the woman put her hand on Akane's forehead "good luck" Akane nodded and darkness surrounded her again.

Kagome was now up and hugging Shippō close as Inuyasha and Miroku walked up to Akane slowly as if they didn't want to burry her just yet as if waiting to see if she'll awake, Shippō cried as Kagome's tears fell on his head. Inuyasha and Miroku were about to lift her up "if you let that pervert touch me I'll kill you" everyone was shocked as Akane slowly rise to sit up "AKANE" everyone yelled Kagome and Shippō were the first to hug her "Akane I-your back" Kagome cried more as Akane giggled "I missed you too" Akane hugged back "how she was dead?" Miroku asked "nice to see you too buddy" Akane got up as Kagome wiped her tears away. Kaede walked up to Akane "when Kagome cried ye tear fell on Akane... Ye have the power to purify but ye also love Akane very much so when ye cried and ye tears fell on her eyes Akane was brought back to life" Kaede explained 'I swear every time she talks I feel I'm in a Shakespeare play' Akane thought "Akane" looking up she was surprised to see Inuyasha... CRYING "Inuyasha your... CRYING" Akane yelled as Inuyasha wiped his tears "shut up" he said "I missed you too ya big baby" Akane laughed "your alive?" Akane spun around and standing there was
Sesshōmaru "SESSHŌMARU" Akane yelled "yeah I'm alive I'm not a zombie" Kagome sighed at that "oh jeez sorry Kagome" Akane giggled 'right I forgot Kikyo is a zombie' Akane laughed even more "I missed all of you!" Akane started to cry "I'm sorry I caused you all pain" she continued "I'm... So... Sorry" Akane choked out bowing a bit "Akane it ok your alive now" Sango said hugging her "we all missed you as well" Kagome hugged Akane as well "just don't do tang again" Inuyasha patted Akane's head as she smiled at them all "thank you" she whispered hugging Kagome and Sango "I missed you too Akane" Shippō hugged tightly into Akane arm "haha I missed you most little fella" Akane laughed "Akane" she spun around to see the little cat demons flying up to her "LITTLE CAT DEMONS" everyone face palmed "Akane your back we missed you" coco said as they hugged her, Akane hugged back "I missed you three as well" Akane smiled as they all walked back to the hut.


Naraku widen his eyes "she's alive" he whispered 'thank goodness' Naraku sighed 'I just have to get rid of this human heart and get rid of Kikyo then I can have Akane' Naraku thought to himself while thinking of plans on to killing Kikyo and getting rid of the human heart he has. Then about how he could get Akane, she hated him but he wasn't going to let that stand in the way. Whatever Naraku wants he will stop at nothing to get.


Akane looked down at the necklace around her neck 'I said I hated him I was wrong I love him so much that my heart is hurting just by looking at this necklace' Akane was lost in thought "Akane I want a word with you" Sesshōmaru said making Akane jump a little "ok" Akane then walked out of the hut following Sesshōmaru to a large tree just outside the village. Akane looked up at the full moon that was now out "Akane when are you going to tell Kagome your in love with Naraku" Sesshōmaru caught Akane off guard "how does never sound" Akane sighed, Sesshōmaru glared at her "Akane-" "listen Sesshōmaru I'll tell everyone when to time comes now get off of my back I have a lot on my plate jeez I just woke up from being dead and I now have you on my back about me loving Naraku so just be quiet about it for a few weeks or months or years" Akane stomped away from Sesshōmaru.

Sesshōmaru growled 'no one talks to me like that' Sesshōmaru thought walking after Akane with a angry look on his face.

Yay another chapter!
Great Akane got herself into trouble now talking to lord fluffy like that
Sesshōmaru: what did you just call me? *glares*
Akane: she called you lord fluffy jeez get some hearing aids
Me: Akane shut up and good luck your gonna need it... IM GONE TO MY OTHER WORLD NOW JUST IN CASE! BYEEE

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