Chapter 4: Break through!

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I truly don't understand why Chloe can make me so pissed off but the moment she looks at me with her green eyes I can't stay mad at anything even. It's always been like this... Even before puberty. When I still thought that everyone had a dick, she still had a hold on me and everyone knew so. In the 4th grade we had a game where we jumped off my deck into my pool, one time when we decided to do it Chloe though it wold be funny to push me in off guard. Sense I didn't know I was going in I didn't position myself right and broke my arm. I was absolutely pissed at her, but then when I came home from the hospital and was laying in my room Chloe came up and sat with me next to my bed. I refused to acknowledge her existence, without noticing she got a sharpie and signed my cast, "I'm sorry Wes, friends?' With a heart. It took me all of 5 seconds to hug her with my good arm and tell her I forgave her.

She was the same way towards me though, in the 6th grade Chloe got her first boyfriend and to girls that shit is like a mile stone or something. Well on their first little date, which was a walk on the beach, me, Drew, and Keaton just so happened to be at the skate park when we say them. Seeing as we couldn't help it I chucked my wet towel at them and it landed on her face causing her to trip on something, fall, and bust her lip. She. Was. Pissed. She ditched Jake, came up to me and punched the shit out of my lip, causing me to bust mine too. So, we had matching busted lips, people teased us for weeks saying we made out and our braces got caught together which made us bust our lips. After 2 days in decided that I was kind of wrong for throwing that towel at her, so I used the ladder to climb through her window. She had locked the window. I stood on the ladder banging on her window for like 30 minutes until Jen came in and opened it for me. When I came in Chloe was sitting on her bed totally not knowing I was in her room because she didn't even hear or look when Jen open the window for me because she had her headphone in blaring music. I remember that was the first time I kinda took in how amazing she was. She was just laying on her bed facing the celling listening to music trying to block me out. Once I got over staring at her, I didn't hesitate to jump on her stomach first forming into a suffocating hug. I took her head phones out and told her I was sorry probably like a million times, it didn't take her long to forgive me though because after the first I'm sorry she hugged me back but let me go on. I eventually rolled over because she said I was suffocating her.

I know she feels something for me because everytime I got into a relationship she would always roll her eyes or make more snarky comments that usual. We just never really got to talking about our feelings because we where in such a good place with being just friend for so long.

Until summer going into sophomore year we went to a kick off party the last week of summer. We weren't the best kids in the world, my grades showed it, but Chloe kept her shit straight in school. She hung out with the wrong crowd but graduated in honor, she was the girl that proved everyone one wrong.


Sophomore year.

Chloe was wasted beyond words, she could barley stand when I had last left her. I went to look for a restroom but instead walked in on some college guy on top of Chloe, with out hesitation I threw him off of her and picked her up carrying her to the car.

"Wes! You can't take me home my parents are going to kill me!" Her slurred talking was hard to make out but I was already ahead of her on that one.

"Yeah okay Chlo, you can just spend the night at my house." I texted her mom telling her Chloe was spending the night at my house, her mom just replied 'k'

I thew her in my truck and we took off, I was tippsy and probably shouldnt have been driving but I was more stupid than I am now, back then. When we got to my house my parents where already alseep.. I told her I was spending the night at Chloe's but she would care if we spend the night here. Me and Chloe had our parents fooled, honestly they thought we where perfect but little did they know.

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