Chapter 13: Happy?

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I went for a giant hug and Kenny returned the gesture, we probably looked like a gay couple but right now I didn't even care. God, I honestly did not realize how much I actually missed this idiot, "Dude! I fucking missed you!"

"Touché, dude!" We released each other from the intoxicating hug, I looked back to see Chloe and this girl with medium length black hair and a black little dress with sandals.

"Are you this idiot's girlfriend?" I approached her.

"Yes." She said smiling looking up at him with a smile and wrapping her arm around his waist as he put his arm around her shoulder. Wow, this is what love looks like. "I'm Ash."

"Wes!" I shook her hand, "Done good man." I gave him a high-5. "It's so funny how we ran into you guys!" Ash and Chloe started laughing, by the look on Kenny's face I could tell he was as confused as I was, "I think me and Ken are missing something."

"We set you guys up doofus." Chloe playfully slapped my arm. "Me and Ash have been texting.... and yeah!" I grabbed her into a big bear hug and kissed her forehead.

"Sick! You guys finally made it official?" Kenny yelled at me and gestured for a high-5.

"Yea-" I went in for the high-5.

But at the same time I heard, "No!" being spit out in laughter. I looked over at Chloe to find she was already looking over at me. Panic reached her face and I'm pretty sure it was showing on mine too.

"Chloe, can I talk to you?" She nodded her head but didn't move, "Over there!" I pointed, kind of mad now. I gave Kenny the 1 second sign and left them there walking over to the boardwalk. "Okay, what?! We aren't official now?!"

"I.. I don't know Wes!" She perked up his shoulders and lifted her hands defensively talking in a whiny voice.

"Do you want to be?" I took a step closer.

"I don't know what I want." She said this but she didn't move away like she usually would.

"Then I'll decide for you, you want to be mine, and you want me to be yours. We are each others. Except it and don't put up a fight." I took another step closer... if that's possible, I grasped her face and kissed her.

I released her from the kiss and wrested my forehead up against hers, "Deal." The smile that spread across her face was so genuinely happy it made me even happier. Everything was finally working with us and not against us, I don't care how long this lasts it feels awesome.

We walked back over to Kenny and Ash, I had my fingers interlocked with hers as we walked, "Yes! We have made it official!" Chloe screamed and threw up her hands as if she was telling the whole world.

"I'm glad, the sexual frustration all through out High school... and middle school... and even elementary... was really getting to me." I laughed and Chloe shot him a look, "I'm only joking Chlo!" He grabbed her from me and noogied her laughing hysterically.

She slip from underneath him and slapped his butt, "Why did you boys do that? Honestly! It hurts!"

Kenny rubbed his butt, "That actually really hurt too."

"Yeah? Well keep it up and ill be slapping something else... something on the front side." She pointed a finger at him like a mom points at their kid when they where in trouble.

Kenny breathed in through clenched teeth, "Ouch, okay Hart." Hart? Wow, I haven't heard anyone call Chloe by her last name since like... middle school.

"Oh, we're starting that again?" I came up behind Chloe and crossed my arms up against her top half wresting my chin in the crease of her neck, "Hart?" I kissed her neck.

"No! We aren't!" She started to run towards Kenny but I held her back.

"Chill Tiger." I whispered in her ear, this earned a little laugh, she threw her head back asking for a kiss and who was I to turn it down?

"So I think we should hear Kenny, Drew, Kyle, and Keaton play beautiful music!" She clapped her hands and looked at all of us for approval.

"Are you forgetting someone?" I basically screamed in her ear.

She held her ear, "And butt head over here." She threw her thumb back at me. We all laughed, "Alright Stromberg's residence in 10?"

We all agreed and took off in our separate ways, me and Chloe got in the car, "So was this all a whole big elaborate plan?" I said as I turned on the AC.

"Well, not really. It was super last minute like Ash replied as our food came out at breakfast this morning, and yeah." She kept looking forward, she always did this ever since I got my license. She says she doesn't think I drive safely and I can always use an extra pair of eyes.

"Your the best friend I have ever had, you know that?" I grabbed her hand interlocking our fingers, keeping one hand on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, I know. But I really want to live so, both hands on the wheel, please?" She flashed me a smile while still partially keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yeah okay, Chlo." I let go of her hand and returned it to the steering wheel, even though it was like a 4 minute drive, 10 minute walk from our houses she still got really nervous.

We pulled into my driveway and there was a car already there, "Yes!" I heard Chloe quietly scream.

"I get this weird feeling that you know something I don't." He smile went down and she just looked at me for a second then leaned in to kiss me on the cheek and before I knew it she was off the car and walking through the front door.

By the time I got into the house I heard laughter in the den, I walked down there to see 3 blonde boys. "Kyle?"

"In the flesh man." He got up off the couch and came over to me, I gave him a high-5 hug and seriously could not stop smiling, I missed my other boys so much I didn't even notice.

"Chloe?" I asked as I looked at all the boys and glanced and Chloe looking down at her feet with a shy smile.

Kyle laughed, "Yeah, man." Just as he said this Kenny and Ash came stumbling into the den.

"Hey fuckers!" Kenny yelled as he greeted everyone, Drew and Keaton didn't know he was coming and they where all pretty phsyced.

"Drew, Keaton, I think we should call Jared and ask him if we can make a youtube video of us doing one of our originals!"

"Best idea you have ever had!" We all stepped out to call Jared, he was totally for the idea of the original emblem3 doing one of their original song, best day ever.

We walked back into the den where I saw Ash, Kyle, and Kenny, "Where's Chloe?" I asked.

Ash's facial expression went dull, "Um, she went home." She said.

By the quietness I knew something was wrong, "Is she mad at me..?"

Kenny took a big breath, "Just go talk to her... we'll be here."

I seriously have no idea what I did this time, everything was going so good. Why was Chloe all the sudden really pissed at me? I walked into her house and up to her room where she was laying there with her headphones in starring at the celling, oh yeah I'm in trouble.

I pulled her earphones out of her ears and kneeled down against her bed to where I was eye level, "Okay, what's wrong?" I stroked her hair.

"Nothing. I just wasn't feeling like being there anymore." She turned leaving her back facing towards me.

"Seriously Chlo? No need to lie your obviously mad at me."

It took her a second but she sat up on her bad looking down at me, "I just thought that maybe for once it could be the same like it was before all of this." She waved her hands gesturing towards me, "I just don't know why it was completely necessary to call your manager," She scrunched up her face as if what I did was an embarrassment or something.

Before I knew it an angry feeling rushed through my whole body, I had finally had it. "Chloe!" I screamed it took her back to I lowered my voice and just got closer to her, "You said so yourself, nothing is ever going to be the same. Nothing Chloe. I got famous, once your famous you can't really go back. So yeah, I do have to call my manager to ask permission when I want to put something public. Get over it Chloe! Nothing is ever going to be the same with me, or with you. I don't want this to be a stupid fucking fight we get into everytime we try and hang out!"

"Well its a big thing Wes." She said as she started to play with her finger.

"Well maybe if its too big for you this," I pointed to be and her, "shouldn't be happening anymore!"

She looked me in the eyes, complete hurt and disappointment went through her eyes, shit. What have I done?

A/N I just wanted to say I am so proud of this story! I know it isn't a lot of reads compared to other stories that are way better than mine, but im pretty proud!

So what do you think about Chloe? Pretty difficult, huh? Nothing can ever be okay with her, its always something else!

I just got done writing the 23rd chapter and oh man are yall gunna love it!! Haha well I hope yall like this chapter! Please Vote and Comment! Do you think Wes and Chloe are going to be happy or is there more to come?

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