Chapter 19: Not okay.

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2 weeks have passed and we are packing Chloes things into all different sizes of brown boxes. I'm going up with her because she said she doesn't want to drive all this way alone, I've had a shitty attitude even through these past two weeks. Either Chloe doesn't notice or she is ignoring me, and if I had to guess I would say she is ignoring me, shes good at that.

I was throwing my stuff at the back of her truck when one of the smaller brown boxes poped open and out fell an old, torn up little bear. I picked it up off the concrete to take a closer look at it, something was so familiar about this little bear.

"Oh Wes, before you get that cocky grin on your face, it was the only thing that could put me to sleep after my grandparents died, it was the only thing that reminded me of you... when you weren't here." She took the bear from my hand and held it arms length away from her as she smiled at it, the smile she gave this bear obviously showed it brought back really good memories. I rarely get that smile.

Just then I remembered what the bear was from, I gave it to her for valentines day in 4th grade.

I started at her, still staring at the bear, "I thought you would have gotten rid of that by now." I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

She kept her eyes on the bear, "Never." Was all she said. That bear literally cost me about 5 dollars at CVS... I'm sure Jason gave her loads of stuffed animals. And she always eventually got rid of them. "I didn't get rid of it because it was the only thing you ever bought me for valentines day, so its full of love!" She looked at me obviously still in confusion, "Well that was the last box anyway, so yeah."

She threw the box she was carrying out into the car and started to walk towards the back seat and placed the bear sitting straight up like a person... she is so weird. Before she had the chance to get in the car I stopped her, "I gave you a necklace in 9th grade."

"I know Laraine picked it out Wes," She smiled looking at the ground, "That bear is like the ugliest bear I've ever seen... but you bought it out of Love, so its beautiful." I couldn't help but have the cheesiest smile planted on my face, "Drop it!" she said throwing her arms around my neck and flaunting her own amazing smile.

"No." I said then I gave her a little kiss on her lips, and that was all I intended to do until she pulled me in for more. She made the kiss passionate as her tongue lingered in my own mouth, I bounced back because we where making out in our front lawn, and her dad is scary.

Fact that the bear meant so much to her means that she did share the same feelings as me when we where younger, maybe even more than I did. Chloe is the type of person who doesn't like to show feelings as a defense mechanism, but even the thought of her feeling the same way was awesome, she didn't have to show it.

She ran her hard through my hair, "Okay, lets go!" She brushed off the intense feelings I know we where both getting and hopped into the drivers seat and I jogged over to the passengers seat hopping in also.

We where about 20 minutes in when 'Chloe' started playing on the radio, I looked at her as she was laughing. She turned the knob to blaring and started singing along.

"CHLOOOOOO! I know your sister turns everyone on!" She turned and pointed to me, "But your the one I want!" I banged the dash board to the beat of the song.

She was yelling the lyrics at the top of her lungs, banging her head back and fourth to the song. We both sang in unison to the song that got us to where we are right now. I looked over at her, she rolled down the window to where the window hit her brunette hair to make her look.. perfect. This is how it needs to be, this is how it used to be, care free and awesome.

I couldn't cover my big smile, "So, I thought it was cheesy to sing to your own song, but I was proved wrong by you singing to a song written about you."

She laughed a little more, then placed her right hand on her chest as if I offended her, "But its my favorite song!" We laughed a little more, this probably isn't perfect to most people but it was perfect enough for me.

Soon enough we pulled into a driveway of a small house, I said the first thing that came to mind, "Chloe... how can you afford this?"

She laughed a little and started picking at her nails and wouldn't look me in the eye, "My roommate..." she mumbled under her breath.

I knew exactly what she said but I still asked again, "Your what?" Why wouldn't she just tell me that she had a roommate? Before I had the chance to ask a tall built dude with ocean blue eyes walked out of the house, and my question was answered. "Chloe." I said with as much anger that was running through my mind.

"Hey, Chloe!" The guy came up to Chloe's window, I was probably just jealous but I know Chloe blushed as he propped him arms on the opening of the passenger's seat window. "Need help getting you stuff down?"

Chloe opened her mouth to answer but before she had the chance to I cut her off, "Nah, man I got it. Thanks though!" I turned of the charm to make it seem like I liked him, but even though I don't even know his name I already don't like the dude.

"Alright, man. See you guys inside." She said as he waved and walked back inside. I smiled and waved form the car.

"What the hell was that, Wes!?" Chloe yelled just as the built blonde guy walked back into the house.

"Your getting mad at me Chloe?! Oh you literally have no fucking room!" I yelled at her throwing my hands up in exaggeration.

She settled back into her seat and picked at her nails, we both calmed down a little and she looked at me placing her hand on my thigh, "He's my cousin, Wes." she smiled and looked at me waiting for my reaction.

I feel like a dumb ass and a dick, "Why didn't you say that before I yelled at you?" I said, I wasn't about to admit that I made a really stupid new boyfriend mistake.

"You didn't really give my a chance, but I don't know I just didn't think it was important." She looked into my eyes and smiled at me giving me a 'poor baby' kind of look, I hate and love when she does that. "Are you jealous, Wes?" she smiled again and leaned in closer.

I broke away from her stare and looked straight, "Shut up."

"Awww, you where jealous." she got even closer.

She was so close I couldn't help but now look into her sea green beautiful eyes, I was about to give in until it finally clicked, "You did this on purpose didn't you?" I now looked at her trying not to get lost in her eyes like I always seem to do.

She just smiled and leaned in kissing my lips gently, "The first test of many." And with that she hopped off the car and gestured for me to pop the trunk.

I remember her stupid little test, she would give them to her boyfriends to get a feel on how they would act if it actually happened. I remember thinking, wow what a poor dumb ass. Now I am the poor dumb ass, I remember thinking I love Chloe but I would never stick around for that shit. Now that I am actually put in the position I realize why they did it, Chloe does something to you, she makes you 'that guy' that other guys look and say 'Yep he's whipped' but when you are the guy that is whipped to Chloe you just don't care... at least that's how I feel.

I cant help that my heart is doing all these weird things to me, like I don't want to just get into this girls pants.. I want something with her also. Don't get me wrong, I may have known Chloe since forever but she still has boobs, I still for sure want in her pants. But other than that, I want to go out and flirt with other girls.. leading them on because I know that I have a girlfriend. I will try everything in my power to be loyal to her, even though I have never done that before...

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