Chapter 8: September.

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Just then the crowd clears up enough to reveal Chloe standing there obviously noticing that I had just noticed her because she just stand there and stares back at me. Before I know it I missed my intro, but I catch up. When Chloe ended I looked back to the spot where Chloe was and she was gone. I scanned the crowd for her and saw her walking in the opposite direction to leave. Why was she even here? Shouldn't she be in college already? I needed to think about this later.

I looked back at the band and held an 8 up, they all gave me confused looks but knew what I was saying, I turned to Drew and Keaton, "Girl next door!"

"What?!" Drew looked at me confused.

Keaton shared the same expression as Drew, "Why?! Jared is gunna be pissed!"

"Just do it! Now!" They nodded

The band played the single cord to Girl next door, "There's something about the girl next door, something that I can't ignore."

I scanned the audience trying to find Chloe, just as I spotted her she turned around, I made eye contact with her from across the audience and Drew began to sing. She stood there staring at me knowing the song was about her. I looked her directly in the eye, "There's something bout the girl next door, something that I can't ignore, and every time I look at her, I imagine walking through her door." The song ended and I broke eye contacts with Chloe. At least that made her stay.

Every song I sang that was about her I felt like I was cutting open heart and letting her have a look inside.

Now we are on our last song, Nothing to lose. Here's the big one, Drew is singing and I know it's my turn to sing soon. My palms get sweaty and I start shivering, I don't know if I can do this. "You spend all night looking down at your phone, girl you need to get over it, get over it yeah, just one kiss then we both go with the flow, imma help you get over it, get over I yeah." After singing the first part a rush of energy went through my body, I made eye contact with her again, "You don't gotta wait no longer, you don't gotta be so shy, I just wanna hold you closer, I just wanna cross that line, so baby come on cuz the night is almost over so let's spend the time of our lives, like we got nothing to lose."

A tear? I think I just saw a tear run down Chloe's face, shit. She's mad, she's pissed. I know that when she gets mad she cries, a lot. Shit what did I just do? Before I know it she is running out of the crowd, Drew shoves me to get my head back to where it needs to be and with in 2 minutes she's gone. I try to look every where through out the audience but she is no where.

The song ends and we thank the fans but I really just want to get off the stage at this point.

"Is she back here?" I yell to Drew and Keaton as we run off stage.

"What? Is who back here?" Drew yelled to me.

I turned around and yelled not really meaning to, "Chloe!!"

"Oh." The both said in unison.

"Well, when we were back in Texas we sent her a letter with some tickets in it.. But she called and said she was busy that weekend and that was it." Keaton said looking down at the floor.

"But..." Drew said as he looked at his phone, me and Keaton both just about broke our necks turning to look at him, "See the thing is I'm kinda just now looking at my phone and, this is actually, actually pretty funny!" He started doing that nervous embarrassing laugh.

Keaton nervously smiled, "I get a strange feelings its nit that funny."

Drew did a little more of the embarrassed laugh, "Yeah..."

"Finish what your saying Drew!" I yelled at him getting impatient.

"Well Chloe just texted me saying," he coughed to buy time, "' I really hope Wes doesn't hate me because I am coming to the show, hope you guys rock out there! Love you!' So yeah." Drew recited the text so fast it was hard to make out what he was saying.

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