Chapter 14: Mistakes

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One tear fell from her eyes, just one. That one tear was full of anger, hurt, and dissapointment. I felt it all like someone had slapped me, the words just slipped out of my mouth like butter, immediatly I regreted everything I had said. I am just tired of her wanting me to be the person I was before, because the reality is that I'm not. "Chloe" I said starting to walk closer to her, I wiped the one tear from her cheek.

She put her hand on mine and kept it there for a few seconds until she grabbed it and set it down at my side. She didn't throw it out of anger, she just set it down. She looked right past me, "Go home Wes."

"You know I didn't mean it." I took a step closer.

She took a step back, "You know... I think you did. And that fine." She ran a hand through her hair, "We've been together for not even a day and we already need a brake." She laughed sarcastically, "I think that maybe... we didn't think this... us... no this, through."

"What? No, Chloe." I started walking towards her.

She put her hand to my face preventing me from talking anymore, "This doesn't have to be as hard as your making it right now. We are better friends."

"Chloe! We would have had this fight even if we where still just friends. Yeah, I've changed, haven't you?" She looked at me, she knew I was right, "Exactly, it doesn't matter how much we change though, we always end up back together, that will never change."

"I'm going back to school in the Spring." She blurted out looking to see what my response was going to be.

"Okay, we I will probably be going on tour, so see it still works!" I held her abnormally small jaw line in my hands looking her in the beautiful green eyes, this is where she belongs.

She took my hands off her jaw line, "God! Wes! Are you delusional?! We aren't going to work! Our timing is always off! So theres that!"

"God Chloe! You always make things so complicated, you always have! I'm so done with you! Don't come crying back when you realize what I have known for like my whole life! We do need each other! But maybe you need to time to realize that! I thought we where finally going to be happy but no, you have to go and fuck it up like you always tend to do! I've had it with you! I'm done! Good bye Chloe!" I slammed her bedroom door stomping down the stairs and out of the house.

As I was walking out I saw the pillar of Chloe's front porch where we would measure ourselves. I walked up to it rubbing my hands over the indentions that marked our height, I looked at the height that was about up to me torso marking where Chloe was taller than me. I smiled at the memories, she would rub it in my face that she was taller than me every chance she got. I then rubbed my hands on the pillar a bit further up to where I finally passed her up, I was sure to rub it in her face also.

I decided I was just torturing myself thinking back at the past, I started the short walk home and started to think about what I said back there with Chloe. I wonder if she believed the words I said, I know I sure didn't.

I walked into the den where Keaton and Drew where on the couch looking on Drew's phone at something and Kyle and Kenny where fidgeting with instruments.

Ash came in behind me carrying some waters she stopped in her tracks when she saw me, her eyes got big and she mouthed, 'You're in trouble' what?

I was still trying to figure out what ash meant when Drew walked over and shoved his phone in my face so close there was no way of me even seeing what was on the screen, "Want to explain, man?!"

I took the phone from his hand and took a good look at it. It was a picture of me and Chloe kissing under the boardwalk posted by some gossip account, "Fuck."

"Yeah, man. So you and Chloe?!" Drew's voice kind of broke into a yell.

"Yeah dude, for about 19 hours." I yelled back. I could feel the whole room fall silent, "We just ended it alright? There should be no more pictures like that."

"What happened? You guys seemed so happy at the beach..." Kenny asked from across the room.

"I just... she... out timing is always off apparently." No one really knew what to say, I didn't know why. It's not like someone died. The girl of my dreams just dumped me for the stupidest reason that didn't make sense. That's all. "Are we gunna do this cover or what?!" I yelled, every one was quet for a second but then Keaton got up from the couch to grab his bass and Drew walked over to grab the camera. I walked over to the microphone and Kyle slapped my shoulder and left it there for a while out of sympathy.

I understand he was trying to be a good friend by trying to understand my pain or something but I don't think any of the guys have experienced what I just did. It's an unexplainably feeling of pain, how could Chloe do this to me? I would never make her hurt this way.

We looked over the video to our cover of "This Love" by Maroon5 I look to emotionless. That's how I'm feeling though, emotionless. Completely numb at this point.


-2 weeks later-

I woke up with an insane headache, I turned to face away from the sun of my window and to my surprise there was girl in bed with me. What. Happened. Last. Night.

I bounced off my bed and looked down realizing I was naked, okay I messed up big time this time. I don't know who this girl is and I really don't care.

Suddenly the girl woke up and smiled at me, shit, she was naked too, "I had a cool time last night." She got up, but on her clothes, and left. What just happened?

I threw on some shorts and walked out of my room careful not to make a lot of noise, I didn't know what time it was but every step I took hurt my ears because of the massive hangover I had.

When I walked into the kitchen all I saw was Chloe sitting there at the island, she gave me a smile that hid anger. Then someone came up from behind me banging 2 pots together making a really loud banging noise that was probably heightened by 10X.

"Oh my god!" I turned around to Keaton laughing, Drew was sitting on the couch watching T.V., okay I think it was safe to say he was mad too, "Keaton, I'm going to kill you."

He said quietly for me to only hear, "If your not dead first." Then he walked up the stairs, if Keaton wasn't staying to watch for a good laugh I didn't know what to expect.

Chloe hopped off the bar stool and walked up to me, "Have fun with Kat last night?" She tilted her head as if she was trying to read me, "You probably don't even remember, do you?" No I didn't, "Okay, yeah. I'm going to go. I've had it with you 'rock star' you go fuck up your life too and maybe you'll find someone who cares and will try to stop you because I'm done."

What did I do?

I was still standing there in shock when Chloe left not even slamming the door, I had recently learned that when Chloe didn't do the normal slamming doors an yelling when she was mad, that meant she was pissed.

"You don't remember what happened last night, do you?" Drew got up from the couch and walked up to me.

"Obviously not."

Suddenly I felt a hard group of knuckles hit my face. My lip started to bleed and I felt the pain rush everywhere to my face, Drew set his fist back down, "That was for last night, maybe you should think really hard and remember what you said to Chloe last night. All those guys we would 'have talks with' when they would hurt Chloe... well you're that guy now. And you deserved that. Nice job Wes."

I didn't know wether to punch him back or not, but he left and I just watched him grab his car keys and leave. I didn't punch him back because if I really was one of those guys we had to have 'talks' with like Jason then I did deserve it.

I just needed to find out what the hell I did.

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