Chapter 4: Teal, Tye

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Willows P.O.V

"Mom, I'm going out." I shout to her walking out the door. I dont bother waiting for an answer and slam the door behind me.

Me and my Mom are close, but she has always been 'on edge' recently and is always snapping at everyone, espeshly me. She fusses whenever I go out or do anything and now that she's back from travelling around the Districts she seems worse. Much worse.

I am fourteen, not four...

Mom has been touring the Districts of Panem for weeks. I don't even know which one she's just got back from and honestly, I don't care.

Since I was nine five years ago when she- and sometimes Dad would go around the Districts, I've wanted to come with them but I'm not allowed to. Aprantly it's "for buisness" and I am too young. This really does annoy me.

It's affected our relationship dramaticlly.

While walking to the bakery to see my Dad, I bumped into Teal Mesmond, my best friend with her twin brother Tye. They both look very similar with dark hair, similar shaped faces and grey eyes. They sort of had similar features as my Mom.

"Hiya Wills!" Teal shouted hugging me tight.

"Cannot...breathe." I gasp for air, "Let...go."

"Sorry, sorry Wills your just so skinny, i'm suprised I didnt snap you." She joked.

I smiled with her, but I hate it when people comment about my weight. I have always been thin and eaten alot. My Mom and Dad say it's just the way I am built, but I hate the way I look. I have no hips, boobs or bum. Every other girl my age seems to have developed a figure and curves atleast abit more than I have.

"So where you off to then Willow?" Tye questioned me, half a minuite later he adds, "hello? Um Willow?"

"Sorry, sorry," I stutter reliasing he was talking to me while I was day dreaming. "I am going to see my Dad."

"Aww Will's your such a Daddys girl, it's cute."

She was right, I go and see my Dad nearly everyday. I am defenoutly a Daddys girl-not a Mommy's girl. I think that I am around my Dad more because he is more laid back than Mom and less petulant. Teal thinks that it is cute, she says that I am lucky to have such a kind, loving Dad since hers walked out on her when she and Tye were babies. She likes my Dad too, alot...

"Can I come with you Wills? Your Dad is soooo nice and mega cute!" She adds.

"Thats gross Teal, he's my Dad and is like...old." I feel bad for saying this, but he kinda was to me.

She rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "No he's not Willow thats horrible!"

"Whatever," I say turning and walking off.

"Wait for us Wills!" Whines Teal catching up with me, her brother following.

When we get to my Dad's bakery, Tye asks if he can talk to me and I nod. Teal goes into the bakery to talk to my Dad, with no intrest in waiting for us. She's very outgoing and loud when she is talking to people and will rant on about something for ages. I am completley the opposite and more 'to the point'.

"So...uh," Tye says awkwardly, lost for words. "There is something I need to tell you..."

Me and Tye never normally talk, or even so much as exchange glances to each other for that matter. At school, he has been out with a lot of girls. All of them pretty, he is known to be quite 'popular'. I on the other keep to myself more and I am normally quiet. When I first started High School, lots of people wanted to be my friend and get to know me and they referred to me as 'Mockingjays daughter', 'Everlark's daughter' or even 'the pretty girl' which I found really strange. But when people realised how quiet and withdrawed I was when it came to The Hunger Games, they layed off sucking upto me so much (even though I am still called these). I do have a 'good' amound of friends I guess, but me and Teal had always been best friends since our first day of school.

"Tell me what?" I ask dumbfounded, "we hardly talk..." I say maybe abit too harsh.

Tye seems slightly taken aback by what I said to him, "that I like you and think your really attractive. Will you go out with me?"

I almost fall when he asks me this. Why does he want to go out with me? We never talk or anything...

"I...don't know." I gulped lost for words to say.

"Oh come on Willow, why not? you." I flinch from what he says, "Come on Mockingjay." He jokes smiling.

Out of nowhere he unexpectidly lunges both arms onto the brick wall and then kisses me harshly on the lips.

It was not a good kiss, it's too strong and forced, making me suck in my lips and try to wriggle away from him. When I do I hold back my right arm and slap him hard on the cheek with all the rage and anger he has given me, which makes his face go scarlett red.

Wow that felt good.

"What the hell Tye?! Why did you kiss me?!" Before he can even answer I add, "Just wait out here for Teal then go."

Tye is looking with his head to the bakery.

"You might want to turn around Willow." Tye muttered.

"For god's sake why-" I hiss. I turn left to face the bakery window to see Teal with a wide open mouth staring at us.

Thank god my Dad didn't see, his body is turned away from the window...

...or did he?

Teal starts mouthing something to me and Tye that I can't make out, but I'm trying not to look at her and keep my eyes on the ground. Her face is now stone angry.

I have just had my first kiss with a complete jerk and when I thought it could not get any worse,

it just had.

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