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Looking in the mirror at myself I wondered who am I? How did I turn into this from a awkward teenager who would get stoned, played music all day and crushed on the girl next door? Everything that I ever could have wanted to happen was happening. My life is so perfect that I often wondered what I could have possible done to get all that I wanted, but it wasn't good to question fate. I walked out of the bathroom to the living room where Drew and Keaton sat.

"You ready?" Drew asked.

I took a deep breath, "Yep, lets hit it!"

We all walked out the door to my car and began to drive, this felt like the longest drive of my life. I was so nervous, this was it, this is what I have been waiting my whole life for. Every moment before this prepared me for this moment right now. We pulled in to the parking lot as valet took our car and desperate paparazzi tried to snap one picture. I walked in and it smelt like vanilla, Chloe's touch no doubt. We walked in the dressing room where Brent, my dad, and all the guys I couldn't live with out waited for us.

Jack McColl, one of my best friends, walked up to my giving my a high five and a hug. He slapped me on the back, "Bro, you aren't even on time to your own wedding?!"

I laughed, "Nah, man."

I looked around the room, yeah this is actually happening. Woah. I had to sit down. I wrested my chin on my hands and my elbows on my knees. I looked around at the Victorian styled room and all of the sudden it started to close up on me. Every painting of a naked angel and creepy old people was coming at my as the chandelier started to fall. What the hell?! I started to burn up, like someone had just set my clothes on fire. I had to get our of here, rushed to the baloney. The breeze calmed me, but I was still shaky, what was happening? Fuck, I could feel I was breathing heavy. Was I having a panic attack? There is no way, if there is anything I want more in this whole entire world it this right now. 

I wrest my elbows on the balcony and looked out onto the water, watching the waves come back and forth.

"Hey, babe."

I looked next to me and my mom stood there rubbing my shoulder, "Hi mom"

"So your little episode?" She raised her eyebrow.

"I don't know what happened, im not second guessing this I just.."

"Oh I know you aren't sweeting, you've wanted this since you where so young!"

I smiled, "Are you talking about when I said I was going to marry Chloe on the playground?"

She laughed, "What on earth else would I be talking about?" She grabbed my hand, "They always say not to take the things your kids say to heart when they are young, but I never forgot that comment you made that day. Even though you would also say you where going to marry Breezy," She laughed, "I knew the Chloe marriage was real. From when you where little you looked at her in this way, it something that you hardly ever see anymore, true love I suppose. I know you love her, and today is the day that you are able to have her forever." She kissed my cheek, "But no one will ever love you as much as I do." She pinched my cheek and walked back inside.

I took a deep breath and realized my mom was right, when was she not? I have always loved Chloe, and I know I always will, so this is the day I get to have her forever... however long that may be.

I walked back in where everyone was sitting. Everyone looked up at me and didn't have a chance to say anything before the wedding planner came in, "Alright groom and groomsmen, lets get this show on the road!" She clapped and led everyone out the door.

She walked us to the alter, and directed me to stand. I took a good look and my finger, this was the last time I would see it bare. I looked at the room full of people and then at the priest for smiled at me and mouthed 'god bless and good luck' and followed it with a wink.

Before I even had time to take a breath the wedding music began to play, my little cousin walked down the isle throwing flowers with my sister carrying baby Isaac and holding the rings. As they made their way to the alter my sister handed me the rings and kissed me in the cheek whispering I love you in my ear.

Then I saw her, she looked beautiful. My heard was beating at an abnormal speed and I found myself not being able to stop smiling. Her dad hooked arms with her as they walked down the isle. There where a lot of people but the only person I could see was her. Her dress was long and well... white. She gradually made her way to me, I couldn't wait to have her in my arms, to have her in my arms forever until forever expires. She got closer and closer until she was here, right in front of me. Her dad let her go and gave me an intimidating hug... but I was already use to those.

He handed her arm to me and I took it kissing her hand. She smiled at me. The infectious smile that grabbed you and would never let you go, the smile that made me know I was going to marry this girl. The smile that won me, the smile that grabbed me... and I never want to let go.

We stood holding hands in front of the priest, as the priest read us our vowels.

I looked into those minty green eyes, "I do."

She smiled as her eyes starred back at me, "I do." Pools started to form in my eyes as she smiled and set her hands on my face to wide away the tears.

"They're happy tears, I promise." I told her.

She smiled at me, "You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

I cupped her chin and pressed my lips against hers, then I looked at my wife, my unconditionally beautiful wife.

She was now finally mine, forever, how ever long forever is.


I don't know if y'all got as emotional from that as I did, but I did!! Well, this is the end. I haven't decided if there is going to be a prologue or not but it was really hard to end this story.. I loved it so much! I am in the works of writing a Drew one though! So keep an eye out for that one... well please leave your feed back in the comments, please!


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