Chapter 5: Secrets

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Willow's P.O.V

This moment is so awkward and painful that you can hear a pin drop. So I run back home leaving Teal standing shocked and Tye with a slapped cheek.

I run all the way back to the victors village and run in the house, upstairs to my room, burying my head in my pillow. I'm hoping that my Dad maybe didn't see but I couldn't kid myself, even if he didnt.

There is a faint knock on my bedroom door.

"Go away." I murmer into my pillow, wanting to be left alone.

The person ignores me and walks in and sit's on my bed. I look up and its my Mom.

"Willow whats wrong?" She asks stroking my hair, she used to do this with me if I was upset when I was little...but has not done so in years.

"Why do you care? You haven't spoke to me in ages!" I complan, turning my back on her, "I'm guessing you've just got back from travelling again today."

She even knew I was right. For the last couple of month she has hardly been home, always moody, never talking to me and even Dad as much. Before this we were close...

"I know and I'm sorry," she apologizes. She must mean it if she is sucking upto me. "There is alot of things going on right now that you don't understand, everything is...very difficult. Thats why I've been travelling to other districts alot recently"

"Whats so difficult then?" I question her sitting up on my bed facing her, "I never seem to be told anything."

"Your too young Willow..." She sighs, starting to french braid my hair, "I know it's fustrating not being told what's going on but it's for you own good, not being burdoned or having to be worried about anything, I would not forgive myself. I just want the best for you..."

Tears are pouring down her cheek now. I could understand what she was saying, she is trying to protect me after all...

But from what?

"Oh Mom..." I turn around hugging her as she's crying, "Sorry for acting so moody laley, its just-"

"-No I am," Mom interupts, "Your just fourteen Willow and fustrated. It's me that has been acting bad latley."

"But why?" I ask.

"Like I said, not knowing is for your own good Willow, its much better if you don't." She cups my face with her soft hands, "but don't worry because everything is...fine. Ok?"

No. It was not fine. She wasn't convincing me one bit.

But I didn't want to fall out with my Mom any more so I just nodded and hugged her again.

"I love you baby," She whisperes in my ear, "don't ever forget that. Me and your father will always protect you and be by your side no matter what."

"Love you too," I reply hugging her back, "I know."

'Protect me nomatter what'. Why was she saying this?

Katniss' P.O.V

I have to tell her. I need to tell her. But I carn't, she will be burdened with it. The sheer thought of it scared me.

"Mom?" Willow spoke lifting her head up, "I need to tell you-"

"Katniss? Are you back?" Yells Peeta. She immeditly stops talking then burys her head into me. I can hear him running upstairs, "Willow, Katniss are you in here?" He adds then comes into her room.

"What is it Peeta?" I ask him as he reaches the top of the stairs.

"I came to see if you were back because you said your train stopped at District 12 before 3." He pauses and lookes at Willow. "Teal looked really upset and ran home aswell Willow, what happened?"

"Umm nothing. We...just fell out." She says casually.

I signal Peeta for us to go downstares and he nods and does.

"I'll call you when dinner's ready." I shout over to her, but of corse there is no reply.

We walk into our large kitchen and I sit down at the wooden table while Peeta walks over to the counter, both feeling nurvous.

"...Should I pour a cup of tea?" Peeta asks after anther pause.

"Yea," I say releaved. "That would be great."

When the kettle boiled, Peeta pours the steaming hot water into a cup and then passes the tea to me.

"Thanks." I croak cupping my frozen cold hands around the piping hot mug.

Peeta pulls up a chair next to me then starts stroking my hair. "So what happened in District 2 Kat?" He softly whispers in my ear, "Did you finally talk to...Gale"

His name sent shivers down my spine. I hate Gale for what he did all them years ago to...Prim but I had to goto District 2 and warn him and his wife about what was happening, for his son's Glenn and Grayson who are 12 and 18.

I sighed at his name. "Yes. I honestly thought about going back home instead a couple of time's, but I kept thinking of his son's, so I guess I didn't have a choice."

"You did the right thing Katniss," he smiles kissing my cheek. "How much did you tell him about Kenneth?"

"Well I tried to say as little as possible about Kenneth but I had to give him the general idea about everything going on."


"So, Gale and his wife said they were going to the capitol to find out more about what Kenneth is plotting and if he is, in fact planning to do anything evil. And...I said I would come too."

"Well I'm going to have to come with you," Peeta blurted. "We both know it's not going to be safe."

"No Peeta, you cannot. What about Willow?!" I ask sipping hot tea.

"Oh God I complatley forgot. You've already been away for two weeks around the Districts, so maybe I could just go and find out. Willow probley won't admit it, but shes been missing you Katniss." Peeta stated, putting his hand on his head.

"No." I drawed back, "Willow's a moody teenager, of corse she dosent miss me. She makes it clear for whenever I get back..." Tears start pouring down my cheeks now, "last time I got back, she wouldn't even look at me.

"Hey Kat, don't beat yourself up, she does not understand whats going on, she'll understand when she is older."

"You really think so Peeta?"

"I know so."

That night in bed, I couldnt get to sleep, partly because I was making up my mind about what to do about visiting the Capitol tomorrow and find out more about Kenneth Snoww. I was tossing and turning for what seemed like forever and horrible nightmares were creeping into my mind with Prim in...and the Hunger Games. Whenever I was close to falling asleep. I sat up and checked the alarm clock time: 4.20 am! I'm going to be exhausted.

"Peeta?" I whispered quietly. He must be fast asleep. "Peeta I know what to do tomorrow...when we go to the Capitol. "

"Mmmm." He mumbled.

I lay down again and hugged him tight, falling asleep instantly.

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