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I jumped into the back of the ambulance truck, "Drew, please take care of Hannah, her bed time is 9 o'clock." I looked at Hannah, "Do you understand Hannah banana?"

"Yes, Daddy. Is Mommy going to wake up?"

Drew looked down at her and back up at me with pools in his eyes, "Yes baby." I replied to her. I smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too, daddy." She smiled "Uncle Drew, can you tell me a story?"

He scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder, he took a deep breath and collected himself, "Yes, Of course!!" He kissed her forehead, "Bro, call me as soon as something happens."

"I will, my mom will come in the morning. So you can sleep."

"You  know I'll be there as soon as I get off munchkin duty." He tried lightening the mood.

I smiled at him, "Yeah, okay Ill call you." He nodded and the ambulance shut the doors.

They began to put an oxygen mask on her and connect all kinds of tubes.

"So, she just went to sleep and never woke up" The doctor checked her pulse, "She is still with us, her pulse I regular. Was she acting unusual at all before this?"

"No, not really. Except she was asleep all day, and she fell fast asleep right away."

He wrote what I said on the paper, "Okay, how long has she been living with this cancer?"

"5 years."

He continued to write, "Okay, well are you aware that surgery might have to be taken into consideration this time around? It may be the only thing that will help her now. Will we get you consent for this procedure?"

"Open brain surgery?"

"Yes sir, im afraid that it may be the only thing that will help her. The tumor hasn't grown a vast amount since the last time we have seen her, but im sure the doctor will request surgery."

"Isn't that risky?"

"I'm afraid im not the right person to talk to about this, but the doctor will answer all these questions."

10 minutes later we arrived at the emergency unit and Chloe was rushed out of the truck and into the ICU.

I knew this time was coming, I was just hoping it would come. I can't explain what is going through my mind, all of the sudden all kinds of flash backs started replaying back into my head. From the time in 4th grade when me and Chloe glued Trey Turners butt to the seat to the time where Chloe yelled at me for getting stoned to much. I felt all these things coming to an end as I waited in the waiting room where all the other family members sat her clueless as to what is going on.

"Mr. Stromberg?" The doctor came out and called my name.

"Yes, thats me. I'm her husband."

"Something has happened..." My heart sank, a smile grew on the doctors face, "It is as if we have found the cure for cancer... Chloe is okay. She is well... alive. The surgery went perfectly, nothing at all went wrong which is actually rare. She has plenty exceeded the life expectancy for her condition and it looks as if she will live to see her grand children. I cannot promise you that this will not come back but for now she will just have to take medication and she should be fine. I can award you the luckiest man award right now, good luck to you and your beautiful family, she should be released in a few days... as soon as we get her paperwork together." She squeezed my shoulder and then left.

The biggest weight has all of the sudden been lifted off my shoulders, my Chloe was finally okay after all this time. I couldn't believe it, I almost asked the old man next to me to pitch me. It was like I was in a dream. Everything was finally falling into place, finally I had no worries on my shoudlers.

Drew walked in with dry tears, I didn't even have to speak he just saw me and knew everything was okay, "She is going to be okay." I told him.

It took him a while to proccess but he soon grabbed me in the biggest bear hug, "Finally! Happily ever after, just like we would say in elementary!" We hugged till we couldn't feel out ribs.

Everything is now the way it should be.


Sorry for the long long long over due prolouge but I just got done with finals and yeah!! Here ya go!

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