Chapter 22: I knew there was more.

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"Keaton! We're leaving!" I finally found this damn kid, he was hanging around a bunch of girls with a drink in his hand.

"What? Why? I'm having a lot of fun!" He nodded his head gesturing to the girls he had gathered.

"Yeah, alright pimp daddy. No, we're going." I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the car.

When we finally found the car Chloe was still passed out but she wrested in the back seat and Drew was in the drivers. "Man are you sure you're okay to drive?" I asked him through the drivers seat window.

"Just get in the car Wes." He gripped the steering wheel tighter out of anger, I wasn't scared of Drew but I thought it was probably a good idea to just get in the car.

I hopped in the seat and before I slammed the door completely shut Drew was already taking off.

"What happened to, Chloe?" Keaton asked as he poked her with amazement.

"Cut it out Keaton, shes drunk and she passed out!" I yelled to him.

"I thought you guys made that weird pact."

"We did." I said, Keaton didn't bother replying because anyone in their right state of mind could tell I was beyond pissed off right now.

Meanwhile Drew was driving like a crazy person, he was cutting off cars, speeding, and going around cars that didn't reach the special 'Drew only' speed limit.

"Drew, slow down. I'm not trying to die tonight." He just glared at me and started going faster, "Drew! Seriously! Cut it out!" And if it was possible he started going even faster down the freeway.

"Cmon Drew, why are you driving so crazy?" Keaton now said calmly in the back seat.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled at us.

"What the hell!? Pull over, NOW DREW!" I yelled at him, he looked over and me and with his eyes still locked on me he came to a sharp stop causing my seat belt to choke me. He threw the door open and slammed it shut. Walking a little farther down the road, we all stayed in the car and I heard a loud scream. Not the hurt kind of scream, just a scream. I looked through the rear view mirror and now saw Drew that looked like the Incredible Hulk screaming on the side of the road. What the hell is going on!?

I threw open the car door and ran over to him gripping his shoulders forcing him to look at me. "What the hell is going on Drew!?" He just stared at me unsure of what to do. "Tell me Drew!" He shook him viciously.

"I cant tell you. It has to be Chloe."

"Oh, c'mon man! Seriously? Its the girls that are suppose to do this shit!" I laughed a bit and looked up at Drew who was not laughing. My face dropped.

Drew roughly rubbed his face in frustration, he put his hand on my shoulder, "If you don't know man, which I take it you don't because if you did you would be acting worse than me, its not my place to tell you. Lets go home." I was beyond confused the whole ride home.

Drew had calmed down a little, and now drove like a sane person. The car ride was silent because of the tense air. I didn't know what to think of this, I mean Drew is suppose to be my best friend, we have always told each other everything, this was the first time he actually told me no... he cant tell me something. More things where changing everyday, and if I was being honest with myself I don't like some of the changes that are being made, they suck. I hate this.

We pulled into the driveway and all the lights where off indicating everyone was asleep, we really need to get our own place. I looked in the back seat at Chloe who was still passed out but now changed positions to wresting her head on Keaton's lap. He gave me a guilty smile that said 'don't get to upset with her' which I ignored. I was still going to let her have it. Drew walked over to the back seat and picked Chloe up off Keaton, carrying her like a baby, this is so normal by now.

I was staring at Drew carrying her until he walked up to me handing me Chloe, "I know your mad, but hear her out first."

I took her from his hands and now carried her, "Yeah, I don't know." Drew shook his head and walked off to the front door with Keaton following along side him.

I was about to walk inside when I took a glance down at the sleeping Chloe in my hands, I wanted to be pissed at her, I wanted to be one of those hot head guy that punches a wall when their girlfriend pisses them off. But I cant. Looking at her now, all the anger washed away and was replaced with frustration, why did Chloe always have to do this? Chloe is nothing but trouble, once you fall in love with her there is no going back. I thought it was the girls who got all mushy over there boyfriends, but no its me who is completely in love with my girlfriend. She was my first love, and right away I know she is going to be my last.

I took a big breath coming to the realization that I am a panzy and took Chloe inside, taking the trip up the stairs while carrying her that ive done so many times before and arriving in my room. I set her on the bed and starred at her, then bubbly hot anger started inside of me, I was still mad, we made a promise than we weren't going to get drunk. She had to have a good fucking reason why she decided to get wasted, I know that if this situation was revered she would be all over my ass.

I went down to the kitchen and filled a glass with water, I added a few ice cubes just to be a dick. I walked back up to my room and placed the glass of water on my dresser so I could pick Chloe up and place her on the floor. Then I picked up the water and took a deep breath because I knew she was going to be pissed. I set my hand on her mouth to cover the screaming and quickly I poured the ice water on her face.

Her eyes nearly poped out of her head as she woke up, and let out a scream that would have been loud if I didn't put my hand over her mouth, thank god.

I put my finger on my mouth signaling for her to be quiet, I took my hand off her mouth and before it was completely off Chloe was already whisper yelling at me through her teeth, "What the fuck if wrong with you!?"

"Me, Chloe? Whats wrong with me?! So did that little promise we made get thrown out the window because you decided so?"

He arched eyebrows now relaxed and she slouched back down, "Oh."

"Oh? That's all you have to say? Nice Chlo."

"You don't understand, I just, I saw someone I didn't want to see."

"Jasper? I know you hate him but I really don't think you hate him that much, and Drew punching him?" She looked at the floor by the expression on her face I could tell her thought process was 'no getting out of this one', "What the hell is going on Chloe."

"Wes, I don't really want to talk about it."

"That's really to bad Chloe, because I want to know! Why the hell are you being such a-" I stopped myself because I was going a bit to far.

She quickly looked up at me, "Say it Wes."

"No.. Chloe, you know its just cause I'm mad."

"Say it Wes! Fucking say it!" I didn't answer her, "NOW"

"BITCH!" I yelled it, I had a cocky smirk on my face. I was pretty proud of myself, for saying it I really needed to get it off my-

"He's the one who got my pregnant!" She completely interrupted my thought process, like completely. I quickly turned my head towards her, she looked straight at me but tears where streaming down her face.

I. feel. like. the biggest. dick. "You said he was a friend from college, you said I didn't know him." I said in a hushed town, full of hurt. I looked down at the floor, now I was the one that couldn't look at her.

"I lied." She lied, of course she fucking lied. What is wrong with her?

I was trying to gather everything when once again my thought process was interrupted by the slamming of my door, I kinda jumped by the sudden loud noise.

I bounced up from the position I was at to once again go running after the girl that always made me chase her. I ran down the stairs and sprinted out the door to the now balling Chloe that was sitting on the ground, just crying.

"Go away!" She yelled that kind of yell that comes out when your frustrated, angry, and sad all together. "I just realized you fucking drove here!" She put her face in her palms, "FUCK!" She yelled. She then got up, dried a few tears, and took of walking.

I jogged to catch up to her, "Chlo.. where are you going."

"Home!" She yelled in my face.

"Your going to walk all the way to LA?"

"No you fucking idiot, im walking next door!" Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

I stepped in front her her and grabbed her face in my hands, "Chloe, you know if I knew I would have never acted that way."

She took my hands off her face, she looked like she was about to let me have it, but she just wrested her head on to my chest and let out a few more cries. I knew she had finally 100% completely let me in. That felt good, but now that I look at her, all I can see is Jasper and her together. This was something, I would have never even thought about, I would have never even guessed. But it made sense, Jas always took advantage of girls at parties that got hammered, and that was what happened. I don't even want to be thinking about this right now, so I though about something else, something to replace hurt.... anger.

I am going to kill Jasper.

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