Chapter 5: Nothing too lose

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"Nothing to lose. I like it dude!" Keaton paused from playing the guitar

"Yeah dude, it like explains our situation perfectly, going on to xfactor wether we won or lost we had nothing to lose. It's such a great meaning and I think more people should go by it. I think it should be our album name." Drew went on, "what do you think guys?"

"Yeah I think your totally right Drew, but I'm not sure that's what Wes wrote this about." Keaton and Drew looked at me.

"Yeah Drew that's a sick album title." I looked back down at the notepad I was writing everything on.

They didn't have to pry it out of me or anything, they knew what I was writing about... Or who I was writing too.

"Okay then that's it! That's our title!" Drew clapped his hands loud, "Awesome dude! We wrote 2 songs today and came up with an album title! We are on a roll! Lets perfect the songs before we record though."

We agree and get back to writing. The album is almost done and ready for us to go to LA to record. I'm so exited but also kind of bummed because once we go to LA we are gunna have to stay our there for a whole recording and we have to leave Chloe once again. Right when we where actually getting some where. We spend the next 4 days in the den perfecting the 2 songs, when we are in the zone like this we are completely un aware of our surroundings. Now the songs are perfect. I can't believe we wrote these songs they're are honestly amazing.

"Alright guys, ready to record and send?" Keaton says already digging out his equipment.

We sit down and record. The songs all the way thought are close or past amazing. It doesn't take long for our manager to email back.

'Perfect guys, absolutely perfect. Try writing at least 1 more and we'll be set for the record! I'm loving this idea of you guys going back home to get inspired! In not even gunna ask who this mystery girl is. Keep up the hard work!'

I didn't even think about that, I bet in interviews they are going to be all over getting to the bottom of who the mystery girl is. But I can't help if she's my inspiration right now. Shit, I need to stop thinking about her, I need to get her out of my head.

"Yes! This makes up for the other original songs that they turned down!" Drew pads my shoulder, "I don't know if I should thank you or Chloe dude!"

I flip him off and walk out to collect everything that is going through my head right now, I don't know if I can even leave when everything is so all over the place with Chloe. It always sucks when you can't go to your room to think because the thing you need to think about basically shares a window with you. So I decided to walk to the beach, as I'm walking I spot Erin, a girl that was me and Chloe's friend in high school. I feel like I haven't seen her in 10 years, you kind of loose contact with everyone when you take off from high school.


She looks at me with a blank expression but then her face lights up when she recognizes me, "Hey superstar!" She yells back going in for a hug.

"Wow dude I feel like I haven't seem you in forever."

"Same man, same. I guess once you get out of high school you kinda get on with life and forget about your old one. Eh?" She laughed, "wanna go for a walk?"

I smile at the familiar face, "Sure." We start walking down the beach, "so I guess you know what I've been up too, what have you been up to?"

She looked up at me, "Well I'm still a stoner so, I now work at a dispensary 2 blocks down from here." She pointed in a direction.

"Nice, it suits you." I playfully punch her on the arm.

"Right?" She laughed. "So you and Chloe are in a weird place, huh?" I gave her a confused look, how did she know that? She must have caught my look, "Me and Chloe hung out the other day and she told me about.... The night."

"Yeah well I guess I'm just not good enough to be involve with her in that way. But it's cool, whatever she wants, it's not like it's anything new, it's always been like that."

She stopped and stepped in front of me, "No Wes, you can't think like that because the truth is she has liked you since god... I think since summer going into sophomore year when she have you that drunk kiss. She's just scared that..."

I cut her off, "Wait, she remembers that!? What!? I just assumed she forgot because she never brought it up and just pretended it didn't happen."

"Oh shit. I wasn't suppose to say anything, shit. I'm sorry I'm trying out this new shit we got in. Like the ground is purple right now. Ahh."

"What did she say? Why didn't she ever bring it up?"

"I... I think I've said too much."

"Tell me now you've already started no use in stoping."

"Uh I guess you right. Well the next day she told me all about it, she remembers. She said she was tired of you not coming on to her because it was so obvious you liked her and she was pretty drunk and just figured she'd go for it. Yeah."

"Why didn't she ever bring it up?!"

Erin looked around thinking back trying to remember, "oh yeah, she said you never brought it up and figured it meant nothing to you."

"That's. Thats so far from the truth! I never said anything because she never said anything!"

"Listen Wes. We aren't in high school anymore. I think it's time to put this shit to rest and just come clean to each other."

Erin may have been stoned but she was so right, we aren't in high school anymore it was time to stop acting like it. Why didn't Chloe just tell me? If it was so obvious that I liked her, and more importantly why did she keep going back to Jason? These are too many questions to even comprehend when your me.

"Thanks a ton Erin but I'm gunna get going." I gave her a hug.

As I walked off I heard her yell, "Protection man!"

I couldn't help but laugh, god I really feel like I'm in high school again. I need to talk to Chloe. As I'm now basically racing to her house I find myself at her door step. Yeah, I didn't really think this through. What am I even going to say? God I am so stupid, obviously if I meant anything to her in that way she would have just let me know. Or wait would she? I remember when she liked Joey Wittman in the 7th grade and she refused to tell him because she said then she would seem like all the other desperate girls. Does she think that of me? Does she really think I would think she was another desperate girl? Doesn't she know me better than that?

All of this is so new I guess neither of us really knows how this goes. Woah, I guess everything has always been predictable between us that it scares us both to think we have no idea what will happen if we come clean to each other. We are both just scared of what will happen if we dare to care for each other more than friends. We always lived life taking chances and living it to the fullest with anything. That always came easy to us, we where both adventurous is every way even with dating, except with each other.

I left Chloe's door step and went back to my house. I really need to think about everything before I talk to Chloe. Chloe is everything and no one has ever meant so much to me. The only people I would lose it if I lost are my family, my family including Drew and Chloe.

I got to my room and laid down in my bed, Just then I remembered something I never wanted to remember again.


"Chloe seriously say something. Chloe!"

"What's wrong?" My heart dropped as I walked in the room. "Chloe? Chloe!"

"I, I don't know what happened man I just walked in the room and she was like this. I swear I didn't do anything. I don't know what's wrong with her." Drew had his hands behind his head trying to breath, just as panicy as me, Chloe was sitting on a bed looking blankly at the wall bleeding with a knife in hand. She would say a word.

I bent down to stay eye level with her, "Chloe tell me what happened." I shook her until she looked me in the eyes then fainted onto the bed. We where at a party and things went wrong really fast.

"What do we do? Do we take her to the hospital?! Dude if this gets on her record her life is over because I'm 100% sure that all of this had to do with drugs." Drew was trying to tell me but I couldn't even think straight. I felt her wrist to see if she still had a pulse.

"Alright dude she is just passed out. Lets just take her home. You're right we have to try and handle this our selfs."

We picked her up and set her in the car, it was a really long car drive. When we finally got home Drew tool Chloe out of the car and put her in his bed. "Man, what do we do?" He was looking to me for answers as if I knew more than he did.

"Well what did she take? Do you know?!"

"I think she took ecstasy..." He avoided eye contact knows I was going to be furious.

"She took what!? Did you make her take it?!"

"What? Of course not! Who do you think I am Wes?! They where handing them out at the party as happy pills. No one offered you any!?"

"Well yeah but I didn't know they where ecstasy! Shit Drew! What do we do?!" We both broke in to full on panic walking across the room not knowing what to do. Neither one of us was stupid enough to take ecstasy to even know what to do.

"I think we better just take her to the hospital man."

"Drew no your fucking crazy. What college will except her after that!?"

"What's wrong guys?" Keaton came walking into the room half asleep, "Chloe doesn't look good, what happened?"

"Okay don't freak out but me and Wes think she took ecstasy." Drew said slowly so that Keaton could process it.

"What!?" He woke up quick. "Why is her shirt bloody!? Someone tell what the fuck is going on!"

"She, she cut herself. I, I don't know what to do man." I told my little brother.

"I have an idea, don't freak out though okay?" I nodded as he walked over to Chloe lifting up her shirt revealing the gash she had cut into herself. He took a deep breath before digging his finger into the cut, quickly put his hand over her mouth right before she let out a loud scream that would have woken up my mom. "Drew go get some water or something, like something that will keep her hydrated. And Tylenol" Drew ran out of the room.

She started silently crying, I ran and layed next to her, "Chlo? What's wrong? What do you want me to do?"

"She is in shock over the pain, the Tylenol should help a little bit. Give her like 2 minutes and if she doesn't stop shaking we probably need to take her to the hospital." Keaton said so sure of himself.

"What the fuck? Keaton how do you know this!? Or are you making it up as you go along?!"

"No dude on this episode of ER the same exact thing happen do this one girl and this is that they did."

"Your nerdiness finally comes handy dude." I flash him the best smile I can come up with at this point.

"Alright I got it." Drew comes storming into the room.

Chloe finally stops shaking, "She's gonna be kind of out of it from the ecstasy but tomorrow morning she'll be good." He took the Tylenol and water from Drews hand, "Take this Chloe, I guarantee you will feel a lot better." He handed it to her and she took it with out hesitating. With in 5 minutes she was crashed again.

When she woke up Drew was still asleep, but I couldn't go to sleep. "Wes?"

"Yeah! Chloe!?"

"Hey. What happened?" She looked down at my shirt that she was wearing, got a confused look then listed it up revealing the gash along the top of her belly button. "Shit."

"I guess you know what happens then?"

"Yeah, I just... I just wanted to try it and then the dude that gave it to me handed me a knife and said I wouldn't be able to feel anything. And I didn't. But now I do." Tears fell out of her eyes, "I fucked up Wes I'm sorry."

I just hugged her not even worrying about how badly she fucked up but just that she was okay, that's all that mattered.


That was the most horrible night in my entire life, I froze up just thinking about it, that was the night I could have actually lost her. Nothing could ever be worse that than that, I couldn't go to sleep the whole night just remembering that night.

I glanced at the clock that now said it was 5:04am. Chloe was going to be going for her jog, and now I am going out for a smoke. I walked out side and stood on my front porch smoking a cigarette. I didn't bother looking up because I knew Chloe would be passing.

I heard footsteps then they stopped, "Stalking me now Wes?"

I looked up and exhaled the smoke, "No." I smiled at the smirk she had planted on her face.

"Then why did you wake up this early?" She raised one eyebrow still holding the smirk.

"I didn't wake up, I haven't gone to sleep yet." Her smile went down to a confused look, "Shit, no wait that sounded better in my head." Her smile came back, I threw out my cigarette and walked towards her. "I think we need to talk Chloe." Now was as good of a time as any other would be. Fuck it.

Just like that her smile went down almost as fast as it formed, "No we don't." She took off to run again.

I grabbed her hips and brought her closer to me, "Yes we do."

"Before you say anything Wes, I don't want to start anything Wesley." She looked down at her feet.

I knew exactly what she meant but I wanted to hear it from her say it.

She looked up at my face and knew what I was wanting her to do, "Okay, let me be more clear... I can't start anything with you Wes." She looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact, "We aren't in high school anymore because maybe in high school we would have worked, but the fact is, is that we have 2 different lives now. When I go back to college, what will we do? I know your all about taking chances and stuff but we aren't stupid kids anymore. The future it so real now, we need to think about it. Do you get it Wes?"

I just looked at her, how could she even be saying this?

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