Chapter 34: Suspence

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I stood there on one knee, awaiting the love of my life's answer. This was probably the happiest moment of my life I can't believe I actually got the balls to ask this insane question.

I saw her mouth open but didn't hear any words come out over the huge crowd. Drew gave her his microphone but wouldn't take it. What the hell is going on? He kept trying to hand it to her but she kept rejecting it. Then she got down on one knee eye level to me,

"Wes," She closed my hand ad returned it to my body. "No."

And just like that she waked off stage, the fans where almost as confused as I was. What the fuck. No one knew what was going on, and I was kind of thankful for that. I stood there in shock for a second and then I booked it for her. When I got back stage Jaryd told me that she had left the building in a hurry. I can't even explain what the hell was going through my head because that would require me to know just exactly what was going through my head. There was this medley of emotions going so fast that I had no idea no to handle it, I needed to talk to her. I ran outside and saw Chloe just as she closed her door, I sprinted to her and banged on her door. She in return didnt acknowledge me at all.

She kept her gaze straight forward, "Yes?"

"Why are you saying that like you don't know what this is about?" I rested my hands on her window preventing her from rolling it up even if she wanted too.

"You can't just ask a question like that and expect a yes, Wesley." her voice was so monotone... so cold.

"I just thought..."

"Well you fucking thought wrong, Wesley." She finally looked at me, "Get your hand off the window, I have to go."

"No, Chloe talk to me." I begged her. It was close to impossible to try and look into Chloe's mind, if she didnt want you to know something then you weren't going to know it.

She rubbed her temples, which she does when she is frustrated. "I'll talk to you when you get home."

And with that I took my hands off her window and let her drive off. I felt weird. I felt like what should have been the happiest moment of my life was stolen from me with the one person I wanted to share it with. I needed to sit down. I didn't even make it to the studio doors when I was sitting on the floor of the concrete, what the fuck just happened? I know for a fact that I love this girl, and I guess I was the idiot who believed the felt the same way back. Although that wasn't the case, I feel like there is something more. This doesn't feel like Chloe, she wouldn't just say no. I would literally do anything for this girl, if she told me to go catch the moon for her I would do it no matter what it takes. If Im not mistaken that is true love in my eyes. I can't even believe that she said no, It was such a rational decision I thought it was going to be romantic and that she wouldn't be able to say no to this gesture I just made, but then classic Chloe showed. She was famous for her unforgiving curve balls.

Everyone was standing around me asking me all these questions that I couldn't process fast enough to answer. Until finally I just got up and left, I walked outside not caring about all of my crazy fans. I called for a taxi and left.

When I hopped into the yellow cab the driver immediately asked, "Where to, sir?"

I slouched back, "9910 Beach Dr."

"Alrighty, it might be a little longer than usual because of all of this traffic, but I will get you there as fast as possible!" He smiled at me through the mirror, a nice genuine smile I could tell that came as natural as breathing to him.

It took about 45 minutes longer to get to my house than usual because of all of the traffic, but it's okay I needed it. I also needed to not be home right now, I needed to sort my thoughts out. The problem is I was never good at it, the person who was always there no matter what and who always helped me was my sister. Brie. I knew she would be home, I just needed to see her. When we pulled into my drive way I was so eager to see her. The man told me my total was $43 but all I had was a $100 bill so I just gave it to him as a New Years present, I could tell he was a nice genuine man, he deserved it.

I basically ran up the drive way, my whole family was there and where very surprised when I walked in. I asked around for my sister for a while until I finally found her sitting down on the computer drinking wine. Classic.

She turned around and saw me. She bursted into a smile but then it went down, she set her wine glass down and got up out of her chair. She grabbed me in a hug, "Whats wrong?"

Unexpected tears fell from my face, "Chloe."

"Is the worse?!" She looked me in the eyes.

"No..  not that.

"Than what??"

"I proposed." I wiped a tear from my face.

She smiled again, "That's great! Why do you seen sad about it?" I gave her a look and her smile went down again, "She... she said no???" I nodded my head yes, "Im confused."

"Not as confused as I am."

"There has to be a reason Wes, you know Chloe. Wes, I have never seen someone Love eachother as much as you guys do." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"I should talk to her, right?"

"Well... it would be the right thing to do, to see what she as to say."

"You're right."

"Ah! My two favorite words!" She smiled and pinched my cheeks, "But maybe you want to wait till the morning? There is a bunch of drunk idiot on the street right now."

I grabbed her in a hug and let my chin rest on the top of her head, "I love you."

"You know I love you most, Butt head."

This is exactly what I needed.

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