Chapter 10: Green Eyes

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As I step out of the small room, I can feel lots of eyes glaring at me.

Did they see me the whole time?

"You're good," complimented a tall girl approaching me with burgundy hair in large ringlet curls that falls just below her shoulders. Her light green eyes are beautiful and could stand out from a mile away.

"Thank you," I say going to try some more of the activities, she watches me as I walk off.

I try the weight lifting which I cannot even lift. I struggle even with the smallest weight, which is about the size of my palm but still very heavy. A girl with gingery-brown hair in a low bun started laughing at me, she was short with an hour glass figure with two boys: one with with dark brown hair, the other with black hair also giggling.

I move over to a couple more activities but do just as bad-apart from the identifying plants part, my Mom taught me all about them. I eventally give up and go back to the archery room to try and improve my aim.

I shoot more target's practicing repeatedly until my arms hurt. I was in there for hours so my aim feels much improved. When I finish, I put the bow back and head out to check the time, when the same girl who talked to me before aproches me again.

She starts looking down at the arrow I'm holding. "S-sorry to a-ask," she stuttered, "can you teach me please?"

I didn't know how to react, a girl I don't even know is asking me this. "Well that was the first time I've ever done it." I admit.

"You're the daughter of Katniss Everdeen she's meant to be amazing at shooting so of corse you've done it before."

"Nope, I haven't. Mom didn't want to teach me."

"Oh, sorry." She looks at the floor embarrassed. "I can see where your Mom was coming from. Who would of thought that the hunger games would start again."

Them words send a chill down my spine.

"I can still teach you if you want, I've just been practicing before." She enthusiastically nods her head and we enter the small room. "This will be my second time I've ever done this," I aim for the bright target and let go of the elastic like string. The arrow shoots perfectly in the centre.

"I could never do that." She says amazed.

"If you practice and aim carefully you could." I reassure. "Just slowly breathe and relax, then when it feels right, let go."

Before she can get a chance to shoot, the neon lights on the target fade and all the activities in the training centre stop. We get called over to go back to our rooms.

"Hey," the girls whisper, "would you like to ally?" As we walk to the glass lift.

"Em...Yes." I reply, "I'm Willow by the way."

"I know, the whole Capitol knows your name." She giggles, "I'm Autumn. From District 9."

Her name suited her perfectly.

We said bye to each other then I got onto the glass lift back to floor 12. I had to wait for other tributes to get off on floors before me, since I was on the top floor.

A boy, about sixteen was staring at me the way up to his floor two, giving me an evil look. I saw him giving me the same dirty look on the chariots.

He had tanned skin, a sweep of dark hair and extraordinary muscles with angry vanes popping out. As he and a girl that looked very similar to him got off, he still continued to glare at me until the lift door closed.


When I got back to floor twelve, no one was anywhere to be seen, "hello?" I called out.

"Willow," Drakob says walking out his room. He has sweat dripping down his forehead, obviously he's been working out and training. "Did you make any ally's?" He asks sitting down curiously.

"Yes! I did actually," I reply also sitting down. "Her name is Autumn and she's from District 9, she was so nice."

"Yeah well don't trust anyone in there." He grunted with his mood suddenly changing, "I won't. When you turn your back on them, they'll kill you."

"What about me?" He shrugged his shoulders expressionless. "I wouldn't do that to you. Were both from District 12...were a team." It takes a while but I add, "aren't we?"

He looked at me surprised by what I said. It was hard to admit to him, but I meant it. "I didn't know you thought that.." He still cannot look me in the eye.

"Well, yeah." I say a bit too harsh.

"Um..." He thought hard for a couple of minutes but eventually said, "...Ok. But you're my only exception. The rest can die for all I care." He says bitterly.

"Are you not going to make any allies then?" I ask.

"Nope," he puts his hands behind his head, relaxing his sitting position, "what's the point? Were gonna have to kill them anyways, they could slit you throat in your sleep, no matter how nice they make out they are."

I could see what he meant by this, but that was a bias way of looking at it. Maybe everyone else feels how we do about the games. I couldn't imagine Autumn killing me but she could. I can't imagine killing anyone in the training room like that creepy Career or...Drakob.

"Are you scared?" I ask him serious.

"Are you?"

Yes, beyond scared. I want to survive this for my parents, no words can describe how frightened I am to go in there. "...yes." I struggle to say, quivering of the thought and not wanting to say it out loud. Espeshly to Drakob. "What about you?" I repeat.

"Yeah, of corse I am." His face remains emotionless. "I just don't wanna show the Capitol that I'm weak."

"You're not weak," I disagree, "it's human nature to be scared of The Hunger Games." After a long pause I try and change the subject of death, "what weapon do you think your best at then?"

"Spear. I used to catch birds for my fami-Dad with sharp, long sticks I would make." He says instantly. "Yours?"

"I'm not sure. I was really bad at practically all of them...but I'm ok at shooting with an arrow," he nods.

"Like your Mom then."

"Yeah, I guess."

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