Chapter 50: Changes

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Willows P.O.V

The noise of beeping machines bore into me all of a sudden, enough to make me grit my teeth. I begin opening my eyes-

"-Hey, you." Says Drakob's voice sounding relieved, as I start attempting to open my crusty eyes to what feels like a really bad dream that's been left behind for the past, what seem forever.

My head is pounding, as if I'd been hit on the head extremely hard and repeatedly with a frying pan or something, leaving it throbbing in excruciating pain. I start blinking until the blurred white patches focus, to see Drakob's outlined, defined face form right before my distrustful eyes (which I was sure were lying about me seeing him at this point). But Drakob right here, right now at this very second with me! It can't be real.

It just...can't.

I stare, transfixed as well as trapped in those stormy eyes enveloped with grey fog they were the first to catch my attention. Not in a bad way, but in a way to forget everything that's happened, the power of concealment they can blanket me in so I do not have to face any more pain, to help me get lost in. Them eyes, the exact colour and long, wide spaced and slightly slanted shape I thought were only going to be present in my memory, were beaming at me right now.

"How are you? I can get your parents." He says rising from the chair he is sitting in right beside the bed I'm lying in. I try to rise to be informed on everything-to be told what the hell is going on exactly, but an overwhelming, intensified pain starting from my chest, crawls along to the rest of my body. Ignoring it, I push myself more to hold onto the bar's on the sides of the bed, when he gently pushes me to lie back down, "hey hold on there Willow, you've just woken up." He looks at the frowns I'm making from the pain I am feeling now, his softening eyes show me he understands. "You're in a lot of pain..."

I clear my throat to realise its lumpy, as if I haven't talked in a while, which brings me to my first of many questions. "So," I let out, shocked to hear my foreign sounding voice from my sore throat. "How long have I been been here, Drakob? How long have I been asleep unconscious? I must've really been saved from the capitol by twelve, I didn't imagine it after all..." I try to think back to my last memory of the short moment where I saw my Mom's face, the hovercraft, but my head and even thinking back in general feel cloudy.

"You were saved Willow, I still can't get over it! And now you're awake!" He lets out in relief. I smile in agreement. "And about that," he starts hesitating, "you'll be told soon. Not now, but soon."

I look at him whilst frowning slightly. "Um, what's with the secret? So you can't tell me, like at all?"

"I'd tell you myself, but I don't know if I'm the right person to do that. You will find out soon enough." He sighs, "but its been a long time."

As he says that, I think of Mom and Dad. "Where are my parents Drakob? Are they okay? Can I see them?"

"Whoa, you're full of questions. Not that I blame you of course." He says, giving a little half smile. "They both went out to get a drink not long before you woke up, and they're fine. They've been working on some stuff since you were rescued and have been doing a lot better lately. I can get them if you like..."

"No, no." I stop him. "It's ok for now-if they're going to be back soon, it is ok."

He nods at this and without realisation, we are staring at one another once more. It's like I'm still in a dream, his face reflects him feeling the same. My attention gets drawn away finally, when I feel a warm sensation rest upon my hand, the radiating heat it holds helps get my beyond freezing hand to a more neutralised temperature. Looking down, I see his hand over mine and he opens up his fingers to be conjoined into my own.

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