Chapter 28: This cant be happening.

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I hugged my grandma, mom, and brent as they left. Closing the doors behind them I went to the living room where Chloe, Drew, and Keaton where sitting on the couch eating pie and laughing. I stood there obserserving them, soon there would be a 5th member of the house. Reality hit again, I needed to accept the fact that Chloe was pregant, that I was going to be a.. dad. Wow, I never thought those thoughts would be going through my head. At least not for another 10 years.

Chloe looked up at me and stopped smiling, was the worry on my face that noticable? She set the pie down on the living room table and took a big breath before pushing herself up from the couch and walked towards me. "Time to talk." She said as she faked a smile.

She brought me up to my room and told me to sit down on the bed while she closed my door, I was about to make this a whole lot easier on her, "Chloe, I already know."

Her eyes got wide, "You do?"

I took a deep breath as I walked over to her and grabbed her at the hips pulling her closer, "Yes, Chloe. I know that you're..." It was as if I couoldnt get the word out of my mouth, "You're pregnant." I was pleased with myself at how smooth that came out.

She looked at me, I wish I could say that relief passed through her face, but that wasnt it. Her eyes started to tear up, as she covered her face with her hands, "Wes." Whatever is was she couldnt get it out.

I put my hands over hers trying to pry them away from her face so I could see what was going on, "Hey, Chloe. No, its going to be okay." I gave up with trying to get her hands away from her face and just wrapped her in the biggest hug I was capable of, wresting my chin on the top of her head.

She backed away from my hug, "No! Wesley!" She said my full name, this couldnt be good, "Wes." She cried some more and I took a step closer, and she took a step back. She turned around and walked out of the room, I was just about to go after her when she came back into the room with a paper bag. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom, she tipped the bag over the bathtub as multiple little plastic sticks came pouring out, sticks with different shapes and designs. I looked a little closer, they where all pregnancy test. They all said negative. I looked at her as tears fell down her face.

Confusion went through me. If Chloe wasnt pregnant... what was she? She turned around and ran her fingers through her her, she didn that when she was trying to grasp a lot of thoughts going through her head.

"I dont think there is really any right way to say this... no there isnt." She took a deep breath, it looks like she wasnt only confronting me, but herself also. "Ive tried really hard to ignore this, but reality is Ive only knows for a week and its already getting worse." She let out a groan and tears filled her eyes again, I got closer to her wiping away the tears, "Wesley... I have Stage 2 brain cancer." She was stumbling over her words as she tried to explain, "Its, its spreading really fast already..... Wes?"

Everything was a blur, cancer? Chloe has cancer? I backed up towards my bed as I ran into it and it hit the back of my knees causing it to make me fall down backwards. I wish she was pregnant too. How could this even be happening? I looked at Chloe who was as scared as I was, she was slowly dying right in front of my eyes.

I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Are you going to try and like... fight it?"

She sat next to me, "The doctors office has called me like 20 times in the last week to start to schedule... Chemotherapy to try and kill it." She coughed like the words where poision as they escaped out of her mouth. "The tumor it growing really fast, the doctor said. Thats why I need to start Chemo as soon as possible." I looked over at her, she stared blankly at the bedroom door. Her green eyes looked at me, tears filled them, "I'm scared Wes."

I felt tears fall from my eyes that I was trying so hard to keep back, not to seem manly. But to hide that I was scared, because I could tell just how scared Chloe was. Now as she told me she was scared I couldnt hold it in anymore,I grabbed her and layed her head on my chest as if I could keep her away from all the bad things in this world by holding her, right here, just like this.

I was sacred, so fucking scared of losing her just as I finally got her. I knew I couldnt protect her from this, and it tore me apart. I was always able to protect her from anything that ever hurt her, and this... I just couldnt. I held her head eye level to mine.

"Chloe, you have to listen to me. You need to make those appointments. I need you, Chloe. I need you to be really tough, like I know you are. I need you to fight this thing so that you can stay here." I felt the tears falling down my face and watched the tears stream down Chloe's. "Chloe, promise me. I love you so much, I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."

She nodded her head then wrested it back on my chest, "I promise." I layed down and set her right next to me as I held her in my arms. "I love you too." I wanted to stay here, I wished I could freeze time and just stay right here. I knew, I had this feeling at the pit of my stomach that things where going to get a lot worse from here on.

After Chloe fell asleep I still wasnt able to fall asleep with so much on my mind. I walked down stairs to the computer to look up stuff on Brain tumors. I immediatly regreted looking anything up, because what I found made me more scared then before. The survival rate of Brain cancer was 43%.

43%. Chloe had a 43% chance of getting out of this alive, a wrested back in the chair as I let this new found information sink in. Death was really real now. Chloe could die. I put my hands to my face and just let the tears fall as I had a complete break down on the desk chair. I didnt anyone to wake up to I went outside and sat on the patio and just let it all out in loud sobs.

I couldnt hold it in, my sobs and tears just came out of me, I literally had no control anymore. Why is this happening?

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