Chapter 31: Crappy Christmas

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I woke up to a tickle on my nose, I thought Drew and Keaton where playing that old annoying trick on me, so I woke up ready to fight. I threw my body up and took a glance at my right hand, but the shaving cream that was suppose to be there wasn't. I took a look at my left, I was surprised when there wasn't anything on that hand either. What the hell? I looked over to Chloe who was dead asleep as usual, right next to her laid long brown locks of hair. That must have been what was tickling my nose.

I got up and wasn't sure about what the right thing was to do. I looked at Chloe who laid there peacefully sleeping and I realized that if I could keep her happiness, just even temporarily. I would do whatever I had too, just to see a genuine smile from her. Not the smile she gives you when she want you to think that she is okay, I let her pretend but I can see right through it, and I know she knows I can.

I leaned over her to pick up the brown locks off the pillow, and with my luck her eyes started to flicker a bit until she opened them. "What.." She rubbed her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I gave her a smile.

She put her arms around my neck, "Merry Christmas" she smirked at me, even though she was dead tired.

I smiled, "Merry Christmas, Chlo." I kissed her forehead.

I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a big sweatshirt and some leggings. I went to the restroom and turned on the shower, placing the clothes on the counter. "Take a shower." I walked back over to the bed helping her out and to the bathroom.

"Thanks, Love you." She smiled and puckered her lips asking for a kiss. I kissed her lips and couldn't help but let out a laugh. Partly because she was so cute and partly because I laugh when im nervous. I stood there with my right hand behind my back until she gave me a weird look and closed the door.

I raced down to the kitchen and stepped onto the petal that opened the trashcan, I looked over the can before tossing the locks of hair into the trashcan. I sniffled my nose and wiped a few tears that had fallen. This had been going on for a month, but it was still so hard. I have this strong feeling it wont ever be easy.

"What was that?" I jumped when I looked behind me I saw Keaton, looking over the trashcan. When he looked back up at me I saw genuine sadness pass through his eyes,When he looked back up at me I saw genuine sadness pass through his eyes, "Its going to be okay, Wes."

I just nodded my head, he believed himself I think just as much as I believed him, which wasn't really a lot at all. I was so close to blowing up on all the people who told me it would be okay, but I know that Keaton knows as much as I do that when he says it, or any one else says it they are just empty words. Empty words that people say when there was nothing else to really say, Mrs. Hart never said it was going to be okay, neither did Mr. Hart. My mom just cried, nothing out of the ordinary.

I even felt my tears becoming hollow, I found myself crying when I was watching Family Guy, just because I could. I cant find anything to make me happy anymore because when I do start to feel happy I know it isn't going to last so I figure why even try. Chloe always creeps in to my mind and I get sad all over again. The thought of Chloe could make me happy when I was sad, but now it has the opposite effect, but then again it is so much different, I don't want to be sad knowing that Chloe was in so much pain. So in a way, I didn't mind not being happy, I had no reason to be.

Keaton wiped away a stray tear, when Chloe and drew came walking down the stairs. Chloe was in the clothes I had set out for her, but her hair wasn't dripping wet.

Because it wasn't there.

I looked over at Keaton who realized what just happened, he had a half smirk on his face, trying to take in everything that had just happened in about a second.

Chloe looked at me, trying to read what was going through my head. To my surprise a confused look came across her face, she didn't know what I was feeling. I would like to say I had finally out smarted Chloes weird mind reading skills, but the truth was she didn't know what I was thinking because neither did I. I knew this was going to happen at one point, but I thought I would have time to except it, or prepare myself for it.

I didn't really know how to take this all in, it wasn't just that she was bald, she still looked beautiful to me. But she really looked like she had cancer now, aside from the heavy bags she wore under her eyes, and her once plumpy pink lips that now held a deadly pale shade, everything was truly real now. I say that so much, that everything is finally so real, it gets more real everyday. I need to be strong but I think I deserve a breaking point

I ran up stairs to the bathroom, I threw the door open and there laid a head full of deep brown hair that looked even darker up against the white tiled floor. It was all there, I felt someone grab at my hips.

Chloe wrested her head on the crook of my neck as she kissed it, "It had to happen eventually."

I turned around as I grasped her face, her face looked horrified, "I know, Chloe. But this is happening to fucking fast, okay!?" The tears that left my eyes where definitely not hollow, they where heavy, it felt like I was crying tears that weighed a pound. "Every day I wake up and pray to god that this is a nightmare, that the love of my life doesn't have a disease that is slowly killing her day by day. But everyday I'm disappointed!" I fell to my knees, "I know, that you are the one going through this, but I am the one who has to watch you, and know that there is literally nothing I can do but sit and watch. Wait and see if this disease is going to take a big chunk of you today or just a mild one. It fucking sucks."

When I got up she pressed me against the door way and pressed her lips against mine, her hands creeping dangerously low. She deepened the kiss, as she nibbled at my lip. She came back but still hovered very close, "I thought you needed that."

I did, I smiled and she intertwined her fingers with mine as we walked downstairs. Chloe was in front of me and she took an abrupt stop before she turned around and threw her hands on my eyes. She kept her hands there but moved to the back of me, "Walk."

"I feel like Im being kid knapped Chlo." I said with a slight smirk in a sexy way.

"You wish, dude." I heard Drew's voice.

We all laughed, "Okay, lead him Chloe." I felt her whole body move when she nodded, she led me to what sounded like the front door when someone opened it.

"watch out there is a step, Chloe said, I took a step onto the concrete, I heard a car beep. What the hell? "Ready?" Chloe asked, I could hear the huge smile in her voice.

"Sure." Chloe took her hands off my eyes and right in front of me was a White Lamorgini parked right in front of me, "There is no way."

Keaton threw the keys at me and I caught them, "Everyone hop in for a joy ride in Wes's new car!"

"Oh my god." I ran to it and gently pet it before everyone hopped in, Drew in the front seat and Keaton in the back.

"I'm not really up for it, I'll wait here and start breakfast. Have fun crazies." Chloe smiled and walked back inside.

That feeling crept back into the pit of my stomach, I have no reason to be happy when the person that means anything to me in the whole world is slowing, painfully dying.

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