Chapter 25: 3 words 1 action

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We are unpacking our stuff into our brand new.. house. I always thought that when I finally owned a house ONLY with the girl that I loved that it would be under different... circumstances. But, I was blessed to be here right now with not only the girl I love but also the guys I love.

"Im taking the right side Wes." Chloe said as she made a crash landing onto the bed. The only flaw in our sleepovers when we where kids was we were both right side kind of people, which led to difficulties. Difficulties knows as big huge massive fights over who got the right side.

I climbed on top of her with my forearms holding me up making sure I was as close as I could possible be, "Or we could both sleep on the right side, sense I don't have coodies anymore." I gave her a smirk.

All of the sudden she now had me pinned down, her hair brushed up against my jaw ever so often, "Hey, I'm suppose to be the tease, remember?"

"Oh trust me, I remember." I pinned her down and kissed her, she came up towards me and deepened the kiss. Then she started to travel her hands up my shirt until it eventually came off. I pulled away from the kiss and looked straight into her green eyes, "Chloe."

She looked back at me, "Yes?" Her expression went down, "Are we going to fast... for you? I mean if you think we need to do this because of me..."

I'm fine. I don't want you to think of me as this delicate little flower becau-"

I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth, "Chloe shut up." She stopped talking, or attempting to talk, and looked at me confused, "I love you." At first she was still confused but then she got that I actually meant it. Not in a friend way, but I literally meant it in a 'im IN love with you' kind of way.

Her facial expression went down from confused too a slight smile. She threw her arms around my neck, and looked me straight in the eyes, "Wesley Stromberg," She kissed me lips delicately, "I love you more than any person in this whole entire world," She laughed, "Wes, its safe to say. You are my world."

I was pretty much an open book, she knows I would do anything for her. But she on the other hand was very hard to read, I knew she loved me but it was good to hear her say exactly how she feels and for her to mean every words she said. She was a good liar, but I knew every time she would lie to me. I couldn't explain it, but there was something in her eyes that would give away when she was lying. And apparently I was the only person who knew the trick because I had seen her lie a lot before. No one ever seemed to catch on though, but this time when she told me she loved me and everything else, I knew she was telling the truth.

It was the best feeling in the world, to know that the girl you have adored since you can remember finally feels the same way about you. It may mean something to girls when they are in love, but to a guy it only happens once in a lifetime. You fall in love with one girl and that's it, no going back. Girls are different they can be in love more than once, but guys, when we fall in love its bad. Your basically fucked, it doesn't matter what the girl does, you will always love her. And you can lie to yourself about it, but deep down you always know its the truth. No matter what Chloe does, she can shit on me how ever much she wants, but I don't think I will ever in my life time stop loving her.

I know that eventually I want to marry this girl, I want her to have my children. It sounds lame, and who even thinks about this? But I have it bad, with one action this girl can break my heart into a million tiny pieces, and that's dangerous territory. But the even more dangerous part is she knows it, she absolutely knows it. I trust her though, I don't think she would ever willing break my heat. Because now I know that she feels the same way.

Chloe is the one, the first and last girl I will ever love.

"Ew, my head hurts.. I'm going to go take an advil." She kissed me and dashed off to the kitchen... our kitchen. Well, her, me, Drew, and Keatons kitchen anyway. Whatever, it still put a smile on my face.

She came back and pounced on the bed besides me, climbing on top of me she kissed me, "I" kiss. "Love." kiss "You." Kiss, a kiss turned into a passionate make out. I came closer to make it deeper, I traveled my hands up her shirt bringing them up her back and wresting them on her shoulders. Bringing them down slightly, I undid her bra. I could feel her smiling through our kiss.

I bounced away, "Are you ready for this? Because I love you Chloe, I can wait."

She looked at me for a second then smiled, "I love you too, and I cant wait." She gave me a mischievous sexy smile, with that I threw her on the bed with me now on top and kissed her. It was like all the times I wanted to rip her clothes off but ended up not, led up to this. I threw her shirt off as she started to undo my belt, then my jean button. She zipped down the zipper, and and my pants where off.

I kissed her all the way down to her belly button where the scar laid, the scar that held bad memories. I kissed the scar and she ran her hands through my hair pulling my head back up to hers as she kissed me viciously, I slowly dragged down her shorts until they where completely off. I was nervous, I wont lie. I have always seen Chloe as this innocent person, and I had no intentions of hurting her.

I guess she could tell I was nervous because I could feel her smile, she grabbed my hand and placed it in between her legs, I backed my head away from the kiss to look at her. She looked at me and bit her lip, that drove my crazy. I pressed my lips against hers even more viciously and stuck my hands down her underwear. Feeling her then sliding her underwear down until she kicked them off.

When I entered inside of her small gentle moans released from her mouth, I kissed all down her neck, as she moaned. She brought my head back up to her lips and pressed hers against mine, still moaning through each kiss. I felt her heart beat and I know she felt mine because it was beating faster than the drums to a Metallica song.

It felt like we where the closest we could ever be, every girl I had ever had sex with never felt like this. When I entered into her it wasn't for pleasure it was out of Love. Having sex out of lust is great but having sex out of Love is amazing. That was a new feeling for the both of us.

We laid there, here head wrested on my chest as she traced hearts on my chest with her finger, like she has done since the beginning of time. "Chloe, why do you love me?"

She balanced on one arm, "Why, do I love you?"

"Yes, why do you love me?"

She laid flat on her back and starred at the ceiling, thinking to herself, it didn't take her long, "I love you because every time I hear the mention of your name a smile some how finds its way to my mouth. I love you because saying I like you doesn't sum up my feelings for you. I know you will never hurt me intentionally. Because we have spent close to our entire lives together and I wouldn't mind spending the rest of it together either. I love you, because if you where to leave me..." She looked at me with a worry tear on her eye, "Wes, if you left me. I would eventually except it, but I would never be the same. I cant even think about how bad it would hurt. I don't ever want to feel that kind of hurt in my life." I wiped away the tear that fell down her cheek.

I smirked at her, "And I love you because I feel the same exact way. I will never leave you Chlo." 




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